New Friends and New Adventures

Jet Setter

In early June, Crystal flew out to Kalos a few days after the official start of the season. She called Mige when she landed and they made plans to meet the next day. Crystal checked into her hotel and spent the day fighting jet lag and seeing the sights. She visited some boutiques, watched a Furfrou Fashion Show, and went dancing at a local discotech.   The next afternoon, she and Mige met at a local cafe, where they had a little idle chitchat befor he took her to Professor Sycamore’s lab. She commented how beautiful she thought was, and how excited she was to see what else Kalos had in store.   At Sycamore’s lab, she was formally introduced to the famous scientist, who had seen her battle in the Indigo Conference. He called her style very Kalosian, and was eager to see how she would do in his home country. He asked if she and Mige were going to travel together, and when she told him that it was the plan for the time being, Sycamore asked what Pokemon she brought with her.   Truth be told, she didn’t bring one. She would just start from scratch. Sycamore declared that wouldn’t do! Considering that she was a friend of Mige’s, he allowed her to choose from the two starters that Mige hadn’t chosen. She bonded with the Froakie and graciously accepted the Professor’s kindness.   They spent the next four days both sight-seeing and preparing for the road (and Crystal had to keep swinging by the Lumiose Office for agencyt for test shoots and contract negotations, etc). Mige asked Crystal if she was sure it was okay that she was going to be wandering around, but Crystal assured Mige that as long as she was in Cyllage City by July, everything would be fine.   The two left Lumiose City with the destination of Santalune City to win their first badge. Crystal found that she enjoyed traveling with Mige. He was chill and treated her like a person. He wasn’t trying to get into her pants, or impress her, or anything like that. He ALSO wasn’t treating her like a dumb, helpless, dull model. He listened when she talked and he treated her like he’d treat anybody else. Crystal was deeply appreciative of that, even if she didn’t express it out loud. Quickly, the two grew from acquaintances to actual friends.   Along the way, Mige helped an old lady fix her moped and the pair helped a Heracross who was protecting an egg from a group of predators. Crystal caught the Heracross, and while Crystal tried to give the egg to Mige—given that she was pretty sure he said he knew about breeder stuff—he passed it right back to her. Heracorss was so protective of it, after all, it’d be a shame to part them.

The Volbeat Goes On

At a campground along the route, Crystal and Mige was surprised at their camp when a Volbeat came barreling through their campsite. The Volbeat’s trainer, a hapless food critic named Kai, was in pursuit. Mige ended up catching up with the Volbeat and helped Kai return the bug type to its Poke Ball.   Kai was grateful and joined them for dinner, where they got to know him. Since they all seemed to hit it off, she and Mige agreed to let Kai join them in their journey. Mige even agreed to help Kai with Volbeat, as he has experience with unruly Pokemon. To that end, Mige suggested that Kai take the egg so he could learn to care for a Pokemon properly. Crystal was happy to oblige!   On the way to Santalune, the trio would come across an outdoor rave. Crystal and Mige both drank A LOT and partied so hard than Kai had to help drag them to both to a tent!   It was certainly proving to be an interesting start to her adventures in Kalos.