Celosia Aveline

Celosia Aveline is a major character in Pokemon: New Horizons, and close friend of Mige Fjord. Celosia is a brash and somewhat confrontational young woman who is as brilliant as she is talkative. One of Lysandre’s four apprentices, she is a genius in the fields of software engineering, electronics, and computers. Celosia is also a psychic, with a particular knack for telepathy and mental influence.    


  Celosia is cheerful and talkative; she is extroverted and good at reading others. She likes people, especially those who she finds to be “interesting” people. While she can come across as a temperamental brat sometimes (because she absolutely can be), Celosia tends to leave a good first impression on others, generally speaking, and when she tries to, she can be extremely charming and friendly—though this is usually an act to get whatever it is that she’s after. She is surprisingly good at saying what others want to hear, and can use others’ fear, insecurities, or desires to her advantage; she is an effective manipulator.   She is the only extrovert among Lysandre’s Apprentices, something that often leads her to butt heads with her fellow apprentices, especially Bryony. This also means that Celosia is often the face of the group, a role she readily fills without being asked. While they may clash ( and do so often), and despite her constant desire to “get away from them”, Celosia does secretly care about the other girls, even Bryony. She’s extremely protective of them, and has even referred to them as her sisters before. But never to their faces.   Celosia is energetic and impatient, with a habit of fidgeting; she bounces her leg, twiddles her fingers, draws on her hand or a table, and so on when she’s forced to sit in one place for too long. She loudly groans and complains when faced with anything she finds to be tedious or boring—which is most things. It’s common for her to drag her feet, loudly mumbling passive-aggressive jabs the whole time. Of course, this is due in part to the way her brain works. Her mind constantly races a hundred miles an hour, and she finds it difficult to focus or settle down. This leaves her constantly agitated, tired, and desperate for some kind of engagement.   This often results in Celosia either getting into trouble or causing it. She likes to push buttons and agitate people for fun, and loves to prank others. She is fairly wild and unpredictable, and her mercurial nature often compels her to keep pushing boundaries. She is pretty nosey and stubborn, often reading peoples’ minds without permission. This habit, combined with her surprisingly strong powers of observation, allows her to dissect others, learn their behaviors and ticks, and root out their insecurities. Depending on her mood, she can be incredibly supportive and affectionate, or cutting and almost cruel. While she doesn’t seem to have any compunctions about doing so, she does not read Mige without his permission.   Another things to note is that Celosia doesn’t like authority. She has shown a strong distrust and hatred of police, and is very cynical when it comes to the subject of politics. This also extends to smaller and more personal levels, though, as she visibly chafes when she’s told what to do. Even if she planned on doing something, the second she’s asked or told to do that task she won’t want to anymore. Because of this, she and Mabel tend to clash fairly often. The only person who she doesn’t seem to rebel against is Lysandre, who she has stated has her deepest respect.   While she can be hyperactive, overly emotional, mean-spirited, and even a bit childish at times, Celosia is extremely intelligent, cunning, and observant. She is a literal genius, able to do things with computers and electronics that amaze even Mige. She designed a way to hack ATMs using a shitty laptop when she was 12 years old, and her work has only gotten more impressive since then. For example, she is one of the people who helped design the newest edition of the HoloCaster, having help design the code that the device and all of its apps runs on. She is also the first person to decipher and restore the previously garbled “Candidate #03” paper.   Celosia exhibits a much darker side from time to time. She is already willing to do whatever she needs to do to survive and keep the few people she cares about safe, but there is something much deeper and much more dangerous inside of her. She has confessed to having murdered her abusive parents in a fire at 11 years old, and has no issues mentally messing around with and influencing people, subtly using her telepathy to manipulate them. A recent example of this is Celosia’s recent habit of planting intrusive thoughts and giving nightmares to people, specifically to Crystal and Jenn. She just wants them gone and if she has to dig up old traumas to do it, so be it. At least she’s not hurting them (physically anyway).   She has also displayed a deeper well of psychic power than she thought she had, brought to the surface due to the rage and fear she felt at the agents of The Organization that were trying to take Clem. She used a much more potent form of telekinesis than she was used to, and seems to tear open a portal that horrible mangled the other agent. It was only thanks to Mige and Clem that she snapped out of that state—and it was only because of Clem that she let the other agent go.   This aspect of her does scare her a little, but at the same time the surge of power felt good, and she’s grateful that she was able to use it to save Mige and Clem. She wonders if she can find a way to harness and control that state to their advantage…    

