
Kanto is one of the most influential and powerful nations in the world. Its western border ends at the Stony Mountains, its northern border guns along the River Running, its eastern border is the Talantic Ocean, and its southern border is the Gulf of Fuchsia


It is a thoroughly modern country, and is most often leaders in scientific and technological advancement. It also has a famously powerful and active military. Kanto is the home of Professor Samuel Oak, known worldwide as “The Pokemon Professor”. The Starter Program began in Kanto, and Kanto is also the home to the Silph Corporation, the Pokemon Research Labs that developed the original process to clone extinct Pokemon from fossils, and is also where the world famous Lavender Tower can be found.

The Kanto Myth

Much of the Kanto mythology revolves around the Three Great Clans and the Legendary Birds; Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. These birds play a significant role in Kanto’s mythology. The Kanto Flag actually references them with its three stars: yellow for Zapdos, red for Moltres, and blue for Articuno.   In the most popular version of the Kanto Myth, there existed eight great clans, though three were the greatest of all: the Rainbow Clan, whose totem was Venusaur; the Cascade Clan, whose totem was Blastoise; and the Volcano Clan, whose totem was Charizard. Each clan was powerful and proud, and they often warred with one another.   However, there came a day when the skies darkened and the Legendary Birds descended upon the land. The Great Clans could not defeat the birds, plunging the region into chaos. If only the Clans could come together, they might stand a chance. So in that spirit, there came a young warrior named Kan who, along with four boon companions, traveled across Kanto with the purpose of gathering allies under their own banner to drive the Birds from their lands and return the land to peace.   Kan and his companions fought the masters from each tribe, earning their allegiances with each victory. After all eight of the clans were united, Kan led a great battle that culminated in a final push on the slopes of Mount Silver. His efforts paid off and the Legendary Birds were cast down, fleeing across the region. Some say that they are hibernating, waiting to be reawakened one day.   The Hero became known as the Champion of Peace and his four companions were called the Four Elites. Kan was declared the first King of the united land, which was thereafter called Kanto, a word that translates into “Kan’s Land” in the ancient tongue.   This story is often cited as the foundation for the structure of the Pokemon League itself. The "Big Eight" badges--Boulder Badge, Cascade Badge, Thunder Badge, Rainbow Badge, Marsh Badge, Soul Badge, Volcano Badge, and Earth Badge--are said to be derived from one of the ancient clans, hence their prominence.


Kanto has a temperate climate, with hot summers and mild winters. Much of Kanto is covered in forests, plains, and lowlands. While Kanto is not considered “mountainous” by any measure, the nation is home to some of the largest and most culturally significant mountains in the Pokemon World.   Western and northern Kanto are drier and hot, though it is also home to many small rural communities. The Stony Mountains and the Moon Mountains, respectively, can be found in this area. Eastern Kanto is usually wetter and cooler, thanks to the ocean currents. It is less forested and tends to be more hilly and rugged. Mt. Spirit and the Rock Tunnel are found in the east.   Northern Kanto, including Cerulean City and Lavender Town, are both a bit more rugged and extremely cold. Southern Kanto is exremely hot and very humid. The terrain is mostly lowland, rolling hills and grasslands, and wetlands. Fuchsia is home to the massive savannah and rugged valleys of the Safari Zone, and the Fuchsia Wetlands is one of the largest wetlands in the country. The Vermillion Bayou is the largest, and it makes Vermillion City even more humid and hotter than Fuchsia.

Districts and Population

Main Article: Cities and Towns of Kanto
Kanto is divided into five major districts. In a broad sense, the eastern districts tend to be more densely populated and more urban than the west, which is more rural and traditional.

District of Lower Mountains

The District of the Lower Mountains, also sometimes called Central Kanto, is home to some of the nation's largest cities. It is mostly yawning valleys, patchwork woodlands, and grassy lowlands, with numerous rivers and large lakes. Celadon City, Cerulean City, Mayberry Town, Sunny Town, Neon Town, and others are found the Lower Mountains District, with Celadon being the largest urban center. Celadon City is the second largest city in Kanto. It is called the Green City and the Garden City, and is home to numerous urban parks, flower gardens, greenhouses, and grassy areas. The streets are clean and the air is free of much industrial pollution. It is often regarded as the most beautiful city in Kanto. Before the Great War, Kanto's capitol was Celadon City, due to its central location.   The northern part of the district is home to Cerulean City and its locales. It seems to be perpetually raining, snowing, or otherwise cloudy in the northern Lower Mountains district. The Nugget Bridge leads to Cape Cerulean (a glorified suburb where a lot of tech start ups can be found).   The administrative capitol of the District is Celadon City.

