Phoebe Banner

Phoebe Banner is a character in Pokemon: Seasons. She is one of the three 2020 Unova Starters, and a friend of Aerik Hargraves. She is polite, gentle, and kind, with a natural tendency to be the "den mother". Phoebe is mute, and communicates to others through a combination of sign language and the help of her service Pokemon, a Natu named Zero who can telepathically broadcast her throughts to others.


Phoebe is a kind and gentle girl, with a naturally compassionate and caring personality. She is polite and a little shy, though also very friendly and warm. She does her best to make others feel comfortable, and quietly does whatever she can to help wherever she happens to be; she collects empty containers, makes sure everyone has a blanket or other supplies, and the like.   Phoebe grew up a bit sheltered and has been shown to be quite modest and, to a point, even prudish. She doesn't really party or drink, and seems to get a little uncomfortable when people flirt with her or at the idea of physical intimacy or romance.   Phoebe is frugal with money; she spends very little on herself, even to replace equipment. Part of the reason that she has such few Pokemon is that she hasn't purchased any new Poke Balls since she left Nuvema Town! She loathes spending money if she doesn't need to, living simply and buying only what she needs. She sends most of her money back home, and the only thing she splurges on are things to spoil her Pokemon.   She keeps to herself mostly, likely a side-effect from her disability. Despite this, she does not let that disability define her: she is confident and self-assured, capable and much tougher than she looks. She may have to work harder than most others in order to live the Trainer's Life, but that just means that she's that much better.


Phoebe is a pretty young woman, standing 5'06" with a waifish build. She has long hair, dyed teal or cyan, that she usually wears in one long braid, though she sometimes wears it down or in a bun. She has fair skin with freckles on her cheeks and nose, and has big, expressive grey eyes.   Phoebe dresses modestly, eschewing things that are too flash or that might draw attention to herself. Her most common is a durable white sundress with long sleeves, with black tights, and sturdy hiking boots. She carries a bright orange bag that she claims has everything she needs in it. She is also shown to have a black pea coat when it was raining and windy in SS001.   She doesn't wear jewelry as mentioned, but she does wear a little pendant necklace that once belonged to her mother.