Physical Appearance

  Celosia’s time on the street left her severely malnourished, and even when she did get to eat it was usually scraps, junk food, coffee, and so on. This has resulted in the stunting of her growth, and she appears to be younger than she actually is. She has is waifish and thin, standing only 4’11”. Despite trying to dress and hold herself like an adult, she is often mistaken for a child, something that frustrates her immensely.   Celosia has large, expressive eyes of a vivid violet color. Like many with mystic abilities, this strange mutation is natural. Her purple hair, however, is not; her hair’s natural color is platinum blonde so light that it is almost white. She dyes her hair, and has regularly done so for years. She wears her hair most often in pigtails, though she sometimes wears it in a single ponytail. For special occasions, such as the dinner with Valerie, she wears her hair in intricate braids. She enjoys styling her hair, and absolutely hates wearing it down; she doesn’t like how she thinks it makes her face look. She paints her fingernails a variety of colors, and rarely ever paints them uniformly; her fingernails are often colorful and eclectic, and tend to change every few days.   She favors clothes in shades of black, red, and green. She likes to layer, in part because she thinks it looks good but also to hide how small she is. She also likes jewelry, especially earrings, bracelets, and she also likes to accessorize, most commonly with chokers and scarves.   In more recent episodes, Celosia has started occasionally wearing her hair down as opposed to pigtails or braids. In (NH019), Mige noticed the blonde roots showing in her hair, as of (NH022), she has not fixed.  


  In Pokemon: New Horizons her most common outfit is a black, sleeveless t-shirt worn under a large, green jacket, along with black shorts and black knee socks, with hiking boots. She has also been seen wearing a white t-shirt under a black and purple jacket, with a black skirt and hiking boots.   In more formal occasions, she has worn two different outfits. During Sycamore’s dinner in NH011 and again when she went to movies and dinner with Mige and Clem in NH024, she wore a light green, turtleneck sweater and a belted, dark green skirt with fishnets. During the dinner with Valerie, as well as the fancy dinner she had with Mige after she lost the bet in NH018, she wore a black, knee-length pinafore dress over a white peplum blouse and nice, black shoes.   In NH022, at the Cliff Gym, Celosia wore an athletic outfit consisting of a black and pink striped tank top, black bike shorts, and her combat boots. She wore a green cap with her hair pulled into one large ponytail.    


Main Article:Detailed History (Celosia Aveline)   Celosia Aveline was born in a small town but ran away to Lumiose City when she was a child, spending years living on the streets. She survived mostly through petty theft and really basic cons. Eventually discovering a natural talent with electronics and computer systems, she graduated to hacking ATMs for money. This put her on radar of the police—and of the genius millionaire Lysandre. Luckily for her, it was Lysandre who found her first. He gave her a choice: either go with the police or go with him. He’d help her develop her talent with electronics, and give her the resources she needed to excel, all for the betterment of mankind.   She has been with Lysandre for a few years now, and recently she and the other young apprentices have been given the opportunity by Lysandre to embark on the Kalos gym circuit. Celosia is eager to get out and see the world, and is possibly the only one of Lysandre’s apprentices to actually be excited to go on such an adventure.  


