Alexa Rousseau

Alexa Rousseau is an recurring character in the Pokemon: New Horizons. A driven and ambitious journalist from Lumiose City with the dream of becoming a world-renowned reporter. She has a nature that is at once protective and cautious while also being headstrong in her search for the truth.  


Alexa is a passionate young journalist, ambitious and eager to break into real reporting. She is intelligent, professional, and earnest. She is a true believer in the importance of the news, and the role it should play in society. Alexa isn’t as interested in fame as she is uncovering truth and helping to make a better society. A certified workaholic, Alexa has been driven even from an early age; as a kid she focused more on her studies, rather than friends, boys, sports, or even other hobbies. Despite this focus, and a naturally competitive nature, she believes that success is not the only thing that matters. She doesn’t want to achieve her dreams through hurting others or taking advantage of people. She is an honest person, generally speaking, and wants to earn her success “the right way”, or else it won’t mean anything at all.

She is an observant person, capable of noticing smaller details or holes in someone’s story that others might overlook. This has helped her develop a good sense of people; Alexa is a good judge of character. However, her earnest nature sometimes leads to her trusting the wrong people from time to time.

Alexa is well-read; she is familiar with countless books, poems, movies, and bits of cultural information from around the world. She is friendly and approachable; while her little sister is chill and relaxed, Alexa is perky and talkative.

She is a responsible and nurturing woman. Much of that stems from being the older sibling through a tumultuous childhood. She is protective of others, especially her sister, and has a habit of being a bit nagging; she makes sure people eat, sleep, and take care of themselves.

Of course, that doesn’t always apply to herself; she would be the first to suggest that she can be a hypocrite. She is extremely passionate about her career, often pulling all-nighters in her fervors. She is sometimes so engrossed in her work that she forgets to shower, eat, or even sleep. Viola claims that when she’s “in the zone”, Alexa can work through a house fire!

Alexa can also be a bit absent-minded; her mind moves fast and is constantly moving from subject to subject and thinking about new articles, so she sometimes forgets simple things. This most commonly translates into things like forgetting her keys, or trouble with grocery lists or phone numbers. It’s a common sight for her to enter a room and suddenly forget why she’d gone inside to begin with!

This does not mean that she is an airhead, though. Alexa is extremely intelligent; if it’s a subject she cares about, her mind is like a steel trap. She is also very clever and resourceful, especially in emergencies. For example, she was able to not only survive an ambush by Team Relic in the middle of the night, but she managed to elude one of their best trackers for nearly a day before being found by friends.

This resourcefulness also translates into her astonishing amount of street smarts. Despite being relatively straight-laced and an honor student, Alexa knows her way around Lumiose City in unconventional ways. She knows every back alley and side street as well as the main avenues; she can find anyone in the city, and can help you find whatever it is one might be looking for. She is acquainted with just as many criminals and street toughs as she is genteel society damsels. She also excels at research and fact-checking: two more skills she picked up in her dedicated pursuit of good grades.

Working at the Lumiose Press is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, she has her foot in the door in the place she’s wanted to work since the 4th grade. On the other hands, office politics and a boy’s club of ancient paper veterans means that she’s having a real hard time being taken seriously enough to get her other foot in the door. Her ideas are often dismissed or overlooked; a few stories she’d submitted were either not approved because she was being “paranoid and emotional” about a subject, or the editor-in-chief would simply pass the story on to one of his veteran reporters. She’s struggling not to become disillusioned in her career choice, but writing copy in a crowded bullpen isn’t what she had in mind when she wanted to work in the news.

Interms of Pokemon, Alexa is a competent battler but lacks the in-depth knowledge or flair of a Career Trainer. She doesn’t consider herself much of a trainer—it’s just her and Helioptile against the world, really—she does love and respect all Pokemon.


Alex is tall and attractive, with shoulder-length brown hair and dark brown eyes that contain a hint of mauve. She tends to dress in a manner that is both professional and practical; she tends to wear turtlenecks, pencil skirts, and often wears a dark blazer when the weather permits. She also wears a pair of glasses to help with her near-sightedness.

She has a keener sense of style and fashion than her sister. Whether at the office, at the beach, or at a dinner party, Alexa dresses sharp, modest, and flattering.


Main Article:Detailed History (Alexa Rousseau)
Alexa was born in a small town in northwest Unova. Her happy childhood was shattered, however, when the Great War started and her hometown would be bombed, killing her father. Her mother smuggled Alexa and Viola into Kalos to escape the fighting and try for a better life. Her mother would eventually marry an artist named Boris Rousseau for citizenship, allowing them to live in a comfortable house in Lumiose City.

While Alexa was traumatized by the experiences of her childhood, she continued working hard to succeed in school. She also helped watch and take care of Viola. The two grew close through their childhoods, and still deeply care for one another as adults.

After school, Viola enrolled in university to pursue a career in journalism. With a degree, Alexa worked as a glorified coffee-fetcher at the Lumiose News Channel (LNC) for a year before getting an entry-level position at the Lumiose Press.

Alexa has worked at the Lumiose Press for nearly three years as a copy editor. She is desperate to make a name for herself and report on actual news, she struggles to get anybody to take her seriously, and is constantly in search of a “big story."


On Hand



Other Accomplishments

  • Valedictorian of her graduating high school class.
  • Graduated magna cum laude from university with a bachelor’s in journalist.


Main article: Complete List of Appearances (Alexa Rosseau)


  • Alexa was the first character Mige met in Kalos and the third cannon character from Kalos that Mige met overall.
  • Alexa is fluent in three languages; Kalosian, Gallish, and Unovan.
Full Name: Alexa Greta Rousseau
Nicknames: Lexi (Viola), Al (Cassius)
Birthday: October 28, 1996 (aged 23)
Hometown: Lumiose City, Kalos
Anville Town, Unova (born)
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5’07"
Boris Rousseau (adoptive father)
Luanne Rousseau (mother)
Viola Rousseau (younger sister)
Joshua Romero (biological father, deceased)
Blood Type: AB+
Occupation: Copy Writer, Lumiose Press
First Appearance: Tres bien! Life in the City of Light!
Status: Alive