Pokemon: Seasons

Pokemon: Seasons is a sequel and spin-off series of Pokemon: The Indigo Chronicles staring aspiring trainer and adventurer Aerik Hargraves in the Unova region. Seasons begins with Aerik preparing to go to Nuvema Town to receive his first starter Pokemon from Professor Aurea Juniper despite note being accepted into the starter program formally. Aerik wouldn't be given a typical Unovan starter but instead would have Emolga become his first pokemon.  


Main Article:List of Seasons Episodes
It is unclear how many chapters are slated for Pokemon: Seasons although the current episodes are labeled as "Chapter I" suggesting there will be at least two chapters. Currently the series has one chapter containing 10 episodes.


Main Article: List of Seasons Characters 


  • Barring appearances from Dream World versions of characters, Aerik Hargraves, Emolga, and Felicity Brannon are the only characters to appear in all 13 episodes of Pokemon: Seasons.