  Celosia can be difficult to deal with on the best days. She can be childish, temperamental, selfish, cynical, annoying, and even cruel. You never quite know what you’re going to get when she’s around; sometimes she’s quiet and even a bit shy, and other times she’s brash, loud, opinionated, and confrontational.   Much of this is a result of severe childhood abuse at the hands of her parents, followed by several years of living on the streets in the Lumiose City area. She is well acquainted with the tough realities of being a street kid. She had to do a lot of bad things in order to survive, and she was hurt and taken advantage of more times than she can say. She never knew who she could trust, where her next meal was coming from, and slept with a shiv in her hands just in case.   As a result of this, Celosia does not trust anybody and holds a cynical view of how the world works, and of people in general. Nothing is free and everything has a string attached somewhere. She has to look out for herself to survive, and while some see her as selfish or callous or uncaring, in reality she simply sees herself as a pragmatist: sticking your neck out for others only makes it easier to cut.   Paradoxically, however, Celosia is also extremely lonely and isolated. While she’s extroverted and finds it easy to talk to people, and even get them to like her if she wants them to, it’s all superficial. In reality, Celosia feels like she’s an outsider; different in a bad way. She has a hard time connecting to other people, even when she really wants to. She is starved for personal contact, physical and otherwise, which often spurns her to overcorrect, becoming louder, brasher, and more confrontational.   She longs to be accepted, to feel like she’s not alone in the world, and she is desperate to be accepted. This leads her to becoming a social chameleon, allowing her to better fit into a social group. On the rare occasion that she does make a genuine connection with someone, she quickly grows very attached, and can be very clingy and loyal. There is a darker side to this devotion, however, in that she is willing to do whatever it takes to not only keep them safe—but to keep them close to her.   The most obvious example of this devotion is Lysandre. He took her in off the streets, giving her shelter, a family, and a purpose. More than anything, Lysandre gave her his trust and his confidence, and he genuinely seems like he believes that she can help him save the world. While she’s a bit too cynical to believe in Lysandre’s “save the world” goal, she nevertheless believes in Lysandre himself and she trusts him completely. She is defensive and protective of him, and has expressed a willingness to go to war with Team Relic for him—to kill for him—without any hesitation.   Despite her desire for intimacy and her capacity for intense devotion, Celosia does not believe in love. She claims that it’s little more than “a neurochemical con job meant to perpetuate the species”. She claims that she has “experience with boys”, she is extremely cynical about the idea of romance, finding the idea childish and naïve. For example, she commented that Jenn’s devotion to Mige was “pathetic”, and claimed that Alexa’s crush on Mige was “weird and kind of creepy”.   Of course, when it comes to Mige, that’s all out the window. This can be assumed not just from her tendency toward being both clingy and devoted to him, but also in her willingness to be vulnerable, affectionate, kind, and even thoughtful for him. While it’s become obvious to even Mige that she has feelings for him, she is still very shy about that fact and is easily flustered and embarrassed when Mige compliments her or directly refers to her being jealous or as a “romantic interest”. She has even denied having feelings for Mige to his face as of NH022, though this was fairly obviously not true and done only out of embarrassment.   She is intensely protective of him (some might say overly so) and tends to try to follow him or be in his group when possible. When Mige has to go somewhere by himself, Celosia often tries to sneak along to keep an eye on him. She doesn’t even like sleeping away from him, preferring to sleep curled up on the floor at the foot of his bed rather than sleep in a nearby room.   Hand-in-hand with her being over-protective is her strong sense of jealousy and possessiveness over Mige. This often manifests as passive aggressiveness and even outright hostility toward those who might get close to him—originally this was almost exclusively targeted at Crystal, but has become more obvious as she’s also started doing it to not only Jenn and Alexa, but also to Malva, Lara, and really just any woman who’s casually friendly toward Mige. She often tries to shut down their attempts at conversation or even small talk, often “casually” talking them down to Mige, such as when she suggested that she thought Alexa was a bad writer; her humor and glee at Jenn messing up her chances with Mige in Kanto; repeatedly telling Mige that Cossette’s feet allegedly smell; and her giggling at and expressing happiness over Crystal leaving the group, since she “didn’t really fit in”.   This jealousy sometimes manifest as something darker and more dangerous than being a petty bitch, though. Both future versions of Celosia that Mige has met (see Alternate Versions below) have warned him that telling present-day Celosia about their potential future together would be “very bad”, as she is “unstable” and “would not be able to handle it”. This is briefly glimpsed in Celosia’s impulsive attempt to kill Crystal in Inflection Point (NH022), and her desire to humiliate, harm, or even kill anyone who is rude to Mige or wants to hurt him.  