District of Safari Range

The District of Safari Range is also quite well populated. Vermillion City, Fuchsia City, Crimson City, and Cinnabar Island are a part of this district, which is named after the Safari Range; they are not a tall range of mountains, but they are still extremely rugged and dangerous, due to the numerous caverns and sinkholes they created. It is also seismically active. It is extremely hot and humid west of the Safari Range, and on the east side of the range it is hot, windy, and dry. Prairies form much of the land around here, and countless farms and small rural communities can be found (such as Wisteria Town, famous for its extremely dangerous annual Pokemon race). West of the mountains, wetlands and marshes are common, and it's much greener. Along the southern peninsula, especially near Fuchsia City, it has a tropical climate.

District of Saffron

The District of Saffron is more rugged, with scattered farmlands and dense forests. Many of the cities that dot the district are quite small, focusing on either agriculture or fishing. Many communities follow old traditions that have died out elsewhere around the country. Port Sapphire, for example, is known for it's splendid Summer's End Festival, and Lavender Town is famous around the world for the Tower of Rest.   It is also home to the largest city in Kanto: Saffron City. It's a sprawling metropolis that is home to nearly ten million residents. It's densely populated, with a maze of streets and bridges. Several large parks dot the cityscape, and the Saffron Pier is home to an aquarium, a boardwalk (completely carnival games and some carnival rides), a shopping mall, and more. Saffron City is home to the most prestigious universities on the continent, world-class restaurant, peerless shopping, and one of the Big Eight Gyms. The Silph Corporation is centered in Saffron.   Silver Town and Gringey City, both industrial towns that have been responsible for much of eastern Kanto's power, are both in this district, at different ends of Mount Spirit and the Rock Tunnel Run.   The Administrative capitol of the district is Saffron City.

District of Tojo

The smallest district, Tojo is extremely green hills that is perfect for farming. It is extremely woody, with small lakes, creeks, and gentle hills. Countless rural farming communities dot the district, with few having more than 1,000 residents. It is quiet and peaceful, with a mild climate thanks to the winds coming in off the sea and the Bay of Kanto. The traditions and culture of this district are unique among Kantonians, as this region was actually conquered by Ransei colonists in the 1700s. For this reason, the dialect of the population is extremely similar to that of Johto, and they observe certain traditions, superstitions, and holidays not observed elsewhere in Kanto--but that are observed in Johto. Viridian City is home to about 50,000 people. It is a lush and verdant town, which has been expanding and modernizing over the last 20 years. It is home to a number of vineyards and farmers markets. It's a healthy city, with many hikers, swimmers, bikers, and the like, and the population has a high standard of living. It's also the safest city in the country, thanks in part to being the location for the Kanto Police Officer's Academy. Tojo Falls is a border city, literally sharing a border with Tojo Falls, Johto. It is a quiet town, but notable for the majestic, roaring waterfalls that give the city, and the district, its name. There are also numerous geysers in the area, a fact trainers are warned about via signs along every trail in the region. Pallet Town is a small farming town with a population of about 2,100 people. However, despite its small size, it is actually extremely culturally significant because it is the hometown of Professor Samuel Oak, and it is also where his laboratory is located. This means that every year, trainers with the Starter Program come to Pallet Town for their starter Pokemon and PokeDexes, and serves as the starting point for their journeys. Many trainers that aren't with the program make pilgrimages out here to begin their journeys as well. The Viridian Forest--the oldest, densest, and largest forest on the continent--is located mostly within this district.

District of Upper Mountains

The largest district is also the least populated. It has sprawling and expansive plains. It's windy, colder, more rugger and difficult to navigate, mountainous, and wet. The Moon Mountain Range is dominated much of the district's eastern edge, with the Stony Mountains to the west. A few small towns and villages are found throughout the district, such as Stone Town. The larger cities include Apple City, Commerce Town, and Pewter City. Indigo Plateau, the site of the Kanto Pokemon League, is also the nation's capitol and the district's administrative center.  

