Accumula Team

The Accumula Team is a Unovan group of friends formed in Accumula town and featured in Pokemon: Seasons. The group consist of teenagers who all go to either Ridgepoint Academy or The Accumula School or Arts. While the group was initially staying in Accumula Town while member Aerik Hargraves would leave for their trainers journey; the group found themselves tagging along from city-to-city to support their friend and get involved in the adventure themselves.


The Accumula Team doesn't have a true "start date" as, with most friend groups, they naturally formed over time. The arguable origin of the team is when Darcie and Aerik became friends in 2011 in primary school when Darcie came over to defend and comfort a sad Aerik who was upset during a mothers day project and warded off the bullies picking on him. When more members of the team would befriend the group it was less like becoming friends with two best friends and more like becoming the third best friend, fourth best friend and so on.   Zyran became the third to become friends with the group when they had to repeat grade 5 and Aerik became friends with him. Colton would become the fourth member shortly after when his family moved to Accumula town and he found it hard to make friends. In 2013 Tessa would ask out Zyran on a 'date' in respond to a dare and Zyran would playfully accept to boost her confidence. Tessa become known as "the cool kid with older friends" after that. The same year Tessa became a member, Accumula Academy of Art student Wynn Masuda would meet Aerik at the local fair and the two would become fast friends With Aerik going over to his house many nights during the school week. Wynn's younger sister Kia was in the same grade as Tessa and went to school with her and she naturally became a member of the group as well. The final member is Felicity Brannon who started dating Zyran in the middle of 2018.


The Accumula Team is decently known through other social circles of the same age group in Accumula Town. Some view them as "the cool kids" who show up to house parties together and have claimed both The Record Bin and Pat's Deli as their "turf." Other see them as somewhat pretentious, believing that they are "too cool" to let others in their little club; and a select group of others think they are pests that are capable of drinking all your alcohol and destroying your house.   They are notably a hodgepodge of individuals with people like Zyran Antilles and Tessa LeBlanc who are immensely well liked at their schools, Wynn Masuda the artist prodigy and even "mean girl" Felicity Brannon. That being said people like Colton Springsteen and Kia Masuda are often times seen as "only known because of who they are associated with.


Each members brings something new to the table. As stated by Aerik in episode 6 everyone has a role, job and responsibility-- although not all of these roles have been revealed. While the group is close knit and friendly it's somewhat difficult to integrate into the group at times. If you spot one member of the Accumula team it's likely one, two or the rest of them are near by.

Darcie Summers

Darcie is the friendly face of the group who is "the organized one" despite her organization being "all over the place" and "disheveled." She is among one of the easiest members of the group to approach and the friendliest. She is the one who usually organizes the group, knows everyone's birthdays and favorite foods and is the closest thing they have to a "planner." This has caused Aerik to reference to her as the "Leader" or "Captain." Her drink of choice is a cranberry vodka and is quite loud and excitable, more so than usual, when drunk.

Aerik Hargraves

Aerik is the likeable and care-free member of the group. He generally is focused on having a good time at parties. He, alongside Kia, act as the mediators and "jury" of the group-- often times seen as the final votes as to whether the group should go through with some shenanigans or chill out instead. Aerik spends his time doing hand stands or climbing things when he is drunk-- and sometimes he climbs things he shouldn't. Aerik doesn't smoke cigarettes but does enjoy sitting around a hookah. His tends to drink a Castelia or a negroni, though he isn't too picky. Aerik usually gets drunk fast but is typically one of the last to go to bed for the night.

Zyran Antilles

Zyran is the tough and loveable athlete with a smile. He's the tallest and broadest of the group as the only one who breaks six feet, and often the reason no one would dare pick a fight with any of the members. He is also immensely popular at Ridgepoint due to his prowess as an athlete and general popularity-- even if he has the worst grades of the bunch. He is referenced as "Security" or "First Mate" by Aerik. His favorite drink is a can of beer with a cheap shot and is noted for getting red cheeks and being jovial when drunk.

