Reality TV Bites

Seafoam Blues

Along the way, they would meet Euisine—THE Euisne, host of TV’s In Search of Legends! Jenn was starstruck at his appearance, and they would all help him with a situation at the nearby power plant. Eusine was wondering if the strange phenomenon were the result of the legendary Pokemon Raikou. Mige casually mentioned that he saw Suicine once and, long story short, Eusine convinced Mige to guest on an episode of show at the Seafoam Island, searching for Articuno. Of course, Jenn and Benjamin were invited too.   On the train ride to Vermillion, Mige and Jenn checked out the train’s battle car and fought in a Doubles battle with Ingo and Emmet. It was a great battle, and Mige and Jenn won, they were gifted a black and white train conductor’s hat (Jenn took the white one, and she would actually wear the hat as part of her outfits pretty regularly when she needed a hat from here on out).   Once in Vermillion City, they were introduced to the other members of the investigation crew, which included Morty (a gym leader from Johto and friend to Eusine), and Joe Philips, the cameraman.

Fashion but Make it Pokemon

During the downtime, Jenn went with Mige and Benjamin to the Pokemon Fan Club more or less on impulse. There was a fashion contest about to begin, where the trainer had to dress up in a costume inspired by a Pokemon, and then take the stage with that Pokemon. The prize was a super cool gift certificate and Benjamin convinced Jenn and Mige to enter with him—after all, with three of them their odds were tripled!   Jenn pulled out her Contest knowledge and made a Chimchar-inspired costume; an orange one-piece swimsuit with a puffball tail, with her hair dyed red and styled like a Chimchar. Her costume was arguably the best, but it ended up being Benjamin who won with his “avant garde” Slugma Costume. Which was kind of bullshit, in Jenn’s opinion.

Cloudy with a Chance of Gyrados

The day they were to set out, the harbor was attacked by a swarm of angry Gyrados. Lt. Surge arrived on his motorcycle to take them out, and grabbed Mige as he drove past and brought him along with him.   Jen and Ben joined forces, sending out their Pokemon to stop a few of the outliers. They fought hard, and eventually Surge repelled the attack. Jen and Benjamin shared a moment afterward, where Jenn hugged himout of joy. After a second, they both recoiled in awkwardness.   Surge and Mige fought in the wake of the attack, leading to Mige finally earning his Thunder Badge! Given the damage done to the harbor, Eusine announced they had to go to Fuchsia City now. Mige didn’t seem to mind, as he was excited for a chance to fight Koga.   In the city, the three of them would be joined by the cameraman, Joe, in walking around the city for awhile. Benjamin found an art contest sponsored by a local gallery, and figured he could enter since he’d have the time to do that. They’d run into Ace in Fuchsia, who was judging said contest, and immediately started butting heads with Benjamin.   Jenn helped Mige track down Koga’s gym, and in the process forgot about Benjamin’s gallery contest. Eventually, the two found the Soul Gym and Mige battled Koga. Despite Mige giving it his all, he just couldn’t pull the victory off. Mige was pretty torn up about that loss, which hurt Jenn to see. She did her best to cheer him up.

In Search of Legends

Once they had all arrived at the Seafoam Islands, the crew took the first day to set up base camp and then wander around getting b-roll footage. This meant that Jenn and her friends could just relax on the beach for the first day, and spirits were high.   On the second day it was time to enter the caverns. However, before they did Benjamin warned them that he had seen another boat off shore, and within the caves they found evidence of another group: a trio of Team Rocket grunts. Greeeeat. Team Rocket. Why did it always have to be Rockets? Mige and Morty jumped two of them, while Jenn attacked the third herself using Gloom.   After defeating the thugs, Morty demanded to know why they were there. The grunts refused to talk, so Morty put them to sleep using his Gengar to avoid wasting their time. Eusine was sure they were there for Articuno, so the group split up and went deeper into the caverns. Mige went with Morty, while Jenn, Benjamin, Joe the Cameraman, and Eusine comprised the other group.   Eusine led them deep into the caves, and as they descended the ground and walls became covered in thick, slick sheets of ice. Jenn wasn’t dressed for the weather, still essentially wearing her lighter, warm weather clothes. She began shaking and feeling ill. Eusine gave Jenn his jacket. When Jenn slipped on the ice and smashed her knee, Benjamin decided he was going to carry Jenn back to the surface. However, they were ambushed by Rocket Grunts—-led by a Rocket Executive calling himself Ares. The exec took down each of them and captured them, binding them and dragging them to the edge of an iced-over lake. Jenn was furious, not too keen on re-living this particular nightmare.   Ares demanded Eusine tell him where Articuno was and how to find him. Eusine, of course, refused to answer (nobody knew that Eusine didn’t actually know). To get him to talk, Ares had his Pinsir begin to crush Benjamin’s leg and Jenn would be next. “It’d be a shame if something were to happen to that pretty face.”   Eusine chose to cooperate, beginning to give Ares a bunch of nonsense directions mostly to buy time. Ares could tell Eusine was feeding him nonsense and started losing his patience.   It was then that a thick mist rolled in, and Morty & Mige came in under cover of fog. Morty single-handedly bashed through the grunts and saved the captives while Mige fought and defeated Ares. As Ares and the grunts retreated, Jenn pulled him into a hug and started crying, triggered by the whole incident.   Once returned to the surface, they contacted the authorities and subsequently abandoned the search for Articuno. They traveled to Cinnabar Island, where Euisne and Morty left the group to return to Johto.