Shattered Abyss Geographic Location in The World of Pitesia | World Anvil
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Shattered Abyss

Within the Dark Kosmos lies the crumbled remains of a plane of darkness known as the Shattered Abyss. Previously called the Halls of the Abyss, it was sundered by Estes, God of the Sun in a rage against Moiere, Goddess of Undeath and an attempt to find and displace her. Since it's destruction, however, the Halls fractured into smaller pockets amongst the void, each Shard growing different and distant to the others amongst the Dark Kosmos.   These demiplanes of darkness are devoid of true life, and as such often become the homes of partially dead beings, those with no emotion, nor color to their skin. Many of Moiere's highest ranking clergy or personal shadowbeings became the leaders of these pockets, and many still covet their place among the Shards.
Dimensional plane
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