Colton Springsteen

Colton is the nerdiest member of the group and is somewhat of a troll. He'll show up to parties in ironic shirts beneath a blazer and always walks with purpose at parties. He is the most likely to come up with a scheme or prank and is usually the one spearheading "operations" like that. He's the one "With the house and nice stuff" of the group and usually host their get togethers. Colton loves any drink made with rum-- and is usually the first one to pass out for the night. Colton smokes mentholated cigarettes.

Tessa LeBlanc

Tessa goes to the Accumula Academy of Arts focusing on film and photography. While anyone in the group could be called "cool" in their own weird way, Tessa is the definition of it. Loving bands that no one has heard of or being able to watch a film and point out "Oh! That guy played the dude that sold guns in Corpse Fuckers 3!" Aerik refers to her as the "Chronicler" since she is always taking pictures of the group together. It should also be noted that while Darcie might pick to go to a movie or claim they should listen to music-- It is always Tessa that picks the film or soundtrack for the night. She can commonly be found outside on a porch smoking a cigarette and drinking an old fashioned.

Wynn Masuda

Wynn is the artist prodigy and a featured student at the Accumula Academy of Arts. He has a strange personality and can be off-putting by being so blunt and direct. Despite this his status and accomplishments make him well known. Wynn smokes clove cigarettes. Wynn lacks a signature drink. He can drink a enjoy a good bourbon and talk about it's age or drink half-drank beer sat left out at a party. His stubbornness escalates when drunk and can be very difficult to reason with; which that responsibility is usually left to Aerik or Kia.

Kia Masuda

Kia is one or the more well-rounded individuals in the group. She does dabble in photography like her best friend Tessa but relies more on raw talent due to her not going to the school of arts and instead attending Ridgepoint. She is known for poking around house parties and even being "harmlessly mischievous" by moving family pictures around or rearranging silverware cabinets. Aerik claims that alongside himself, Kia is another member of "The Jury" as the two tend to be the most unbiased and able to make decent judgements. Kia is also "The Mixologist" as she mixes the best drinks of the anyone in the group. Her favorite drink is a gin and tonic. Her curiosity escalates when she drinks either by her suggesting the group play truth or dare or simply having an hour long conversation with someone.

Felicity Brannon

Felicity has the reputation of a "mean girl" at Ridgepoint and joined up with the Accumula Team through dating Zyran Antilles. Felicity tends to look more on the "realistic" and "practical" side of things and will often voice her opinion if the group is getting too "wild" or, in her terms, "idiotic." She is also the best at beer pong and various other drinking games. Felicity is very picky about what she drinks but loves a well-made Vesper.  


The Accumula Team are very close friends. Basic trivia about one another such as favorite colors, bands, drinks and foods are common knowledge to one another. Even more "personal" things like typical bathroom break times are noted by Colton and Darcie. They also know one another's distastes quite well. Tessa or Darcie almost always eat the pickle that comes with Aerik's sandwiches, Wynn knows that Colton doesn't like the taste of typical toothpaste and buys him a special flavor for when he stays over and Darcie is well aware that Felicity does not like vanilla.   They commonly spend weekends at one another houses. Harrison Hargraves, Aerik's father, not even flinching when he comes home late to find Darcie asleep on the couch with the TV on. The LeBlanc's set a spot at their table for Kia nearly every night. Aerik has his own room at the Antilles house and would still go over and have dinner with Zyran's mom even after Zyran left for Kanto. Everyone has an extra shirt and a toothbrush at the Springsteens.   The group has no problem sharing space, barring Felicity at times. They share drinks, are constantly hugging and leaning on one another and even feed one another often. The concept of it being awkward when sitting close to one another or sharing a bed doesn't exist within the group.  


  • There was another group of friends who called themselves "The Accumula Crew" however this caused Wynn and Colton to grow quite upset and somehow force them to change their name.
  • There was a rumored ninth member of the team to be planned who attended Hillside Pre School, however they were dropped due to the cast already being quite large or time restraints.