Lynette Hargraves

Lynette Hargaves is a character in Pokemon: Seasons. While she initially seemed like a strange psychic girl, she was later revealed to be Aerik's sister from the Dream World. Lynette is aloof, blunt, strange, and off-putting. She is a psychic and struggles with controlling and containing her power. She seems to have many psychic talents, which give her a skewed perspective and off-kilter way of thinking and interacting with others.   Lynette is driven by a vision she had of her future, where she is killed by fellow psychic Will Darrow, who she has never met, allegedly outside of Goldenrod City.  


  Lynette is strange and a little off-putting. She has a strange and even somewhat creepy demeanor, with a tendency to stare and mutter to herself, holding herself with a sort of hunch, and speaking with a disaffected, hoarse monotone. She does not make eye contact, and seems to have difficulty not moving--even walking in a small circles around the people she speaks to. Her words are riddles; she speaks evasively and vaguely, often thinking out-loud and making off-color observations about people to their faces.   Her thinking is constantly jumbled, often causing her to become distracted or lost in her own words. She claims that this is because of her telepathy and psychometry; these two gifts can combine, flooding her mind with thoughts of those around her and the wispy memories of the places she's in, causing her to lose focus and sometimes be unsure exactly where she is or if the person she's talking to is real. She is quiet and observant, taking in things about those around her. She is often in a daze, lost in thought--or in the thoughts of others.   Lynette is clever and resourceful; she is somehow able to get around and navigate across Unova by herself, without earning money in any way. In The Dream World, Lynette's quick thinking and resourcefulness not only saved herself, but allowed Aerik and Felicity to navigate through several levels and find Thresholds to lead them to safety.   Lynette is pragmatic as well; she didn't seem to want to stop the Persons Unknown for any moral reason. She has a neutral outlook on things, taking action only when her own interests are at stake. Namely, that seems to only be when Aerik is in danger. During the battle in Heatran's Chamber in The Heart of the Mountain (SS008), Lynette had no problem teleporting everyone away from the battle when it was clear that they would likely lose, though doing so could have doomed thousands or more to death. The little things seem to matter to her, though she cares very little about the bigger picture.   While Lynette often comes across as cold or uncaring, such as claiming Felicity "didn't matter" and refusing to save her during a disaster on Reversal Mountain. While she has certainly hardened somewhat due to a difficult life, this demeanor has been shown to be a ruse, at least in part; she seems to reflexively hide her own fear and confusion due to a fear of being rejected. Due perhaps to her strange origins, she doesn't quite seem to "get" people or emotions or even certain aspects of morality or empathy.   Her brother Aerik, however, has seemed to have had an effect on her. After he confronted her about things, she began to go out of her way to help the others in her group. Eventually, she saved Ryan from a poison simply because she felt that Ryan didn't deserve to die. He seems to be the one thing that really matters to her, even above her own life. The main reason she didn't want Aerik to know who she was to him was due to her fear that he would insist on involving himself in trying to save her--endangering himself in the process. Despite how determined she was not to tell him, she isn't very good at lying and Aerik quickly put it together.   As someone who originated in the Dream World, she possesses a sort of innate understanding of it, and she seems to like it. She has stated that despite how it dampened her powers she felt "lucid" and "awake" within it. This may be due to her origins; as a Dream World entity, she does not seem to fit in entirely right in the real world and only became "herself" when she was rejoined with it.   How it is that she somehow persisted after her parents left the Dream World are a mystery, not to mention how she managed to cross over into the real world. While this is merely conjecture, this may have something to do with Vivian Fennell's theory about Artifacts: if something is imbued with enough meaning it can become real when brought over. After all, if living beings can cross from our world into the Dream World, it's only logical that the reverse might be true as well.  


  Lynette is tall; she is almost exactly as tall as her brother. She has been noted to take a bit more after Harrison in terms of appearance, with pale blue eyes that are said to be exactly like her father's and thick, black hair to match. She has a wiry, gaunt frame with a narrow build that makes her look considerably younger than she is; at first, Aerik assumed that she was maybe his age at the oldest. Her hair is cut choppy and uneven; clearly done herself, with a few teal streaks running through it. Her skin is very pale and almost sickly looking. She has at least a few tattoos, including an eye pattern on her left arm and a spider-web on her left leg.   She wears whatever clothes she can find, and has implied almost everything she has was stolen. She has only been seen wearing one outfit so far: a white hoodie that slightly resembles a straight jacket that has a number of tears and holes, worn over a faded, torn white tank top with an "I (Heart) Castelia City" logo. She wears a black, pleated skirt, with torn black stockings. She also wears sturdy black, ankle-height hiking shoes that are kind of like Doc Martens, but not. She wore one shoe throughout the Reversal Mountain arc, until Aerik returned the second show in SS009.   While she eschews jewelry entirely, finding little use for it, Lynette does wear a little makeup--though she doesn't appear to be particularly skilled in its application. She wears a lot of eyeshadow, maybe a little too much, that really only serves to accentuate the dark circles around her eyes, as well as dark lipstick and fingernail polish in shades of black and crimson.  


