A Long Overdue Journey

Crystal was finally on the road again, and it felt so good. She felt free and alive, more than she had in years. While she was opposed to the idea as it was presented to her initially, Crystal did end up posting about her experience. Not in an exploitative way like her agent wanted her to, but as a way to showcase both the highs and lows of a trainer’s life, and to help share what she knew and maybe inspire other girls out there to follow their own dreams. Of course, this was a big hit and her followers online started cheering her on—eventually, many would show up at her gym matches, gathered in large crowds to support her. Of course, a lot of her followers were rabid stans that sent threats to her opponents, so Crystal did have to make numerous disclaimers and requests to…you know, not do that.

Crystal Works Harder

One by one, Crystal attained one badge after another. She met new friends, built a brand new team from scratch, and had a number of new adventures. She passed up a cruise on the SS Anne so he could train to fight Lt. Surge (a gym leader she hadn’t fought the first time). In fact, with some exceptions (because of the number of gyms in Kanto meant there would be overlap) she decided to focus on the gyms she hadn’t visited last time.   Of the gyms she hadn’t gone to the first time through the circuit was Fuchsia City. She had been intimidated by it back then. But she was determined now to return home and, for her eighth badge, she would face her childhood hero in battle. Crystal returned to her hometown and didn’t waste any time finding Koga and challenging him to a battle. Koga graciously accepted.   “Young Miss Lear. Welcome back. It has been some time since you were here last.”   “You…remember me?” Crystal asked, “That was almost ten years ago…”   “Yes. A ninja remembers.” he said stoically, “Just as I remember what you asked me that day: how to become as strong as I was. Do you remember what I told you?”   “Yes.” she said, and said the words that has motivated her so many times, “To work hard, and when I couldn’t keep going to work harder.”   Koga smirked. “You remember. I will see if you have followed my advice. Prepare yourself—-let us see how far you have come.”   The two clashed and it was a harder battle than she’d had against Giovanni back in the day. Koga came at her with everything he had, but Crystal refused to give him any ground; she would not lose now….and she didn’t! Crystal earned a hard-fought victory and received her Soul Badge. But even better to her was the look of pride on Koga’s face.   “You have done well, Lear-san. Now return to the Indigo Plateau and make your city proud.”