Relationships - Aiden Kobayashi


Major Relationships

Benjiro Kobayashi

Aiden doens't get to see his grandfather too often but does make an effort to write. This was originally something his mother had him do when he was young however Aiden kept with it and writes his grandfather a letter around the change of every season if he can help it. Benjiro took note of Aiden's constant use of ear buds in Spirit of Ecruteak and was curious as to why Aiden used them; realizing that his grandson never took the time to enjoy the world and was somewhat shut off from it. Benjiro knows the Aiden is mad at how the worlds treated his mother and sister; but ensured him their is beauty and that he should slow down and enjoy it sometime. This is a lesson Aiden hasn't forgotten.  

Dragon Wilson

Dragon Wilson was Aiden's Akido and kenjutsu sensei in Silver Town. Dragon Wilson taught Aiden many lessons about honor and self-discipline. Despite him being somewhat of a drunkard on the weekends Aiden knows power when he sees it and know that Dragon Wilson has much knowledge. After Aiden's loss to Sabrina Dragon Wilson revealed that Aiden is one of the best pupils he's ever had the honor of training but what's preventing him from being the best is his lack understanding "why we fight." He knew Aiden knew the fundamentals, technique and was more self-disciplined than any of his students-- he just needed to learn why Aiden has such power. Aiden hated the words at first but has since begun to understand them.  

Hana Kobayashi

Hanako 'Hana' Kobayashi is Aiden's mother. Aiden has always stood by his mothers side and tried to help her as she's spent much of her life as a single mother with two children. Aiden always tried to do all of her chores as she was tired from working two jobs; which Aiden hated to see. His families financial situation is a big reason why he began training and he hopes his mother can finally get time to herself someday.  

Haru Kobayashi

Perhaps the only thing that encouraged Aiden to train more than his mother was his younger sister Haru. Haru developed spastic diplegia as well as other medical conditions preventing her from walking. She spent many years in leg braces and with crutches and the high cost medical bills were very difficult for Hana to manage. Haru always dreamed of going on a trainers journey and it crushed Aiden knowing that her legs may make that difficult for her. She told him one night how she dreamed of running through an open field alongside some of her favorite pokemon such as Vulpix and Meowth. She even dreamed of one day seeing a fabled Wyrdeer. Aiden thought that if he could win the pokemon league he'd be able to help his mother pay for stem cell research for Haru and help the family with all the bills.   Aiden loves his sister very much and it's noted by both Ryan and Tabitha that Aiden actually smiles around her. He'll even play with her-- which no one ever thought the word "play" could be used in the same sentence as Aiden's name. Haru is one of few people who can convince Aiden to do things he normally wouldn't-- such as using unusual pokemon or wearing silly outfits.   Aiden's prize money from tournaments during his travels and the Indigo League have led to Haru's surgery and therapy starting. Aiden still sends money home constantly to support it and hopes that Haru can buy herself all the clothing she wants "So she can be cute like Tabitha" or the "adorable pokedolls for her collection." to cheer her up and distract her from surgery.  


Henri is the eccentric Hex maniac in the woods nearby Silver Town that met Aiden while he was on his journey. Despite Aiden at first hating his cheerful and optimistic demeanor the two did ultimately become odd friends. Henri revealed to Aiden that his ancestry might give him a similar gift, although not the same. Henri also encouraged Aiden to take Trevenant with him on his journey despite the two seemingly having incompatible personalities. While Henri is illusive to most Aiden is usually able to find him. The two send one another book and tea recommendations, and despite having opposite personalities have quite similar taste in literature and beverages.  

Ryan Fairchild

Aiden originally could not stand Ryan. When Ryan first challenged Aiden with his caterpie, Aiden simply walked away and didn't even think he was worth his time. However after the defeating rocket agent Trick in The Tricky Trevenant the two became such close friends that Ryan even calls Aiden his "best friend." Aiden agrees but rarely says the words out loud. Ryan isn't phased by Aiden's demeanor and understands his true intentions. Likewise Aiden views Ryan as a strong warrior having his heart in the right place. Aiden didn't travel with Ryan after the originally met up due to a "conflict of interest" in Aiden's words. However after Oak encouraged Aiden to continue traveling in Unova after completing a task for him Aiden offered to help Ryan train for the Unova league. Aiden believes that Aiden has the strength and discipline while Ryan has the heart and thinks that the two together are unstoppable. Aiden never sees himself having the same heart as Ryan, but he can see Ryan learning from him. Aiden's main goal is to see if he and Tabitha can help Ryan become the winner of the Unova League.  

Samuel Oak

Perhaps of all his mentor figures Professor Oak is the most important. While many would have lost patience with Aiden neglecting to use his first pokemon, being a harsh trainer and emotionally cold-- Professor Oak never gave up on him and saw something inside. Aiden respects him immensely and always offers to do tasks and errands for him as a way to repay him for giving him the opportunity to become a trainer. Despite not wanting to accept it, Aiden eventually managed to pay back Professor Oak the allowance that is given to starters (including pokeball and potions costs) and while Professor Oak really doesn't want the money he knows it means a lot to Aiden to accept the money and pays it forward by donating it to various charities (He doesn't tell Aiden that he does it in Aiden's name.)   Professor Oak eventually got through to Aiden and helped him truly connect with his pokemon. While Aiden still prefers to help and train pokemon that are strong or seek to become so; he has forged an unbreakable bond with his Charmeleon that is on the same level as his Taurus and this is all thanks to Professor Oak's teachings. He even refuses to evolve his Charmeleon in Oak's honor as Professor Oak has a Charmeleon that is also very special to him.   Professor Oak has begun learning more and more about Aiden's home life and reasoning for becoming a trainer and never understood why Aiden didn't talk about that in his essay. Despite this he tries to find opportunities for Aiden to help him with his goals; but also hopes to help him relax a bit himself.

Tabitha Morgenstein

Although Tabitha aggravated Aiden when the first met he can't imagine his life without her and he even admits it. When talking with Felicity Brannon he told her that he started developing feelings for Tabitha in Ecruteak during the events of Children of Night. While the two couldn't have more opposite outward personalities they do have a lot of things in common deep down. Tabitha can get Aiden to come out of his shell a bit whether it be getting him to play games he finds "trivial" or simply dancing with her. Likewise Aiden can help Tabitha really focus on goals when she needs to, as seen when he helped her train for her rematch at the Silver Town gym.    Aiden usually isn't very comfortable with physical contact but doesn't seem phased with Tabitha's physical nature. The two are very protective of one another and have an immense amount of trust-- which is of the utmost importance to Aiden. Despite Aiden being driven by honor and unable to lie; he reveals to Felicity that he finds Tabitha's clever, tricky and somewhat "scoundrelous" nature quite attractive.    Most importantly is how the two can connect emotionally. Tabitha gets Aiden, something Aiden rarely experiences. As close as he is to his family even they don't truly get him all the time besides his grandfather. She knows how important his code is to him, his training, his desire to repay those that have given to him and his constant quest for self-improvement. Aiden used to scoff at couples who would be all over one another or constantly spending time with one another-- yet he finds that he is able to do these things with Tabitha and even enjoys it. Despite his strength as a trainer, martial artists and swordsman he knows what makes him strongest is Tabitha.