Phoebe was born too early, being nearly two months premature. The pregnancy was difficult, and the birth was long and difficult. When she finally came into the world, Phoebe was pale, bone thin, had pale eyes, and she didn't cry at all. The doctor's weren't confident, but through medical science and Phoebe's own determination, she pulled through and eventually went home.   It was discovered that she was mute fairly early, and it would be a difficult hurdle for her parents to overcome. She mostly played by herself and watched a lot of TV. She was content to be by herself, especially as she got older because the other children didn't understand why she wouldn't talk to them; they just didn't get that she physically couldn't.   From an early age, Phoebe was fascinated with Pokemon. She would take any chance she could to play with or watch any Pokemon that she came across--be they wild or tamed. She was fearless and curious, drawn to Pokemon like a Combee to honey. More than anything she wanted to train Pokemon and to go on a trainer's journey. Her parents tried to temper this desire, reminding her that talking to your Pokemon was a big part of being a trainer. They tried to convince her to become a nurse, maybe, or work at a daycare or something. She wouldn't be dissuaded though, and would continue studying and watching the Vertress Conference every year.   When Phoebe was eight, her parents had Kylie and then Orion three years after that. Phoebe loved her siblings deeply, and the age gap sort of pushed Phoebe to sort of naturally assume a sense of responsibility for them. They were bright and happy children, and were two of the only people Phoebe knew who never treated her weird or different just because she couldn't verbalize her thoughts.   When she turned 13, she was surprised with a service Pokemon: a Natu, who could use his own natural telepathy to broadcast Phoebe's thoughts to others. They sounded a little tinny or distant, but it was amazing. She felt so happy that she cried a little. She and the Natu, who she named Zero, bonded quickly. While Zero wasn't a proper "partner Pokemon", she did practice training by sneaking out with Zero and fighting Patrat or Pidove in the city park.   About a month after her 13th birthday, both of her parents passed away in a car crash. Little Orion was with them, and while he would survive it wouldn't be without a scratch: he received a scar across his jaw and neck, and would end up paralyzed from the waist down. Phoebe suddenly found herself needing to comfort and care for her siblings, on top of dealing with her own grief. Their mother's brother took them in, but he went to prison after only a few weeks, leaving Phoebe and her siblings with an alcoholic aunt.   Phoebe now had to care for not only her own siblings, but her little cousins as well. When their father died in jail, it was Phoebe who comforted the twins. It was hard, but she worked to be able to care for all of them--especially for Orion, to whom she essentially started to act as a nurse.   As Phoebe neared 15 years old, she understood that she wouldn't get to go on that journey. Her siblings and her cousins needed her--if she left now, she'd be leaving them with her aunt. She still applied for Trainer's License, though, so that she could drop out of school. Since a 15 year old with a License doesn't have to have parental or a guardian's consent to leave home, Phoebe left--and she brought the kids with her.   She managed to find a cheap apartment, though it very small, very shitty, and in a bad part of Nimbasa City. She found work where she could; she spent most of her day while the kids were at school doing odd jobs or washing dishes at the local diner. After school, she'd walk everyone home from the bus stop, cook and care for them until bedtime, and then she'd leave for her night job as a custodian at the local college.   Over the next few years, Phoebe worked tirelessly all day; she didn't really sleep or get a chance to relax, instead putting all of her effort into caring for the kids. She'd even take on another young man, named Benny; a homeless boy that Phoebe couldn't turn away. With five kids and two demanding full-time jobs, Phoebe's dreams of becoming a Pokemon Trainer were a distant memory.   Until, that is, she met Elesa. The local gym leader had come to give a speech at the University where Phoebe worked as a custodian. Through complete chance, Phoebe happened to run into Elesa before her speech, while Elesa was smoking outside. The two had a chat, where Phoebe let her inner fangirl out--Elesa was a gym leader after all, and Phoebe had watched many of her televised battles. Phoebe even sheepishly admitted that she used to look forward to battling Elesa one day. The gym leader suggested that could still happen, but Phoebe simply told her that circumstances in her life sort of prevented that.   Elesa proved to be friendly and chill, inviting Phoebe to watch the speech and maybe even come by and hang out with her and some other people afterward. Phoebe politely declined; she had to make the kids' lunches for the next day.   Elesa seemed a bit surprised by Phoebe's mention of children, and was sympathetic as Phoebe explained the situation to her. Something about Phoebe's gentle dedication to her family touched a nerve with Elesa. Two weeks later, Elesa contacted Phoebe through the university and they met for coffee while the kids were at school.   The gym leader explained that she had been looking into alternative solutions to Phoebe's situation. She thinks that Phoebe has worked very hard to take care of her family, and that's admirable--but Elesa also thinks it'd be a crime if someone with Phoebe's heart and passion for Pokemon never got a chance to train. So Elesa made her an offer: Phoebe applies to the Starter Program for 2020. If she makes it in, Elesa will make sure the kids can stay with a good foster family--that is, with her own parents; Elesa's parents were fosters and willing to look after the kids.   Phoebe was shocked at the offer, but initially declined. It wasn't just a matter of money or the kids having somewhere to stay. They needed her. She took care of them, she knew them all, and after having lost so much, she was all that the kids had.   "I understand what you're saying," said Elesa, "But think about this: you can show them that it doesn't matter what life throws at them, it's never too late to follow their dreams. You're their role-model--what they think is possible is pretty much defined by you at this point. On top of that...right now, you guys don't live somewhere safe. But if you competed in the League? Battled, earned money, maybe even walked away with the title? You'd all be set for life."   "I can't win the League..."   "Not with that attitude you can't." Elesa said, "But what have you got to lose by trying? Opportunity doesn't knock every day, Phoebe--and this is one hell of an opportunity."   Phoebe needed a little time to think about it. She talked with the kids about it, and while they all expressed a reluctance for her to leave they almost unanimously wanted her to go if it meant following their dreams. Her most vocal supporter was Orion, and with their blessing she called Elesa and accepted the offer.   On April 10th, 2020, Phoebe received her acceptance letter to the Unova Starter Program. She cried happy tears, and celebrated with the kids by having an ice cream party and staying up past bedtime for a cartoon marathon.   She spent the next month and a half getting ready. She needed equipment, and refused to ask Elesa for anything more than she was already doing. Phoebe bought the bare essentials, really only spending a significant amount on her boots and her Town Map. She continued working her jobs, and spent what little downtime she had reading survival manuals and flipping through the Town Map. She also started exercising; going for morning rungs, doing push-ups, and going swimming twice a week at the local pool.   Finally, on the evening of May 30th, 2020, Phoebe boarded a train bound for Accumula Town. She had a tearful farewell with the kids, and once more profusely thanked Elesa and her parents.   "You can thank me by giving this all that you've got---and coming by my gym when you pass through." Elesa said with a grin.   "I'll be looking forward to it." replied Phoebe (through Zero).   With that, she boarded the bus and began the first day of the rest of her life.


