Relationships - Jenn Greene

While Jenn has met most of the main cast, recurring characters, and characters-of-the-day during the Indigo Chronicles campaign, this section is here to detail the most important relationships in Jenn's life. These are listed in alphabetical order.  

Major Relationships

  The following are the most important relationships to Jenn.  


Family is a difficult topic for Jenn. Her father abandoned the family when she was young, leaving her and her younger brother alone with their domineering and cruel mother. Jenn suffered much abuse at the hands of her demanding mother and her impossible expectations, with the worst injury being the wedge her mother drove between Jenn and her brother.   Family itself isn’t a touchy subject for Jenn. She really wants to be a part of a family, but she’s not sure how any of it works. Jenn doesn’t like talking about her family; Mige didn’t know much about her history for most of their time in Kanto. She can sometimes talk about it when she’s sad-drunk, but overall doesn’t like bringing it up—partly because it’s painful to talk about, and partly because she doesn’t want to seem pathetic or have others pity her.

Chuckie Greene

Her little brother by several years, Jenn grew up caring for Chuckie more than their actual mother. Jenn cooked for him, did his laundry, watched cartoons and played with him, read him stories and put him to bed, and even walked him to school. The two were very close for a long time. Jenn would often get yelled at by her mother for “trying to steal Chuckie away from her”, but Jenn figured that someone needed to care for him.   Jenn loves her brother dearly. A part of her feels immense guilt at having left home without him, and she feel lingering resentment toward her mother for driving a wedge between them by making Chuckie compete with Jenn. While she has tried to right these wrongs, reaching out to Chuckie bore nothing positive—he simply wrote her back with the message “I don’t have a sister. Please stop writing.” That broke her heart more than anything else in her life, and was the final thing to convince her that she really had nobody. She wishes she could do something to fix their relationship, and blames herself for it.

Corey Greene

Her father was a mechanic and Viridian City native. Corey and Paula had Jenn unplanned, and more or less only married because of her. Life was never happy at home, but Jenn loved her father. He took her fishing, taught her about a cars, and sometimes he’d let Jenn sneak out of her room so they could watch scary movies together. One of Jenn’s fondest memories was going to see The Crimson Face at The Lakeside Movie-rama; the old drive-in theater in west Viridian.   Corey left when Jenn was ten and Chuckie was five. Jenn was hurt and confused, and didn’t understand why he left for a very long time. A part of her wondered if it had been her fault, or if she could have done anything to make him stay. A much more childish, naïve part of her wanted to think that he left so that could find somewhere for Jenn and Chuckie, and he’d taken them away from their rundown apartment, and away from their mother. She checked the mail for a letter from him every day for three years, and she’d jump with anticipation whenever she heard a car door outside. But it was never him, and no letter ever came.   The issue of her father was a big blank spot for a long time. She didn’t want to think about it, instead clinging to the good memories she had of him. After running into him in Unova, however, she can’t do that anymore. Their meeting was a coincidence; they were both in Luxuria Town for the Midsummer festival, and they were staying at the same bed and breakfast. It turned out he had moved to Nacrene City, changed his name to “Barry Fellows”, and just started a new life. He was even there with his wife, or fiancé.   Jenn confronted him and the two had a bad encounter that left her sobbing. He didn’t care about her, and he wanted nothing to do with her. He accused Jenn of being self-righteous, and being “just like her mother”. The thought of her ever becoming like her mother is one that fills her with intense anxiety and rage in equal measure, but to hear it coming from her father was almost too much bear.   She was lucky that Aerik was there that night. Maybe Corey was, too. But she replays their conversation in her sleep sometimes, and she’d by lying if she said his voice wasn’t there in her head sometimes when she’s at her lowest and feeling her most unlovable. In the end, though it still hurts and causes her heart to ache, Jenn has accepted that her father never really wanted anything to do with her and moved on.   Not to say that she’s totally fine, but she doesn’t want that to be yet another thing that weighs her down. She has enough of those things already.