International Relations

Kanto is one of the most influential nations in the world. They have a powerful military, and they tend to be leaders in technological development. Many of what people consider “traditional” Pokemon culture—carrying six Pokemon, the tradition of battling gym leaders before the League, an Elite Four, and more—originated from Kanto. When Kanto talks, the world listens.


Johto is Kanto's closest neighbor, lying west of the Stoney Mountains and the lesser Tojo and Silver arms. The two nations have a history that goes back centuries; while no written accounts exist before the coming of Ransenese settlers in the early 17th century, there is a vast array of evidence to suggest the peoples of the two regions knew of one another and commonly met and traded with one another. Many old Kantonian customs are thought to have at one point been shared between ancient Kanto and Johto.   When Johto was settled, the Ransenese colonists traveled as far east as the Stoney Mountains. They crossed over and began to settle the valleys and fields of what is now the Tojo District, but they found the ancient Kantonians to be much more aggressive and difficult to pin down than the native Johto population. Much of Kanto north of the Viridian Forest remained unconquered and unsettled, a fact that many Kantonians are proud of. For this reason, Kanto was seen as wild, untameable, and dangerous for more than a century.   In 1861, Kanto and Johto went to war; the War of Gold and Silver began when Johto formally attacked and conquered the Indigo Plateau, killing two of the Elite Four members in the process. Kanto quickly struck back, taking back the Plateau within two months.   The fighting here was very brutal, taking place mostly through the mountains, eastern Johto, and the Lake of Rage. In fact, the lake gets its modern name from this war and the ruins of Old Mahagony (found littered across the lake area and, in parts, beneath the waves) were the results of a series of prolonged battles.   The war ended on April 03, 1865, with Johto surrendering to Kanto at Tojo Falls. A memorial now stands at the site where the surrender took place. To fascilitate peace and cooperation, the Pokemon Leagues of the two countries gathered and united in a way; the Indigo League and Silver League are the two national leagues for Kanto and Johto respectively, but they share an Elite Four. Traditionally, two members of the Elite Four are from Kanto and two from Johto. In modern times, Lorelai and Agatha hail from Kanto, while Lance and Bruno are Johtoan.   Today, the two nations are extremely close allies. Travel between the two countries, by trainers and civilians alike, is very common and while you need an ID, you don't need a passport to travel between Kanto and Johto.

The Great War

The Great War is one of the most violent and destructive wars to have been fought in history, and it involved most of the world's major powers. Beginning in early 2002, it started when Unova invaded Kalos, and then it spiraled from there.   The two main powers in the war were the Alpha Powers and the Omega Powers. The Alpha powers consisted of Kalos, Kanto, Johto, Galar, Ransei, Ferrum, and Sinnoh; the Omega powers consisted of Unova, Paldea, Hoenn, Guandou, Almia, and Khete. In the latter years of the war, Lental and the Decolore Islands were all heavily populated and defended by the Omega Powers, while the Orange Islands and the Sevii Islands were occupied by the Alpha Powers.   Much of the fighting took place across Eurastos and northern Orinica, with a not-insigificant amount of fighting ocurring in the island territories. Bombings occurred throughout Kanto and Johto, though any actual fighting was actually done by Almian and Hoennian forces.   Kanto's army is one of the most technologically advanced in the world, and they brought the sort of fighting spirit that kept the Ransenese settlers out centuries before. Kanto soldiers and pilots were considered some of the most skilled and dangerous in the war. The Shadow Brigade, a cabal of ninjas allegedly led by Fuschia City gym leader Koga, is said to have performed a great deal of black ops work throughout the war. Lt. Surge, the Vermillion City gym leader, is also a veteran of this conflict.   The war lasted six years, ending in November of 2008. The ceasefire was declared on Thursday, November 27, 2008. Since then, Thanksgiving, also called the "Soldier's Holiday" by some, is held to give thanks for sacrifices made by the soldiers, thanks for the soldiers returning home, and thanks for the end of the war.   Kanto was a major player in this war on most of the fronts, especially through the Decolore Islands and the Eurastos front (notably in Paldea). Their actions during the war have given them a somewhat checkered reputation around the world; their allies see Kantonians as dependable in a tight spot, while their enemies see them still as boarish and crude thugs.