  Lynette was not born anywhwere. Well, that's not entirely true--although it is. She is a construct of the Dream World, more or less manifesting into existence as a part of either Harrison or Aala's dream within The Neighborhood section of the Dream World. Lynette appeared as their daughter, and while she seemingly just materialized at three years old, both she has vague memories of this period of her life, the same as anybody would.   She was named after Aala's grandmother, and has said that she was close to both of her parents, but especially close to her dad. She remembers her mother quite well, too, and remembers their family being happy. She can remember the day that her parents sat her down to explain that Aala was pregnant with a new baby, and that they wouldn't love her any less. Lynette hadn't been worried. The moment they told her she was going to be a big sister she felt nothing but excitement. What sticks out most to her is what her father told her:   "You're gonna be a big sister now, Lynnie. That's a big responsibility. You're gonna have to look out for your little brother and keep him safe when your mom and I aren't around, okay?"   Lynette promised whole-heartedly. She was determined to be the best big sister in the whole world. That is, until...well, things changed. Her mom started crying a lot. Then her dad started acting weird; they started to avoid her. Why were they avoiding her? Eventually, one night, they pulled her aside and gave her a big hug. They were going to run to the neighbor's house but they'd be right back. Her dad held her tight, told her that he loved her, and then her mom turned on the TV.   "Just be a good girl and..and watch some cartoons until we get home. We love you, Lynnie."   Lynette didn't understand why they were being so weird. She didn't understand why they were crying as they hurried out the door. She didn't understand when everything just went dark not long after. It stayed dark, too, for a long time. She didn't know how much time passed. But she thought of her parents. She thought of her baby brother. And she thought of her promise.   What happened next is fuzzy. She appeared in an area that Aerik recognized as being right outside of the Dreamyard. She was found by Striaton City police not long after, and sent to live with a foster family. She was shipped around the foster care system for several years, feeling out of place and blurry; like she was sleepwalking.   Until the day she woke up. When her psychic powers flared up around her thirteenth birthday it was like a switch flipped. She remembered everything about her life within the Neighborhood--and she remembered her parents, and her brother. She could sense them in a way, and she figured out pretty quick that her mother had passed away. She ran away from home a few months later, escaping into the night when her telepathy picked up her foster parent's desire to put her into a mental hospital.   She tried to find her family at first, but had no earthly idea where they were. She had been living in Sinnoh for some time and mostly just followed visions that came to her in dreams and gut feelings for several years. She drifted across Eurastos, rarely settling down for long. When she was 16, she met Solosis. The two were drawn to each other and Lynette found relief with him around. Not much, but more than she would otherwise.   Three months before the events of Pokemon: Seasons, so in April of 2020, Lynette received a vision of her own death. She had seen the vision before--she claims it was the first vision she ever received--but this time it was expanded and longer, with more context. The most startling thing was seeing the face of the man who would kill her: a man she had never met.   Within a couple weeks, she had deduced the man's identity (the mask was a big giveaway) and found that he was also a psychic and his name was Will Darrow. Will the psychic apparently lived in Saffron City, Kanto and worked at the Marsh Gym under Sabrina Chen.   She began a quest to search for Will. She started by traveling to Saffron City, but found that Will wasn't there; he left the city and nobody knew where he went. She began getting a series of visions that seemed to lead her to the small settlement of Lentimas Town, where she found none other than her brother, Aerik.   She quickly left them, and while she tried to ignore the horror she saw in his future--of his girlfriend Jenn burning--she found that she couldn't do that to her brother. So she went back to find them and warn them. She got lost on the way to the Volcanic Observatory, however, and when the volcano erupted she accidentally stumbled through a Gap into the Dream World.   While only two days passed in the real world, she survived in the Dream World for at least a week, according to her own estimates. While her powers were dampened in the Dream World, she found that it actually allowed her to think more clearly and gave her a fighting chance against the hostile environment. Inadvertently, many of the clues that she left for herself would go on to help and even save Aerik and Felicity later.   While in The Playground, she encountered the Warden there, known as The Kids. She tried to fight back against them, and they nearly "tore her apart". She was saved only because she could teleport, and used her telepathy to try to stay one step ahead of the mob. It was during this time that she saw Aerik and Felicity trying to find the Threshold back to the real world. While she knew where the Threshold they were looking for was (she could sense it), she hadn't been able to get close enough to use it without the Kids finding her. She managed to get Aerik's attention and she joined them in escaping the Playground and the Dream World--which they did mostly through Aerik's own ingenuity.   Once in the real world again, they found themselves in The Strange House and met up with another group that was also going to the volcano to rescue Jenn, including Ryan Fairbrother, Aiden Kobayahsi, Tabitha Morgenstein, Alexa Rousseau, and Viola Rousseau. She did not interact with them much--her powers, and thus the struggles associated with them--were returning and she found it too difficult to be around them. She did not join in the group's party that night, but curiously she displayed signs of being drunk when Aerik spoke with her later--perhaps caused by her own psychic abilities while being surrounded by drunk people. In this state, she told Aerik about her vision and very nearly told him that they were siblings.   She was among the group during the fiery ascent toward the volcano, though she kept a healthy distance from the group, often traveling sixty feet or more behind everyone else. While part of this was a general discomfort in being around others, it was also because her telepathy was easier to manage while others were so far away. When a natural disaster threatened to kill the whole group, Lynette saved her brother. When he asked her to save Felicity, she fearfully declined--she said that Felicity "wasn't important", which caused Aerik to become furious with her. And he just rushed back into danger to save Felicity anyway. This confused and frustrated part because she hated how afraid she felt.   The two would talk about that the next day. Lynette could pick up on Aerik's anger; it was powerful and difficul tto ignore, and she hated how angry he was. So she told him to just say what he had to say--despite knowing exactly what it would be and being privy to the even angrier and meaner version he'd thought the night before. She simply told him that she wouldn't apologize for what she said, but she was sorry for how it made him feel. She tried to lie about what she said what she said. No, it wasn't that she had tried to save her brother and was then too afraid to put herself back into danger, but it was because Aerik "had a part to play in important things to come". She just made it up. She hoped being vague and mysterious would sell it, and whether he believed her or not, Aerik didn't agree. He insisted that nobody was inherently more important than anyone else. She felt anger and disgust radiate from him. She pretended not to care. Later that night, she saved Alexa from a lava flow. She hoped Aerik would stop thinking poorly of her, but it didn't seem to change anything.   She was with the group during the initial descent into Reversal Mountain, though she said little and mostly kept to herself. During the night at the hot springs, Lynette could hear (mentally) Aerik and Felicity's conversation where Aerik confessed his feelings to Felicity. Lynette felt even worse then about not saving Felicity and her comments toward her--her own brother was in love with that girl, and Lynette hadn't even noticed.   After the Hot Springs, Lynette actually left the group temporarily. She climbed a bit deeper into the natural cavers and found a dark place where she could seal off her senses and astral project. She briefly checked around the area, eventually discovering the group was headed the wrong way: the whole thing was a trap set for someone expected to come in from above. She was able to get a good mental image of the place using a mental map she constructed from the three Masked Men. During this astral scouting trip, she could feel the thoughts of Aerik and his friends. They noticed she was gone and they distrusted her. They didn't even stop to check if she was okay. They just left her. Did they all hate her that much? Did Aerik really hate her that much?   You told him his girlfriend wasn't important and left her to die.   It made her sad, but she understood. While contemplating whether or not to just leave, she could feel a strange tugging on her mind. Someone else was reaching out to her. She zeroed-in on that feeling, and met them in a psychic landscape based on the house where she'd die. She saw that it had been Aiden calling out to him. The two spoke briefly, with Aiden assuring her that he'd vouch to the others on her behalf. She confessed to Aiden her connection with Aerik, and made him promise not to say anything to Aerik about it. If he knew she was his sister, Aerik might be put in danger. Aiden agreed, though he suggested she at least think about it.   She joined up with the group soon after, and would teleport herself and four others--Aerik, Aiden, Ryan, and Alexa--into the chamber where the Persons Unknown and the three Masked Men were waiting. She participated in the fight as best she could, but would be injured by one of the three and their Bisharp. She expelled all of her psychic power trying--and failing--to subdue the man before she was forced to flee. She found Ryan bleeding out on the ground, quickly dying from poison. She had enough compassion to stay with him as he died, so he wouldn't die alone or scared. But her brother's words nagged at her, and she eventually used what little power she had left to purge Ryan of the poison and save his life.   Things didn't go well in the fight. Their side lost. When Aiden suggested--no, insisted--that they retreat, Lynette had no arguments. She teleported everyone out--everyone but Aerik, who the Persons Unknown had pushed away from her at the last second. Now outside the mountain, on the slopes beneath the caldera, she began to panic; Lynette started hyper-ventilating and screaming. She blacked out.   When she came to, she was in a hot air balloon basket being tended to by Ryan. Except it wasn't a balloon, it was a Driflbm. They had been saved by a Ranger who saw Aiden shooting a rescue flare right as the volcano started to shake and erupt more violently. But it was erupting then. Lynette watched the mountain, smoking still but calm, and knew that somehow Aerik had done it.   She was quiet for the rest of the trip into Lentimas Town; they were still a few hours out. Aiden sat with her, and Lynette appreciated the gesture. She didn't feel quite as alone. His promise to help her find Will gave her hope. They'd stopped the disaster, the hostages were all alive, and Aerik was in one piece (she could feel him).   The future could be changed.   When they arrived in Lentimas Town, she saw that Viola, Felicity, and Tabitha had already arrived. Felicity was actually making out with her brother when they arrived--thankfully, Ryan was being Ryan and the attention turned to Drifblm.   She kept to herself, just...watching as everyone reunited. Aerik spoke to her, thanking her for her help. His anger with her was most resolved, and she could feel things between them had improved. He asked if he'd ever see her again. She wanted to just say yes, but was afraid of seeming attached or eager. She cryptically told him that if he ever needed her, "she'd know".   Lynette left then, teleporting away before either Aerik or Aiden could ask her to stick around. But she didn't leave Lentimas Town. She stuck around, just keeping an eye on her brother. That night, she met with Aiden to discuss the nature of their new partnership...  