Paula Greene

There aren’t many people that are truly unredeemable to Jenn, but her mother is one of them. Paula was a failed coordinator who tried to live vicariously through her—constant dance classes, singing classes, acting classes, fashion, constantly pushing her to develop more skills, all to prepare Jenn for “traveling the Contest circuit”.   Paula was nothing but cold, cruel, and selfish with Jenn. She was seemed to sincerely hate Jenn, but refused to give up any control over Jenn’s life. Her expectations were impossibly high, and when Jenn inevitably failed to live up to them, Paula would severely punish Jenn for it. It was almost never physical, but the abuse was emotional and verbal, destroying any sense of confidence or safety Jenn might otherwise feel. Withholding dinner and removing the door to Jenn’s room were common punishments, and the outbursts and verbal lashings and wild, paranoid accusations were constant.   Jenn hasn’t seen or heard from her mother for nearly two years, and she’s honestly happier for it. If Jenn has her way, she’ll never have to see that woman ever again.

September Fjord

September is Jenn’s daughter with Mige from an alternate timeline. It’s one of very few that Jenn is alive beyond the next year, and one where she and Mige apparently got together and had at least one child together. September seems like a good kid; she’s smart, dorky, kind of weird, brilliant, and possesses a deep love for her Pokemon. Honestly, Jenn adores her. It feels strange and somewhat surreal to have a girl almost as old as she is calling her “mom” so casually, but at the same time it feels weirdly good.   Jenn never thought of herself as being capable of being a mother. With her upbringing, Jenn has always been reluctant at the idea of having kids because she’s afraid she’d turn into her own mother. But September is proof that Jenn has the potential to not only grow beyond the abuse, but also flourish and thrive as an adult. Meeting September has really give Jenn a shred of hope that maybe Jenn really can survive, become a good person, and maybe even be a good mom someday, if she ever wants to be.


Jenn has made of number of friends through her travels. Despite feeling that she doesn’t have many people who care about her, in truth she has become fairly close with a number of people. The most important of these relationships include:

Alexa Rousseau

Jenn has a deep respect for Alexa, especially her devotion to the truth above all else. Jenn feels that a true reporter like Alexa is pretty rare in these days when everyone is just racing for a byline. On top of it, Alexa is a good person: she’s down to earth, witty, fun, cool, and extremely capable and intelligent. Jenn actually admires Alexa, and a part of her would love to be half as cool as Jenn thinks Alexa is.   While the two aren’t “close”, they have been working together on research against the Horizon Institute for months, and with Alexa becoming an official member of the Atmosphere’s Crew, it seems that Jenn and Alexa will only continue communicating and working together, a prospect that makes Jenn happy. She’d like to get to know Alexa, and she’d very much like Alexa to see her as a friend someday (the fact that Alexa already does see Jenn as her friend is not one that has yet occurred to Jenn).

Arthur Potts

Jenn thinks that the young monk-in-training is a good guy and extremely decent; he is polite, respectful, and considerate of others. She appreciates his tendency to look after the others, a trait they share, and she finds his sometimes-strange mannerisms to be fun. She enjoys talking to Arthur, and she especially likes hearing about life at the monastery.   Jenn’s respect for Arthur largely comes from their time in Terminus Cave. The young monk dropped everything to help them because it was the right thing to do, and despite his issues as someone who grew up in an monastery, was willing to do what he had to in order to save Jenn’s life on more than one occasion.   Arthur is a very brave person in Jenn’s eyes, and despite not having known each other that long, Jenn finds Arthur to be someone she instinctually trusts.