The people of Kanto are generally viewed as being a bit...crude or eccentric by other nations, especially those in Eurastos. Kantonians tend to be opinionated and ambitious. While old traditions certainly survive in many places across the country, the rapid development of the country has made Kanto something of a melting pot of customs, idioms, and traditions. These all go a step further, with certain customs and traditions being more common or only observed in one District of the nation.


Kanto has no "official" language, though the majority of residents speak a dialect of Galish that is unofficially referred to as "Kantonian". The Kantonian dialect is apparently quite notable; it seems to be easy for others to tell if someone is Kantonian based solely on their accent and word choices. Phrases and lyrical quirks derived from the ancient Alph language are common across Kanto, especially in the West; a similarity it shares with Johto. Many Ransanese phrases and quirks also survive into the Kantonian dialect, as so some Kalosian phrases.


Kanto is not a particularly spiritual nation. They tend to focus more on science and the observable world over concepts of the spiritual or superstition. That being said, the majority of the population does practice Alumitism, like most of the world, but they do not observe many of the holidays or customs that adherants in other countries might.   Due to their prevalence in the Kanto Origin Myth, imagery of Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres is fairly common. Someone who has the "Flame of Moltres" in their hearts is someone who is passionate and driven, while someone with the "Wisdom of Articuno" is someone who is quiet, observant, and analytical. Certain mountain peaks are said to have connections to the birds, as well: Mount Silver is linked to Articuno, Mount Spirit is linked to Zapdos, and Mount Ember is linked to Moltres in common folklore.   Mew is another legendary Pokemon connected to Kanto folklore, but not in the same way as the birds. Mew has no real connection to Kanto's past or traditions, and its prevalence in Kantonian culture is actually fairly recent.   In August of 1945, a farmer outside of Apple City claimed to have seen pink lights in the sky, and further went on to allege he had seen a living Mew in the area. While official reports seemed to indicate that the sighting was genuine, a hastily-assembled press conference would be held shortly after to correct said reports. Mew had not been sighted, but instead a rare instance of the phenomenon of ball lightning striking a weather balloon.   Within a decade, Mew sightings were extremely common and have only risen in number every decade since then. With the advent of consumer video recording, and later mobile phones, Mew sightings are a popular folktale among Kantonians. Some stories claim Mew simply bounces around the sky, while others claim that Mew abducts them and takes them to a separate realm--possibly an astral realm--to communicate or even experiment on them. Official research indicates that these sightings are little more than modern campfire stories with no real evidence or credibility to any of them. However, a civilian-led organization called Project Mew has come together with the aim of sharing information and finding proof of a modern, living Mew. This group is largely based in the internet, and are not considered credible by the scientific community. This being said, Kanto has few Legendary Pokemon in its pantheon beside the birds and Mew.


Clothing styles vary widely by social status, region, occupation, and climate. Jeans, sneakers, baseball caps, cowboy hats and boots, and flanels are items of clothing commonly associated with Kantonians.   However, Kanto has always been one of the loudest voices in the international fashion community. While behind places liek Kalos or South Carmonte, some of the most well-known brands in the world originated in Kanto, including Lauren Ralphio, Pink Palms, The Grip, Hinterland, Lover's Veil, 21 Eternal, and Exeggutor Republic are only a few examples.   Kantonian fashion is widely influenced by celebrities and media. Sportswear and athletic wear are commonly worn as casual clothing, including things like sports jerseys and yoga pants.


Kantonian cuisine is largely influences as a fusion of ancient traditional foods, Ransenese food, and Holon food. Deserts often have a Kalosian twist to them. Today, there are a number of foods commonly identified as "Kantonian", such as cheeseburgers, hot dogs, potato chips, and macaroni and cheese. A common idiom used to desrcribe something as authentically Kantonian is to call it "As Kanto as Apple Pie".   Every region, every town, and every district has its own staple foods and styles of cooking. For example cooking throughout the Tojo District is often called "comfort food", and includes many friend dishes, collard greens, black-eyed peas, and cornbread. A blend of Paldean and island-styles of cooking are common throughout the Safari Range District, including chili and burritos, and relies heavily on beans and cream.   Jerky, dried meats that are served as snacks, is a food created in Kanto (specifically in Fuchsia City, back in the days when that was a farming community).   One of the more peculiar foods in Kanto are their Jelly Donuts. These donuts are oval in shape without a hole. They are made with a special white dough, with a darker "tag" of icing on the broad side at the bottom. This gives them the shape of a Rice Ball, as found in Johto, but they're definitely jelly donuts!

