Persons Unknown

The Persons Unknown is a mysterious, androgynous individual appearing in both Pokemon: New Horizons and Pokemon: Seasons. Though they appear no older than their early 20's, evidence suggests that they are at least as old as Harrison Hargraves, if not older. They are an antagonistic force, whose aims, goals, capabilities, and loyalties (if any) are as yet unknown.


The character of the individual referred to as the Persons Unknown is as enigmatic as anything else about them. They are calm, confident, and poised. It appears difficult to rile them or surprise them; they are in control of nearly every interaction that they have. They move with purpose, their gaze snakelike and predatory. They constantly seem amused or like they're having fun, toying with others in a game only they know the rules to. They speak in riddles and veiled threats layered beneath demure conversation. They usually take care to be polite, speaking articulately; their knowing looks and leading statements said with a coy smirk.   Those who encounter the Persons Unknown often comment that they feel uneasy simply being around them and that there seems to be something "off" about them. They have also shown the capacity to appear and disappear seemingly at will, and they always know much more than they should--not just about the person they're speaking to, but they're friends, families, and even things they should have no knowledge of. Cameras seem to be unable to capture an image of them. It is unclear if these talents are somehow supernatural or mystical in origin, or if they are simply well-trained.   The Persons Unknown seems to have some kind of connection to the Dream World as well, as Aerik believes that it may have been them who was responsible for Aerik initially going to the Dream World from Accumula Town. He also believes that it may have been this same individual who transported his father and mother to that same realm more than twenty years prior.   Despite their genteel demeanor hides clearly antagonistic intentions. What those intentions are and what loyalties they may have, if any, remain a mystery.


The Persons Unknown is of average height, with a wiry and thin frame hidden beneath layers of clothes. They have soft and pointed features with vaguely Lissosian heritage. Their eyes are dark and predatory, with extremely pale skin and shoulder-length black hair. Their fingers are long and spidery, their fingernails painted black. Their eyes are somewhat obscured by glasses with a slight tint and connected with a fine gold chain. They were very fine, clearly expensive clothes. In each of their appearances, they have worn a red, mandarin collared shirt with a black silk vest, under a heavy black overcoat. They wear black wool trousers, and fine black shoes.   Most peculiar is that they seem to be much older than they look; while they appear to be in their mid-20's at the oldest, the fact that Harrison Hargreeves knows them means that they would be in their mid-forties at the youngest. Like many other things about this mysterious individual, whether this is the result of some kind of supernatural factor is not known.


Nothing is known about the Persons Unknown's history, including where they are from, their family, or anything else. The first known incidents with the Persons Unknown occurred when Harrison Hargraves, Aerik's father, encountered them in Castelia City when he was a young man, long before Aerik was born. From Harrison's account, they looked the exact same and there seemed to have been multiple run-ins with them. Most notably, the Persons Unknown was apparently trying to find or capture the little girl that Aerik's mother had sheltered, and Harrison worked to keep that from happening.   While it is unknown exactly what occurred or how it played out, Harrison seemed quite disturbed, surprised, and almost frightened to see the Persons Unknown again.

Reappearance in Unova

In modern times, Aerik appears to have been the first to encounter them. They came up to Aerik to congratulate them on winning the Fishing Spectacular, before bringing attention to Jenn. "You know, this is just a friendly suggestion, but I would be careful about the company you choose to keep." they said. When Aerik insisted they elaborate, they coyly replied that, "Oh, you know, Miss Greene, she's...well, she's had a lot of adventures and made a lot of enemies along the way. Very dangerous enemies. Not just Jennifer, either; Mr. Fjord, Miss Silph, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Burnet. That whole little crew have made a lot of people very grumpy."   They politely dismissed the notion of trying to threaten either Aerik or Jenn. "Please forgive me, you have it all wrong. I'm only saying that being around Miss Greene might put you in an undesirable position eventually. I would have for you to get involved in something like that. You have such a bright future ahead of you."   They left Aerik with a last thought. "I suppose you should just know that you're at a crossroad: very soon, you're going to have to make a choice. I sincerely hope that you make the smart decision. Or maybe you'll make the same decision your father made. I suppose we'll see."   They vanished into the crowd not long after.   Aerik found himself transported to the Dream World not long after, and judging by a text that is presumed to have been from the Persons Unknown, they were at least partially responsible for sending them there.

Appearance in Kalos

The Persons Unknown appeared a few weeks later aboard a train bound for Lumiose City from Santalune City. They were in the Battle Car, where they watched Mige and Celosia battle together against a pair of twins. Celosia and Mige both noticed them, with Celosia commenting that she got a "bad vibe" from them, and calling them "Shady". Neither Mige nor Celosia ended up speaking with them then, of course, as they had seemingly disappeared by the end of their bout.   Mige would encounter the Persons Unknown again only a few days later, in the woods along Kalos Route 05. There, Mige felt a strange pull with his aura and followed it to a ruined campsite. The Persons Unknown appeared not long after. They began to talk--and Mige mostly just listened and glared at them. Before long, the Person began to show their true selves.   "Can I ask you something, Mige?" they asked, without Mige having introduced himself, "Let's say, theoretically, that someone you know and love is about to die. You can save them, but it would be at the cost of, say...a thousand others. So you can act and save this person, but a thousand faceless people perish in the process. can do nothing and let this person you love die, while the masses go on about their lives as if nothing had happened. Would you do it?"   They waited a few moments for Mige to answer, studying his face with a bemused expression. After a few moments, they continued.   "Okay, maybe that was a bit too abstract. Let's make it personal: how about we say that the person who was about to die was....Kai? Or Crystal? Maybe Bill, or maybe sweet Jenn? What would you do?"   Again, Mige didn't really answer their question. The Person seemed disappointed. "I see. Let me guess: you'd 'find another way'? Maybe sacrifice yourself so that nobody else has to die? That's very noble. Heroic chic, even. But you know, dear...that's not always going to be an option. Sometimes, you have to choose between two bad options; you just have to decide which of them you can stomach."   They didn't stick around much longer; they would stay and talk longer but they had an appointment elsewhere. But they'd see each other around before long.   Reversal Mountain erupted only a few days later. But that's probably a coincidence.


People who encounter the Persons Unknown find them to be unsettling and "off" in some way. Celosia seems to believe there is "something very wrong" about them.   He hasn't made a lot of friends, is what I'm saying.


It is unknown which Pokemon, if any, the Persons Unknown has in their possession.


Pokkemon: New Horizons


  • Despite the title of "Persons Unknown" has been the official name used for this character since their introduction, it was not used in-story until Dream a Little Dream (SS003). There, the name was originally used by Wynn Masuda.
  • While the Persons Unknown originally appeared in All Aboard! The Return to Lumiose City! (NH011), their first appearance chronologically was in The Accumula Fishing Spectacular! (SS002).
Full Name: Unknown
Persons Unknown (Wynn, the Accumula Gang)
The Grinner (Harrison Hargraves)
Shady Guy (Celosia)
Stranger (Aerik)
Birthday: Unknown (age unknown)
Hometown: Unknown
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'8"
Relatives: Unknown
Blood Type: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
First Appearance: All Aboard! The Return to Lumiose City! (NH011) | The Accumula Fishing Spectacular! (SS002) - Chronologically
Status: Alive