Beat Voronen

Beat is another member of the Atmosphere, and the first that Jenn personally sought out and recruited. She found his resume, as it were, to be very impressive. His history of selfless acts and feats of heroism made her believe that he was a good fit for their operation. She was quickly proved right, as Beat’s first job with them was a baptism by fire—going up against the Institute in the events of Pokemon: Pathways. When all was said and done, Jenn was more than confident that Beat was the right person for the job, vouching for him and standing up for him, insisting that he get the job she had chosen him for despite the potential complication of Beat being a Candidate.   She sees Beat as a sort of kindred spirit, but can’t quite put her finger on why. He is kind and respectful, just as much as he’s fiery and passionate. He’s intelligent, observant, and wildly capable, but doesn’t really see it in himself. He has a spirit that works to keep others safe, but he never expects praise or a reward. He just does the right thing because it’s the right thing to do.   Jenn has come to trust Beat quite a bit, more than she normally would. He’s easy to talk to and be around, and she finds that she’s comfortable being herself with him, going so far as to ramble on with him, watch him draw, fail to be taught how to draw by him, getting drunks and breaking plates, and even going shopping for silly berets. He’s just a fun person to hang out with, and to be completely honest, he’s probably Jenn’s best friend right now, and he has become her unofficial second in command.   They have a surprising amount in common, especially their shared passion for nature and for Pokemon, and they both find a lot of fulfillment in just observing Pokemon behaving naturally. She finds his drawings and observations of Pokemon to be fascinating and unique, and remind her of Professor Oak’s early research, before he made the PokeDex. They get along well, and Jenn has even become a bit vulnerable with him in recent days—something not easy for her to do. But she trusts Beat, and she finds that the encouragement, compliments, and advice he’s given her means a lot. He’s a man of few words, so when he talks, Jenn listens, and when Beat tells her that she’s capable or that she isn’t really alone, she almost believes him.   She tries to be there for him just as much as he is for her. She can’t imagine the grief and pain that Beat has endured, and has decided that she wants to try to make him smile once a day if she can manage it, because he’s a good person and he deserves to be happy. She doesn’t know how much help she’s actually being, and is kind of worried she’s annoying him or bothering him, but she’s determined to at least try her best.

Crystal Lear

Jenn and Crystal didn’t get off on the right foot. The two had never properly met before Jenn came to Kalos, but Jenn certainly knew who Crystal was. She had made it to the Top 8, along with Mige and Tim, and was a fairly famous model on top of that. While Jenn was optimistic about meeting her, she was a bit surprised to find Crystal giving her the cold shoulder. Crystal proved to be quite cold toward Jenn, and even a little catty. It didn’t take Jenn long to figure out that Crystal had feelings for Mige and saw Jenn as some kind of threat or a rival. Like with Celosia, Jenn didn’t really have any intention or hope at getting back together with him, but that didn’t really matter.   Jenn more or less just avoided Crystal in order to avoid drama. Things between them got a little better after Fiore, and while they ultimately were friendly with each other, they didn’t really became “friends” until Jenn and the crew of the Atmosphere came to the group’s aid against the Horizon Institute. Jenn recognized the look on Crystal’s face as Mige and Celosia seemed to grow closer, and bought Crystal a drink their last night in Hammerlocke as someone who knew what Crystal was feeling.

Darcie Summers

Jenn thinks that Darcie is probably one of the sweetest people in the world. She and Darcie didn’t get much of a chance to get to know one another, but she nevertheless found Darcie’s cheerful enthusiasm and caring demeanor to be more than a little contagious. Darcie brightened up every room she was in, and Jenn really admires Darcie’s love and devotion to her friends. Caring for one’s friends is often hard and thankless work, but Darcie never complained. She was fun to chat with in the mornings during the brief time they traveled together, and it was always nice to have another fairly level-headed person in the group—if a bit ditzy (which, honestly, Jenn just found adorable anyway). Darcie was also the only one of Aerik’s friends to have never begrudged her, and in fact tried to welcome Jenn into the group with open arms. Jenn was always very appreciative of that.   When Jenn heard Darcie had been captured by the Horizon Institute, she immediately dropped everything to help save her. Seeing what happened to Darcie—what the Institute had done to her—Jenn’s heart broke. Seeing Darcie become dead-eyed and quiet hurt deeply, and Jenn hopes that somehow, they’ll be able to help her. Jenn knows firsthand what it’s like to be held captive and tortured by the Institute, though it seems that Darcie suffered even worse at their hands. That’s just another reason to take the Institute down, Jenn thinks.