  Celosia is a unique trainer. She cares very deeply for her Pokemon, to the extent that they are closer to her than most humans. However, she also pushes them hard. Not to the point of exhaustion or injury, but she expects a lot out of them. She trusts that they can meet her standards, though, and they trust her leadership in turn.   As a fighter, she can be somewhat confounding. She rarely has a strategy ahead of time, acting entirely on impulse and intuition. Her moves seem almost random, but there’s a sort of method to her madness; it’s a controlled chaos. She tests and prods her opponent, and when she finds an opening, she goes for the throat. She often makes reckless gambits, which somehow usually seem to work out for her.   Celosia only catches and trains Pokemon that she thinks are cute, though her definition of “cute” is a little out there.  



Given Away


Mystic Abilities

  Celosia is a psychic, and specifically is a Mentalist. She excels in psychic powers that allow her to read others’ minds, plant thoughts or images into another person’s mind, and mentally manipulate both the minds and bodies of others. While she has mostly only displayed more subtle uses of these powers, she has recently started to use more powerful and showy abilities. So far, Celosia has used the following Psychic Powers during Pokemon: New Horizons:  
  • Detect Person
  • Project Psionics
  • Psychic Adrenaline
  • Psychic Guidance
  • Psychic Suggestion
  • Sleep Inducement
  • Read Thoughts
  • Telekinesis, Minor
  • Telepathic Missive
  She has also shown the capacity to use dangerous and strange powers that are not currently understood, such as tearing open a hole in space/time to kill an agent of The Organization.  


Through her life, Celosia has managed to achieve a few notable and interesting things, which are depicted below.  


This is a listing of the Badges Celosia has obtained in the Kalos region:
  • Bug Badge (Off-screen, prior to NH010)
  • Rumble Badge (Off-screen, between NH017 and NH018)
  • Cliff Badge (NH022)

Alternate Versions

  • Main Article: Alternate Timelines
Throughout Pokemon: New Horizons, Mige has had the opportunity to travel to and view different possible futures, which according to Theron are those that are “the most likely” outcome based on current circumstances when Mige travels.   Celosia features heavily in many of these timelines, or else her absence is strongly felt. Arguably, one way or another, Celosia is always one of the most important characters in Mige’s future, either as a friend, a lover, or an antagonist. Her future tends to be fairly consistent, most often either being Mige’s wife/love interest or else acting as someone who is “very dangerous” with little in-between. Listed below are the notable timelines for Celosia that Mige has encountered, either in a Special or in an episode of Pokemon: New Horizons.   For consistency, note here that the timeline experienced in the present day within the World of Pokemon universe, as experienced by Mige and all other characters, is referred to as the “Prime Timeline”, the “Prime World”, or “Earth Prime”. As such, current, present-day versions of characters are referred as their prime versions (Celosia-Prime, for example).   Possible futures are numbered in the order Mige visited them, so Timeline-001, Timeline-002, and so on. Character encountered in these timelines are referred with that number, so Celosia-001 is the future version of Celosia encountered in Timeline-001 and so on.  

