Indigo League Victors - Jenn

Indigo League

In the spring of 2020, Mige and his friends traveled to the Indigo Plateau for the Indigo Conference. Mige stayed at the competitor dormitories, though Jenn and Benjamin had to get a hotel room elsewhere since they weren’t competing. They also happily reuinted with many friends they’d made overt he last year; Tim, Zoey, Armand, and Duplica, Ryan the Bugcatcher, Will Tahjiri, Lara, Djorn Tony, and many more!   Jenn and Benjamin got to sit in one of the nice boxes with Erika and Bill. The battles were intense, and the skill level was high. Jenn and Benjamin enthusiastically cheered for Mige (Benjamin even painted his chest for one bout, for some reason. Jenn thought it was cute; Benjamin was such a dork). But they also cheered for Tim, for Zoey, for Ryan the Bugcatcher and each of their friends.   Jenn met with Zoey after her first battle, and the two had some coffee. They caught up and Zoey congratulated Jenn on finally figuring her shit out and finding someone to be happy with. Jenn asked how she and Tim were doing and Zoey smiled bashfully. Things were good. They were really good. Zoey had never thought of herself as ever wanting to settle down but…she kiiiinda could see it with Tim. He was her best friend, and he was someone she wanted to grow old with.   Of course, most of her friends had made it to the Top 32 because her friends were all awesome. Mige beat Sammy in the Top 16 (FUCK YEAH MIGE) and his Pidgeot Mega-Evolved! That was wild.   In the Top 8, Mige took down Mallory Xacier, a powerful psychic, and in the Top 4 Mige was to face Tim. Jenn sought Mige out before the battle and asked him if he was going to be okay fighting Tim, and Mige seemed….oddly cool and calm about it.   The next day, both combatants gave it their all but Tim eked out a victory in the end. Once again, Jenn went to comfort Mige after his loss (Bill had the same idea) but it didn’t look like he needed it. Mige actually seemed to be smiling?   “Well, at least he’s taking it well,” Bill whispered, “Still, we should keep an eye on him in case he snaps later.”   End of the League Mige would sit with their group of friends for the finals, where Tim faced off against ther tomboy Mikki Hansen. It was close, but Tim ultimately lost.   Bill threw a big party for Mige and his friends that night. Sure, none of them had won but they had all done extraordinarily well and they should all be extremely proud of themselves. They spent the night bowling. She ended up bowling with Benjamin, Steve the Hiker, and Djorn. Jenn was awful at bowling, and Djorn was a weird savant. Even when he tried to miss, he got a strike almost every time.   During the party, when Mige was up ordering another pitcher of soda for his lane, Jenn caught up to him. She asked what his plan was next. Mige told her that he didn’t really know. He’d worked so hard for so long to get here and now that it was over he really didn’t know what he wanted to do next.   Mige asked her what she was planning to do. With a deep breath, Jenn revealed that she’d decided to take the internship in Unova. Juniper had contacted her again recently, and after some debate, Jenn decided to take it. She had talked with Benjamin, and he was going to go with her.   Before Mige could really say anything, she continued.   “I’m…really sorry. I…I thought we’d have so many more adventures ahead for us.” she said with a sad smile, “But…I just…I can’t do…this anymore. Do you…do you know what I mean?” she asked, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, “This is something that I have to do for me. I’m sorry.”   Of course, as far as Jenn could tell he was just supportive of her decision and she again felt that heartache. Even now, she wasn’t sure what she’d wanted him to say. She went back to her lane and sat with Benjamin, leaning her against him and taking his hand.   “You calling it quits, Greeny? The night’s young!” Benjamin proclaimed.   “I’m just tired.” she said, “I’ll be on my feet soon. Can we just…sit out one game together?”   “Between bowling Djorn and Steve or hanging out with my hot girlfriend, I really hope you know which one I’m gonna choose here.” he said playfully. Jenn giggles and nuzzled into his shoulder.   When the day came for everyone to go their separate ways, Bill and Mige went back to Cape Cerulean while Jenn and Benjamin went going to Pallet Town to stay with Oak until it was time for her to go to Unova. Mige and Jenn said their goodbyes and she gave him a hug, telling him to take care of himself.