Felicity Brannon

Jenn’s relationship with Celosia was a bit familiar, as it was a sort of echo of how things started with Felicity. From the night they met, Felicity did not like Jenn. She was mean, petty, jealous, catty, and confrontational, in large part because Felicity was in love with Aerik. Jenn did her best to be friendly toward Felicity, who never really warmed up to her until after the volcano incident—at which point, Aerik and Jenn had broken up, and Aerik had started dating Felicity.   At the very least, Felicity stopped being so catty and jealous. Not much friendlier, but also not as hostile. Things probably would have ended that way if Felicity hadn’t brought up her desire to become a Coordinator. The final qualifiers for the Unova Idol circuit were upcoming, and Jenn volunteered to help Felicity practice for them. While Felicity was reluctant at first, Jenn eventually convinced her to just let her help, and Jenn gave Felicity a crash-course in Coordinating, even helping her prepare the music and choreography, and accompanying Felicity to the actual performance as her coach.   Since then, Felicity has warmed up to Jenn. The two are even friends now, talking on occasion and Felicity occasionally coming to Jenn for advice or pointers. During Pokemon: Pathways, Jenn and Felicity seemed to be on good terms and when Felicity had to leave the group right before they left for Galar, Jenn was among those that Felicity said goodbye to, along with Accumula Team and Tabitha.

Garnet Pritchards

Jenn always liked Garnet. Despite feeling that something was off throughout the events in Fiore, Jenn still always gave Garnet the benefit of the doubt. She didn’t know about Garnet’s being a double-agent working for Team Rocket until she signed up with the Atmosphere—Garnet took Jenn aside and told her as much in confidence. Jenn was surprised, but she wasn’t bothered. Clearly, Garnet was repentant and wanted to make things right—that’s basically what started the Atmosphere initiative in the first place, after all.   Jenn and Garnet seem to be friends, and they work together well professionally speaking. After going through everything in Fiore together, they share a mutual respect. Both are extremely smart, complimenting the other’s strength and covering their weaknesses. Specifically, Jenn is a little more knowledgeable about Pokemon and science, where Garnet is better with people and the criminal element.   Jenn and Garnet often chat together during lulls in activity around the Globe. At the moment, Garnet’s probably one of the closest things Jenn has to a friend beside Beat.

Kai Yammamoto

Jenn adores Kai. He’s sweet, smart, cultured, and extremely passionate about his craft. While Kai can be more than a bit weird, naïve, and even childish, he is also surprisingly perceptive, mature, and empathetic. He may not always know the right thing to say, but he’s always there for his friends when he needs them.   Many people see Kai as a coward, but Jenn understands that Kai is a normal guy, inexperienced with the sort of live he’s found himself falling face-first into, and thinks the way he responds to things like ghosts and terrorists to be reasonable. At the end of the day, Kai is still traveling with Mige and the others, he still goes into the scary bunker even when he’s scared, and he still stands with his friends, going so far as travelling across the world, journeying into the wilderness, and facing down a monolithic cult for them. He may not like it, but he’s willing to do it. She respects and admires those things about Kai, and it was those traits that confirmed to Jenn that he was a good person.

Kia Masuda

Jenn and Kia met in Accumula Town when Aerik first introduced Jenn and the other starters to his friends. Jenn had no idea how important Kia would become in her life that night. They didn’t really talk or get to know each other after that. Kia was another member of Accumula Team, there with the rest of the group but too timid to really contribute or speak up.   When Jenn left for Kalos, though, she was surprised to find that Kia wanted to come too. She recognized the fire and determination in her eyes, and agreed to bring her along. While the plan was initially for Kia to accompany Viola for a while, Mige quickly took Kia on as his “apprentice”.   Jenn quickly got to see Kia’s many strengths and talents. Beyond being intelligent and creative, Kia was wildly resourceful, cunning, and determined. No matter what knocked her down, Kia always managed to stand up again, and again, and again. Kia also displayed her courage when she traveled with them all to Fiore to help find Jirachi and save Lara. That trip really was Kia’s trial by fire, and she emerged on the other side even stronger. When Jenn learned how Kia had been the one to snap Mige out of Shadow Jirachi’s trance in the Black Citadel, Jenn felt a deep pride—considering that Jenn was her first teacher. Not that Jenn took credit for Kia’s accomplishments, but Kia had grown a lot and come far from the timid young girl who chose Spoink as her first Pokemon partner because it was cute.   Jenn was often assigned as the one who went places with Kia; Jenn was the only one in the group to go with Kia to Gloire City to get her badge, and then to Santalune City to get the Bug Badge. The two faced down Wraith together and survived, an experience that brought them closer together. Jenn doesn’t have many fond memories of her time in Kalos, but she’s happy that she got to get closer to Kia.   Recently, Jenn learned that Kia and Mige were dating. Of course there was a part of her that felt a bit sad at the news, but she also wasn’t too surprised. She wishes them well; they’re both good people, and she’s happy that they found some comfort and happiness in each other.

