Andrew Finkle

Andrew Finkle was a character in Pokemon: Seasons and a aide for the regional professor Aurea Juniper. He specialized in geology and haD an affinity for Rock-type Pokemon.


Andrew Finkle was a good natured and friendly guy who took his job seriously, but not so seriously that he couldn't have a little fun with it! He was very intelligent and when it came to minerals, rocks, and metals his expertise was unparalleled.   He grew up around rocks, coming from a mining family, and his fascination with them started early and blossomed into a fulfilling career as a scientist working for one of the most prestigious minds in the country. At the time of his death, he was among the Aides working with Professor Juniper longest, at six years.   He loved rocks and collected them as a personal hobby. His collection was extensive, his favorites displayed on shelves around his home, and with bins on bins held elsewhere. He liked to spend his weekends polishing and categorizing his rocks while watching science-fiction movies. He often invited others to join him, and nobody but Jenn ever took him up on it.   While he grew up in Driftveil City, he lived in both Nacrene City and Castelia City throughout his years in college. But Nuvema Town is really where he called home. He loved the quiet town, he loved the bay and watching the boats, and he loved the diverse array of rocks that one could find in the beach and the fields around the area.   Andrew was often the butt of jokes and teasing, especially from Lindt. He did his best to take it in stride, though. He was grateful for his job, and tried to make the best out of every day.  


  Andrew was average height, with narrow shoulders and a slight paunch. His brown hair was usually combed but never styled, and by afternoon it tended to settle back into being a bit unkempt. He had large ears and a big smile. His grey eyes were hidden behind black horn-rimmed glasses.   His style was pretty conservative; Andrew was the kind of guy who dressed the same at home as he does at work, except that he didn't wear a tie or a lab coat at home.   When "on the hunt" for rocks, or when hiking or otherwise needing to be "on-site", he wore a sturdy t-shirt, a vest with pockets, and cargo shorts. He also had what he calls a "safari hat" and a red bandanna that he wore around his neck. He called it his "lucky bandanna" and always had it with him in the field.


  Andrew Finkle was born in Driftveil City, the son of a mine foreman that worked under a competitor of Clay. He and his younger sister would both be home-schooled, and spent many days at the mine site. Andrew was always amazed by the beautiful stones that they pulled out of the mountain, and was aghast when his father referred to the samples as "worthless".   When he turned twelve, he would sneak to the site and try to "rescue" as many rocks as he could. He would be caught pretty quick and his father would reprimand him for "stealing company property". It didn't stop him from going back a few weeks later.   While his family had made their living from the mountain for four generations now, Andrew's heart lay elsewhere. His grades were good enough to begin his undergrad studies in Iccirus City, before transferring to Castelia City the next year. For his graduate studies, Andrew enrolled in the university in Nacrene City and got a job as an assistant to Hugh Konrad, the museum's director and husband to Lenora Boone, the local gym leader.   After only a year in Nacrene City, though, Andrew learned that Professor Juniper was in need of a geologist for her team. He was convinced by Mr. Konrad to apply and, to his own surprise, Andrew was chosen for the position. He moved out to Nuvema Town soon after, and the rest is history.   He has worked at the Juniper Lab since December of 2014, and he loves his job. He always makes sure to meet the new hires, giving them a "Welcome Basket" when they show up for their first day of work.  


On June 23, 2020, Andrew and Theodora were chosen to accompany Professor Juniper to Lentimas Town in an effort to find the Volcanic Observatory and reestablish contact. Finkle was grateful for the chance; he had been monitoring the situation and found a lot of it to be strange and a bit unnatural. He was eager to see things up close to shed some light on it.   In Lentimas Town, he was pleasantly surprised to see both Jenn and Aerik again. He even spent the day with them and their friends, and made a new friend in Roark. During the hike up the mountain, Finkle was extremely eager about all of the rocks they found, and he and Roark often geeked out about them at camp. It has a hard trip on Finkle's body but he made it.   By the time they got there, they had spent around four days on the mountain and he was increasingly convinced that the volcano was going to erupt--soon. While collecting some mineral samples, the Observatory came under attack. Finkle ran inside as armed mercenaries attacked the observatory. He and Theodora were put in charge of getting Felicity, Darcie, and Wayne the Youtuber to safety.   Finkle mentioned that when the volcano erupted--and it was going to, soon--they needed to be clear of this ridge. If they somehow couldn't get to the basement shelter, then there was a ridge further down the mountain that they passed on the way up. If they can get there before the eruption, they might survive. He gave Theodora a brief description before Theodora told him to can it; they can think about that later.   Theodora decided they needed to get to the nearby garage for safety, but when they got outside they were attacked by one or more masked assailants--seemingly with the ability to teleport. Finkle distracted them by shooting a flare gun at them. Wayne ran off in another direction, and Felicity was bringing Darcie and an unconscious Theodora to cover behind some crates nearby. Finkle took the opportunity to re-load the flare gun and run for the stairs to the observatory's roof, intending to use the flare to both warn Jenn and Aerik to stay away and alert any Rangers in sight.   Unfortunately, the Masked Assailant appeared in front of him and Finkel ran right into his blade. Finkle dropped the flare gun and was stabbed several more times. Finkle collapsed in a pile of blood and ragged tears, before the Masked Assailant finished him by cutting his neck. Finkle bled out soon after.   Finkle's body was irretrievable after Genesect's attack and likely turned to ash after the volcano's eruption soon after.


  Andrew wasn't the most popular guy at work. He didn't have great social skills and tended to ramble. His tendency to go "rock hunting" along the beach, as well as his habit of stopping to pick up a random rock while going for walks and shouting 'rock!' had earned him a reputation for being a weirdo.  


  Andrew was not a trainer, per se, but he did has a single Pokemon: a Quirky Roggenrola nicknamed Nodule (but usually referred to simply as "Nod"). He has it on him when he was killed. It's Poke Ball was retrieved by Darcie after Genesect's attack, and she presumably still has it.

Previously Owned



  • Since he's homeschooled, he graduated from high school at only 16 years old.
  • Founder and President of the "Rock and Mineral Club" at Castelia University.
  • Former Assistant at the Museum of Natural History in Nacrene City.


  So far, Andrew Finkle appeared in two episodes of Pokemon: Seasons before his death.  


  • His favorite movie was The Majorodomo; a fantasy-space epic.
  • Andrew was afraid of deep water and had a crippling phobia of Gyrados.
  • For reasons nobody quite understood, Andrew didn't like Bill Fjord very much and found him to be "quite overrated".
Full Name: Andrew Rory Finkle
Nicknames: The Fink; Stinkle (Lindt)
Date of Birth: January 13, 1994 (aged 26)
Hometown: Driftveil City, Unova
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Ash Brown
Height: 5'10"
Relatives: Isaac Finkle (father), Amelia Finkle (mother), Lauren Finkle (younger sister)
Blood Type: AB-
Occupation: Aide (Professor Sycamore)
First Appearance: The Start of Something Big (SS001)
Status: Deceased - Killed by a Masked Assailant (July 04, 2020)