  Lynette is just awful with people. Between her naturally off-putting personality, her psychic insight into people's real thoughts and intentions, and seeming lack of any decorum or tact, Lynette doesn't have many friends. Even her allies don't really want her around.   Aiden is, so far, the only person who has really offered her any compassion or sympathy, and seemed to be the only one willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. She respects him and his decisive, brave nature. Moreover, he's really the first person to ever accept and understand her. She shared things with him she'd never said out loud before, and feels like he's one of the few people she can trust. She feels better and more confident knowing that Aiden will be there to help with the Will situation...though after seeing him in the battle in Reversal Mountain, she wonders how she'll tell him what weapon Will is going to use to kill her...   Aerik is, of course, the most important relationship that Lynette has--though it can hardly be called a relationship. She cares about Aerik, more than she does about literally anyone else, and has gone out of her way to keep him safe or try to make it up to him when she upsets him. He put things together pretty quick because she's an awful liar when you look at it objectively. He seems to be happy to know and while she still wants to keep him at arm's length for now, a part of her is excited to finally be the big sister that she had been longing to be for so long. There's also a part of her that's noticed that she seems to be a little more lucid and aware with Aerik around.   She doesn't like Felicity much at all. Felicity is rude and kind of sucks. But Lynette also knows how deeply Felicity loves her brother, and she knows how much Aerik loves her in return. In a weird way, Lynette feels that Aerik is safe with her. As long as things stay like that, Lynette will tolerate her.  