Timeline-001 – Celosia Bell Fjord

Main Article: Timeline-001   The informal name given to the original future Mige traveled to, it is also the timeline from which Theron came and the timeline that Future Celosia’s Letter originated from. The most information is known about Celosia-001 than any other version, thanks to Mige having visited this timeline twice in addition to the presence of Theron and most important to this discussion, the letter that she sent to present-day Mige.   Celosia-001 is much more stable and responsible, having endured my struggles and difficulties. She is a loyal wife, dedicated mother, and brilliant scientist. Unlike present-day Celosia, she wears her glasses regularly, does not die her hair, and tends to wear it long, and dresses a bit more conservatively than her Prime World counterpart. Celosia-001 is wife of future Mige Fjord, the adoptive mother of Clem-001 (aka Theron), and the biological mother of William Timothy Fjord and Persephone Jennifer Fjord. She loved her husband deeply, and even years after his death struggled to accept it. She claims that her timeline’s Mige “saved her from herself”. The two were married on February 03, 2025, at the cottage in Cape Cerulean.   In terms of friends, little is known except that she “calmed down” and learned to “play nice” with Mige’s friends, and she is known to still be quite close with Kai, Valerie, and Aliana, and likes Zoey a lot.   What job she worked is unknown, but it is implied she does work some kind of freelance job while she’s in her 20’s. She is active in the hunt for other Candidates and the fight against the Organization. She is relatively tight-lipped about certain things, following Mige’s rules closely for the most part. She is seen to remain a brilliant engineer and inventor, having been the person to “crack” the process of time travel; Theron claims the method that she used to travel to 2020 was designed by Celosia.   Her Pokemon are unknown, except that after Mige died she took care of his Pokemon and, notably, began to travel with Mige’s Espeon, who had become a close friend through the course of their lives.   We know that Celosia dies sometime in late 2044, at the age of 41. She is killed the day Theron went back in time and just days after she wrote the letter Theron delivered to Mige. She was murdered by Will Darrow in a psychic duel, as Will was desperate to stop Theron from traveling back in time. Celosia was willing to sacrifice herself to ensure Theron would be able to make the jump back in time.   Unlike her Prime World counterpart, Celosia-001 is a selfless and nurturing person, willing to sacrifice not only her own life for Clem, but her own potential happiness for a chance to save the future—even if that costs her a life with Mige. This version of Celosia is, arguably, the best outcome for her we’ve seen as of the current episode.  

Timeline-002 – Psycho Celosia

Main Article: Timeline-002   This timeline is notable as it is informally referred to as “The Dark Timeline” or “The Vigilante World”. In this potential future, Celosia has fallen to her dark side and has become a dangerous, wanted criminal. She is said to have become depressed after Mige cut off all ties with his friends following Crystal’s death, and gone back to the other Apprentices. After Lysandre’s death sometime in 2021, Celosia completely lost her mind and killed Mabel before taking command of the other two girls.   From the pictures shown to Mige during his visit, Celosia-002 has extremely pale skin, bright purple eyes, and her hair has been dyed teal, which is done into two long braids that hang down to her waist. In that picture she wears a black corset, pink and purple striped pants, and combat boots. Her left arm has numerous tattoos.   The three girls, as of the 2029 that Mige visited, were wanted terrorists and criminals. Celosia had usurped leadership of Team Riot, with Bryony and Aliana as her admins. She is psychotic and twisted, killing for fun, and commanded extremely powerful, distortion-based abilities. Vigilante Mige had apparently tried, and failed, several times to stop her prior to Mige-Prime’s visit. Vigilante Mige seems to believe that there’s still something human inside of her—a sentiment that does not seem to be shared by Alexa-002. Mige-002’s failure to stop Celosia-002 is evidently part of the reason Aerik-002 blames Mige for Felicity-002’s death, which led to their fateful encounter.  

Timeline-003 – Unknown

Main Article: Timeline-003   Mige experienced this future in 2032. The Celosia of this timeline’s whereabouts are unknown, and little is known about her demeanor, exploits, relatives, Pokemon, and the like. All that Mige is told of Celosia-003 is that “she went AWOL, along with Lysandre and all of the girls”. This may imply that Celosia’s role in Timeline-003 may be similar to that of her role in Pokemon X&Y, but this is purely speculation and should not be considered cannon.  