She arrived in Nuvema Town by bus from Accumula Town, and checked into a local hotel. She triple-checked her gear, and waited in nervous anticipation for the next morning. She didn't sleep well.   She was the second of the starters to arrive at Juniper's Lab, but was still early by about 20 minutes. She was quiet, just sort of watching the other starters and sizing them up while they waited for the Professor.   She was a dedicated student through Orientation, and when presented with the options for starters, she found that she bonded with the Tepig. She was the first to be able to choose, and chose the little fire pig as her first true Pokemon Partner. They seemed to work well together, winning all three of the Orientation battles.   Phoebe would leave Nuvema Town along Unova Route 01 the next morning, with the other starters, Aerik Hargraves (the unofficial fourth starter), and Jenn Greene, one of Juniper's aides who was there to show them how to get along in the wilderness. She was just as apt a student here as she was in the classroom back in the lab, paying close attention to what Jenn said and taking a lot of notes.   When they stopped at the lake right before arriving in Accumula Town, Phoebe was actually going to change and join Elijah in the lake--until he was attacked by a Basculin, that is. She was grateful that Aerik was able to save him, and thanks to her experience as a children's caregiver (and basic first aid classes she attended for that same reason), she was able to help Elijah's injury a little bit, though he would still need a doctor.   In Accumula Town proper, the starters all went their separate ways. When Elijah suggested they all meet up in Striaton City and battle again after getting their first badges, Phoebe happily agreed. She found that she rather liked the group---even grouchy Kristoff.   She would be reunited with them sooner than she expected, however, as she was invited to a party by Aerik the next afternoon. She would end up accepting and attended the party--even having her first beer (which made her very tipsy)! She really liked Accumula Team, as they called themselves, and she had a lot more fun than she'd expected.   Phoebe would be the first one up the next morning and would stay behind for a while to clean up. She gave Aerik a friendly hug when he left the house, wishing him luck at the fishing contest and commenting that she looked forward to seeing everyone again in Striaton City.   This was the last time she appeared directly, though Elijah gave an update when he ran into Aerik and his friends in A Midsummer Miracle (SS005). According to Aerik, by late June, she had received the Trio Badge, which incidentally also implied that she has at least three Pokemon now.   Her current whereabouts or adventures are currently unknown.


Phoebe has wanted to become a trainer since she was a little kid. While she still has a lot to learn, she has proven to be a natural with battling; during the first round of orientation battles she won all three of her battles. She does seem to have some trouble with capturing Pokemon, though.   She loves her Pokemon, caring for them like they were children; she may not spend much money on herself, but what little extra money she does have she uses to spoil her friends.

On Hand

Phoebe was not shown capturing any Pokemon on screen. According to Elijah she won her Trio Badge on her first attempt, meaning that she has at least three Pokemon, though any beside Tepig are currently unknown.  


    • Selected as one of the three 2020 Unova Starters
    • Won all three Orientation Battles during the 2020 Unova Starter Orientation.
    • Competed in the first annual Bolkstoff Bash (Lost)


Phoebe has physically appeared in two episodes, though has been mentioned or shown up via text more than once.
  • The Start of Something Big (SS001)
  • The Accumula Fishing Spectacular (SS002)


  • Phoebe is the oldest of the 2020 Unova Starters at 17 years old.
  • The voice that Phoebe projects through Zero is not her own; her inner voice is actually the voice of a popular voice actress from an anime that her siblings and cousins loved.
Full Name: Phoebe Alice Banner
Nicknames: Phoebz (Elijah)
Birthday: January 10, 2003 (aged 17)
Hometown: Nimbasa City, Unova
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Gray (dyed Cyan)
Height: 5'06"
Relatives: Levi Banner (father, deceased), Miranda Banner (mother, deceased), Kylie Banner (sister, younger), Orion "Ryan" Banner (brother, younger), | Ned Hewitt (maternal uncle, deceased), Harriett Hewitt (aunt), Nancy Hewitt (cousin, younger), Zach Hewitt (cousin, younger)
Blood Type: AB-
Occupation: Pokemon Trainer | Custodian, Dishwasher (formerly)
First Appearance: The Start of Something Big (SS001)
Status: Alive