Lynette is not much of a trainer, but she does own a Pokemon. She says that the two found each other and helped each other during a difficult and confusing time, and she is very close to them and claims that they are the "only ones who understands her".   Solosis  




Lynette appeared in three episodes of Pokemon: Seasons so far.
  • A Reversal of Fortunes (SS006)
  • Changing Channels (SS007)
  • The Heart of the Mountain (SS008)


  • While many characters in the World of Pokemon are based on or inspired by trainer classes or sprites from the Pokemon video games, Lynette is actually based on a specific trainer character from Pokemon Black 2 & White 2. In the Strange House, outside of Reversal Mountain, there is a Psychic named Lynette--though our Lynette does not share any Pokemon with her in-game version.
  • Lynette is the only "cast member" character to be introduced that was not born in the material dimension, or the Real World.

Full Name: Lynette Faye Hargraves
Nicknames: Creepy Chick,
Warper Girl,
Weird Psychic Girl,
Weirdo Psychic Chick (Felicity)
Birthday: Unknown (~20-21 years old)
Hometown: Unknown
The Neighborhood, Dream World (origin)
Eye Color: Light Blue
Hair Color: Black with teal highlights
Height: 5'09"
Harrison Hargraves (father),
Aala Hargraves (mother, deceased),
Aerik Hargraves (brother)
Blood Type: O+
Occupation: ---
First Appearance: Reversal of Fortunes (SS006)
Status: Alive