Timeline-004 – Dark Celosia

Main Article: Timeline-004   Mige experienced this future in 2039. In this timeline, Celosia traveled with Mige as part of his group until sometime in early 2021, when “something bad happens” to Mige, Celosia, and Lara. It is implied that she “said yes” to something, and as of 2032 has taken up a similar role to that of her Timeline-002 counterpart, with even her appearance being similar—albeit with some differences.   Celosia-004 does not travel or work with anyone else, being describes as an elusive, psychotic loner. She is likewise not associated with either Team Flare or Team Riot. Alexa-004 states Celosia-004 is “a wildcard” whose intentions “aren’t really understood”. Like in Timeline-002, the Mige of this timeline believes there’s still good in her despite Alexa-004 implying that it may have been Celosia who killed Lara-004 (but again, this is unconfirmed).   Her appearance is almost identical to that of Celosia-002, except that she has more tattoos, her eyes are entirely coal black, and there seems to be a sort of inky, black energy practically rolling off of her in sheets.  

Timeline-005 – Single Celosia

Main Article: Timeline-005   Mige encountered this timeline on September 14, 2024---the same day as his original jump. While this future seems very similar to that of Timeline-001 in many respects, there are a number of notable differences. Celosia-005 still dies her hair, though she cuts it shorter, and does not wear her glasses and dresses similarly to her present-day counterpart.   Most important, along with there being more dead friends in this timeline, Celosia-005 and Mige-005 are not in relationship, nor do they have a baby. The Mige of this world lost Crystal and became depressed, ultimately unable to move on afterward, a condition only made worse by losing so many others.   Despite this, Celosia-005 still seems much more stable and well-adjusted than her present-day counterpart, though she has her normal edge and does not act affectionate toward Mige (at least not more so than Celosia-Prime), though she speaks both plainly and honestly. Celosia-005 and her Mige were bonded through struggle and tragedy, much like Celosia-001.   In NH024, it is revealed that the letter Mige-Prime left for this timeline's Mige succeeded and shortly after the visit, Mige and Celosia began a relationship. While not many details are known, this relationship was evidently very deep and passionate. Mige-005 and Celosia-005 seem to have had at least two children, who are named Bill and Persephone, as they were in Timeline-001.   According to Clem-005, Celosia-005 was murdered by Will Darrow-005 in 2034 to keep her from "destroying the fabric of time". Mige-005 tried and failed to save the Celosia of this timeline and afterward disappeared and went into seclusion afterward. Losing Celosia-005 completely broke Mige-005, who completely gave up on the battle and became estranged from both family and friends.  

Timeline-006 – Berserk Celosia

Main Article: Timeline-006   In this timeline, Celosia-006 is said to have "gone berserk" by Tim-006. According to him, Celosia killed both Crystal and Lara. It's not known exactly what circumstances led to this happening, only that it happened long before Tim-006 joined up with Mige-006, and that Celosia-006 "really hated " Jenn-006.   It's not known whether Celosia-006 acted alone as she has in some other timelines, or with a group as she has in other timelines. Her whereabouts were likewise unknown, only that she "is a problem" for Mige on occasion.  

Timeline-007 – Doomed

Main Article: Timeline-007   According to Lara-007, Celosia-007 isn't alive but she isn't technically dead, either. It's implied that she is either possessed by something or is otherwise not under her own power. Lara-007 does not give Mige many details about Celosia-007, which is something Mige-007 seemed particularly adamant about.   Lara-007 says that she knows that Mige-007 loved the Celosia of this timeline, and that her loss deeply affected Mige.  

Timeline-008 – Twinned Fate

Main Article: Timeline-008   This timeline seems extremely similar to Timeline-007, with only certain minor details changed. Celosia seems to have experienced the same fate, and according to August-008, Mige-008 seems to have been just as reluctant to speak of her as Mige-007 (and likely for the same reasons).  