The Arts

Kanto is widely known around the world as a leader in arts and media production, especially television. The television industry really first took hold in Kanto, and Kantonian shows are broadcast around the world. Apple City is the third-largest film production market in the world and was the first.   Kanto's art culture extends beyond the screen, though. Saffron City is home to Wayward Street, famous for its musicals and theatre productions. Kanto as a whole has a rich theatrical history.   Folk art is an artistic style often connected with quilts and other hand-crafted items, and both the Upper Mountain District and the coastal areas throughout the Saffron District are well-known for such items.   Kantonian music is very diverse, with many, many styles. These include jazz, rhythm and blues (all of which originated in Vermillion City), "country" music, bluegrass, rock 'n roll, and hip-hop. Fuschia City is well known for its Paldean and Holon influenced music, and Cinnabar Island is famous for reggae and for being the birthplace of ska.


Kanto is a sports-minded country and are naturally competitive. While many across Kanto rabidly follow the Pokemon League, their hunger for competition also drives them to go hard with sports. Baseball and Kantonian Football are the two most popular sports in the country. Hocket and basketball are also popular. Many of the largest cities have professional sports teams.

Alcohol and Vice

Despite many different "mom groups" trying to lobby for radical changes, Kanto has kept a fairly consistent age for "indulging in vices". Across the board, Kantonians must be 18 to purchase alchol, cigarettes, and even participate in gambling. Smoking is not allowed in most public places, though many buildings have designated "smoking areas".

Traditions & Customs

  • Chewing gum in public is largely considered rude or boorish.
  • Dating culture is fairly laidback, with a focus on fun and compatibility over economic standing or having children.
  • One can gain a Pokemon Trainer's License at 15, and a driver's liscence at 16. Unlike many other countries, especially Unova, honking your horn means a lot in Kanto. Honking your horn is considered rude unless necessary, and it can make other drivers anrgy. Limit how often you honk your horn.
  • Kantonians generally eat quietly, with their mouths closed. Burping is seen as rude, not a compliment. Food is usually passed around the table and each person serves themselves. If you don't want one of the dishes presented, simply don't take any and pass it to the next person.
  • Unlike Johto and other Ransanese-influenced nations, Kantonians generally don't take off their shoes when entering a home.
  • It is expected for a Kantonian to be punctual; if you say you'll be there at noon, you should be there AT noon or even a little before. It is not expected that you bring a gift when visiting another person's house, but it IS seen as polite.
  • Eye contact is seen as mandatory in conversation; not maintaining eye contact is seen as rude or a sign that you aren't paying attention. However, in public, the opposite is true; people avoid making eye contact with strangers, particularly on public transportation.
  • Public physical affection is acceptable, though this can have intricacies. Generally, you don't act physically affectionate to strangers. PDA is acceptable within certain parameters. But hugs are generally common and acceptable in any circumstance.
  • While potentially offensive in many cultures, giving a thumbs up means "good" or "that's cool" or "congratulations". Many Kantonians "talk with their hands".
  • Pointing at people is seen as rude.
  • Kantonians appreciate their privacy, especially when it comes to money. They don't like being asked how much things cost or how much they make.
  • Generally speaking, personal hygeine is very important and most Kantonians spend a fair amount of time on their appearance.
  • Tipping your waiter 15-20% is requires at restaurants.
  • Burgers and pizza are eaten with hands, instead of utensils.
  • Smiling is a basic signal of politeness, and is a non-verbal way of being friendly.
  • "Small talk" is acceptable and considered "nice".
  • Kantonians like their personal space, and stand about 2 feet apart when talking. Physical touching in a conversation outside of specific contexts makes a Kantonian uncomfortable.
  • Most people shake hands firmly and briefly when they meet for the first time or in a formal situaiton.
  • If a Kantonian offers you something, they will understand a "yes" to really mean yes, and your "no" to literally mean no.
Kantonians are generally hospitable and welcoming, even to strangers. In many places, people do not lock their doors in the day and will usually welcome in any visitors. In some places, people can even walk right inside your home without knocking (in some contextes). While seen as somewhat rude, it's not unheard of, especially in smaller towns. As such, things like gates around one's home are not common outside of the largest cities. While the existence of gates or fences is not some huge revelation, these are mainly used in commercial contexts and almost never for personal or home use. Some Kantonians seem to be very surprised at the presence of gates when traveling abroad.


