Relationships - Felicity Brannon

Felicity is a main character in Pokemon: Seasons. She has appeared in every episode to date and has met many of the major and minor characters that appear. This section won't touch on all of them, but will cover those relationships of note. 

Major Relationships


Aerik Hargraves


Colton Sprintsteen


Darcie Summers


Jennifer Greene


Kia Masuda


Tessa LeBlanc


Wynn Masuda


Zyran Antilles

Minor Relationships

Adam Applegate

Aurea Juniper

Elijah Vail

Harrison Hargraves

Kristoff Zellerbach

Persons Unknown

Phoebe Banner

Rex LeBlanc

Theodora Fine

Shigeo Onaga

Vivian Fennell

Zelda Patrick