Main Article: Complete List of Appearances (Celosia Aveline)

Pokemon: New Horizons

Celosia has appeared in nine episodes of New Horizons so far.
  • NH010 - Quel Est Mon Nom
  • NH011 - All Aboard! The Return to Lumiose City!
  • NH012 - Sycamore the Chef: Dinner for Eleven!
  • NH013 - The Crystal Cave
  • NH014 - Storm Clouds Over Mige's Troubled Mind
  • NH015 - A Fine Day for the Founding Fight!
  • NH016 - Who is Candidate #03?
  • NH017 - Reunion in the City of Light
  • NH018 - Double or Nothing
  • NH019 - A Glimpse of What May Be
  • NH020 - Inflection Point
  • NH021 - Bent, Not Broken
  • NH022 - Climb to the Summit: Battle for the Cliff Badge!
  • NH023 - Bent, Not Broken
  • NH024 - Clem's Big Day Out!
  • NH025 - Away to Couriway Town--Mige's Vacation Begins!
  • NH026 - A Future in Knots

New Horizons: Wish Upon a Star

Celosia appeared in three chapters of the New Horizons: Wish Upon a Star special.
  • Chapter 01 - Departure
  • Chapter 02 - Three vs. One (mentioned)
  • Chapter 04 - Search for the Star (mentioned)
  • Chapter 05 - Monolith of the Dark Star
  • Chapter 06 - Bittersweet Goodbyes


  • Celosia’s name is derived from a small genus of edible and ornamental plants in the amaranth family, also commonly known as woolflowers.
  • Her favorite colors are purple, green, and blue.
  • She loves spicy food, and her favorite food is toast with a little cayenne pepper sprinkled on there.
  • Celosia’s favorite music is Kantonian pop music. While she prefers newer music, she has an appreciation for the classics.
  • She is fluent in five languages: Gallish, Hisuan, Kalosian, Ransenese, and Unovan.
  • Celosia is allergic to tree nuts.
  • Celosia loves horror movies, with her favorite being the ”Hallow’s Eve” series. She even likes the shitty ones.
  • As of the current episode, Celosia is tied with Alexa for being Mige's love interest/wife in the most number of potential futures, with two separate timelines (001 and 005).
  • As of the current episode and across the five potential futures Mige has seen so far, Celosia only gets a "good ending" if the majority of Mige's friends die--specifically, his female friends/her rival love interests.
  • Celosia was the first main character to become a C-Rank trainer, having earned her third badge in NH022, when the others were earning their second.
  • As of the most recent episode, Celosia has the highest number of direct, confirmed kills/murders for any main character, with seven: both of her parents, the Organization Agent who was trying to kidnap Clem (NH019), Arsenault, and three Team Relic grunts. This number is higher if indirect kills, such as at the hands of her Pokemon at her command, are counted.
  • Celosia is one of several characters who owns a Pokemon that has the potential to Mega Evolve.
  • Despite Electrike being her starter Pokemon, she has used it only once on-screen. Every other time she uses Honedge and Skorupi. She has never used Murkrow on screen and never used Eiscue on screen before giving him away to Clem.
  • Despite seeming like the youngest of Lysandre’s apparentices due to her somewhat bratty attitude and slight frame, she is actually the second oldest of them.
Full Name: Celosia Belle Aveline
Nicknames: Shelly (Bryony, Aliana)
Birthday: April 1, 2003 (aged 17)
Hometown: Lumiose City, Kalos
Brackish City, Kalos (born)
Eye Color: Violet
Hair Color: Platinum Blonde (dyed Purple)
Height: 4’11"
Relatives: Louis Aveline (father, deceased)
Abigail Aveline (mother, deceased)
Blood Type: O-
First Appearance: Quel Est Mon Nom
Status: Alive