Kanto is one of the most urban and advanced nations in the world, and certainly one of the most propsperous. While this has given Kanto a lot of influence and a high standard of living, but it has also brought a sizable crime rate.

Smuggling is extremely lucrative in many of Kanto's port cities, especially Vermillion City and Gringey City. Pokemon and Drugs make up the largest part of the smuggling trade--both into and out of the country.

Linked to the smuggling is the unfortnately common practice of Pokemon poaching. Poaching Pokemon involves capturing as many Pokemon as possible in an area. Since volume is the main concern, they often set traps, injure, and otherwise perform cruel acts to heighten their chances. In recent years, they have managed to bypass the Poke Ball's normal failsafes that keep the Poke Ball from activating to capture a Pokemon who is too injured (since this could be potentially fatal to the Pokemon). These crimes wipe out entire populations of Pokemon and cause immense harm to the local ecosystem. Some Pokemon in Kanto that have been affected by poaching are Farfetch'd, Lapras, Pinsir, and Jynx populations. Farfetch'd and Lapras populations are known to be critically endangered.

However no conversation about crime in Kanto can be had without mentioning Team Rocket. This criminal organization is both extremely powerful and immense. Its influence reaches surprisingly far, even into certain political spheres. While their primary focus was originally on poaching and smuggling Pokemon through the black market, they are also connected to extortion rackets, cruel experimentation, violence, kidnapping, gambling, and even murder. Their ultimate goal seems to be making money and gathering power.

Members of Team Rocket are highly dangerous, using both weapons and Pokemon in their criminal activities. Their agents are highly competent and skilled, and their Executives are at the top of the International Police's Most Wanted list.

Their most notable exploits include an illegal fossil mine in the Moon Mountain Caverns, the kidnapping of Mr. Fuji and occupation of the Tower of Rest in Lavender Town, and the infamous Siege of Silph Tower, led by Executive Archer, in winter of 2018. These events, among countless others, have gone to make Team Rocket a name that is feared worldwide.

Nobody knows exactly who leads Team Rocket. This mysterious figure known only as "The Boss" is a mystery to even the most seasoned investigators. Anyone who gets too close tend to go missing. Even most of the grunts and agents have never seen him directly.

As of November of 2019, evidence has come to light that indicates Giovanni Pavisi, the Viridian City gym leader, as a suspect for the identity of the Boss. This came as a shock to most of the world, given Pavisi's reputation as a philanthropist, role model, businessman, and gym leader. These charges have never been confirmed, although Pavisi has seemed to be missing ever since.

As of the end of the 2019-2020 League season, Giovanni Pavisi was removed from his post as Earth Gym Leader, barring an official investigation. For the 2020-2021 season, a small group of substitute gym leaders will fill the role, including Agatha of the Elite Four, until a more permanment replacement can be found for the next season.

Since Giovanni's disappearance, Team Rocket's origanization seems to have fractured into two main factions: one faction seems to remain loyal to "the Boss", while the other is loyal to Executive Ares. Since Ares' arrest after the unsuccessful attack on the Opening Ceremony at the 2020 Indigo Conference, it is unclear what kind of organization or leadership Team Rocket has--if any.


Kanto was one of the earliest and most vocal proponents of the "Electric Power" movement and were among the first six nations to officially abolish fossil fuels in the 1950s.

Kantonians still have a love for vehicles, however. They love cars and motorcycles in particular. Especially around the big cities, cars are a popular mode of transport. Places in Kanto are often further apart than in other nations, especially places like Eurastos, making travel by car or truck more practical than, say, bicycles or walking. Most households have at least one car of some kind. Highways and freeways throughout Kanto tend to be crowded and traffic is a pretty big problem in eastern Kanto.

Mopeds and scooters aren't unpopular choices. While they aren't nearly as prominent as they were in the 1980s (thanks to the popular spy film, The Gentleman Rides a Moped), they can still be found in most of the bigger cities, especially Cerulean City.

Bicycles are also extremely popular across Kanto, with many trainers citing it as their favored mode of transportation.

While trains are a popular mode of travel, and one of the most efficient, the Kantonian rail infrastructure has not really improved beyond the expansions made in the 1990s, and many of its trains and rail lines are in desperate need of repair and even replacement. However, despite its needed reforms, the trains in Kanto are efficient, both in terms of time and cost, and are usually on-time.

Urban rail methods, such as the Light Rail in Cerulean City, the electric cable cars found in Pewter City and Viridian City, the subway and elevated trains of Saffron City, or the sky gondolas popular in Silver City and Commerce City, are extremely popular and efficient.

Unlike much of the world, and even Johto, travel via Pokemon is much more rare in Kanto than elsewhere. Cars and the like are simply more efficient and faster than traveling with a Pokemon mount. As such, riding Pokemon is very uncommon outside of rural towns in the Tojo District and the Safari Range District. The major exception here is with Pokemon Rangers and that kind of rescue work, where aerial and aquatic mounts can often reach places faster and more easily than their vehicular counterparts.

Planes and air travel are very rare in Kanto outside of specific fields. Air travel is generally inefficient and is more cost-prohibitive than other means of travel. Even if it's faster to fly, a Kantonian will likely choose traveling by rail or by ship if it's an option. However, air travel is still the preferred method to travel overseas and it is extremely common in trade and commerce. Additionally, if you need to get somewhere really fast at short notice, planes are a good option.

The one main exception to...well, all of this, is Cinnabar Island. Given it's size and the number of protected areas, cars aren't as common across Cinnabar Island, usually only used for trade or people who drive into the city from farms or homesteads in the hills north of town. Pokemon Mounts, bikes, and mopeds are the most common way to get around. It's a very walkable city as well.

The Indigo League

Kanto is one of the premier member nations of the International Pokemon League Council. It's Pokemon League is among the most respected and talented across the world, with many citing Kanto as "the Big Leagues" for Pokemon Trainers, with many trainers coming to Kanto from their home countries for a chance to compete.

Like every nation in the International Pokemon League Council, the Indigo League requires trainers earn eight badges from the gyms across Kanto to compete in the conference (though many trainers collect around 9 or 10 badges, with collecting every badge in Kanto being a sort of status symbol).

Kanto Gyms

Despite its international prominence, the Indigo League has one of the lowest total numbers of gyms in any country worldwide, at only 12. However, each of these gyms is considered to be among the very best in the world. A detailed description of each gym is beyond the scope of this article, but an overview can be found below:

D-Class Gyms (0 Badges) Location
Boulder Badge Pewter City
Blank Badge Mullberry Town
C-Class Gyms (1 Badges)
Arcadia Badge Commerce Town
Cascade Badge Cerulean City
Thunder Badge* (2) Vermillion City
B-Class Gyms (3 Badges)
Aero Badge Silver Town
Chivalry Badge Terracotta Town
Midnight Badge Crimson City
Rainbow Badge Celadon City
A-Class Gyms (5 Badges)
Marsh Badge Saffron City
Soul Badge Fuchsia City
Volcano Badge Cinnabar Island
S-Class Badge (7 Badges)
Earth Badge Viridian City

Indigo Conference

The Indigo Conference is one of the most competitive in the world, which means that there are more trainers who enter the League for the most part. When a trainer successfully earns their badges, they register at a Pokemon Center or other official Pokemon League location, such as the Pokemon Fan Club in Vermillion City.

When a trainer registers, they must choose eight Pokemon that they own to enter as the Pokemon they will use for the League. Throughout the Conference, these are the only eight Pokemon that they can use.

There are usually around 500 participants in the Indigo Conference in a given year. This means that there are four preliminary rounds before the Top 32.
  • Hemisphere: Western | Northern
  • Continent: North Arota
  • Regional Professor: Samuel Oak
  • Regional Starters: Bulbasaur
  • Pokemon League: Indigo League
  • League Location: Indigo Plateau
  • Master Champion: Victor Farrell