Lara Miyamoto-Pierce

You know how Felicity and Celosia were to Jenn when they first met? Regrettably, that’s kind of how Jenn was to Lara at first. Throughout Indigo Chronicles, Jenn wasn’t very cool when it came to Lara. Sensing Lara and Mige’s mutual attraction, Jenn often got jealous and petty, though she never explained why to Mige. Even at the Indigo Plateau, Jenn was fairly cold toward Lara—even though Jenn had a boyfriend at the time who was definitely not Mige.   With time, though, Jenn got some clarity. She didn’t hesitate to go help Lara by following Will Tahjiri’s crazy plan, and when Lara eventually joined their group in Kalos, Jenn welcomed her with a big smile and open arms. The two were able to bond through their shared history, and often they were the only company that the other had. Jenn has apologized for how she behaved in Kanto, and she is extremely grateful that Lara doesn’t hold anything against her, as well as the fact that the two actually became somewhat close during their time in Kalos.

Louis Rosenfield

Jenn only tangentially knew Louis before the events of Wish Upon a Star. She more knew OF Louis thanks to Mige, but she didn’t really know him too well beyond that. They actually spoke a bit during Pokemon League Victors, but they didn’t become “friends” until they both went to Fiore in order to help save Lara by finding Jirachi. Louis proved to be responsible with a level head. His resourcefulness and brilliant, analytical mind were invaluable during the trip. Jenn very much understands that they likely would not have been able to ultimately save Lara without him.   A few months later, when Jenn was initially approached about the Atmosphere, she was not at all surprised to find out that Louis was involved. She’s amazed by Louis’ intelligence, diligence, and tenacity. She’s proud to call Louis both a colleague and a friend, and she is secretly quite moved that Louis thinks so highly of her. Jenn continually works hard to make sure that Louis’ faith in her isn’t for nothing.

Rudy Ames

Jenn thinks this cowboy is a really great guy. They met early in Jenn’s journey. In fact, they met only a day or two after she met Mige and Ryan, and was her first real opponent in a trainer battle. It was thanks in large part to Rudy and his Sandshrew that Jenn learned her first lessons about battles, and she grew closer with Bulbasaur because of them. She has always felt grateful and even a little indebted to Rudy for that.   When she found that Rudy was among those who had come to Fiore for Lara, she was both surprised and also not surprised at all. He was a good man who cared about others, and he had an instinctive drive to do so. Rudy proved to be a loyal and constant companion throughout their time there, unafraid of conflict or danger if it meant that the others were safe and Lara was a step closer to recovering. Likewise, she’s also not surprised to see that Rudy was also one of the first recruits to the Atmosphere—he may even have literally been the first.   While Rudy can be a bit simple or unobservant, he’s fearless and his heart is in the right place. He’s loyal and compassionate as well, and she genuinely feels safer when Rudy is around.

Ryan Fairchild

Ryan the Bugcatcher is a weird kid--energetic, socially clueless, and a little over-eager, maybe, but he has a good heart and the best of intentions.   The two actually first met at the same time that Jenn first met Mige. Ryan had led Mige to a farmer that Mige was searching for while running an errand for Professor Oak, and when they found thugs attacking the old farmer, Ryan didn't think twice about rushing in to help. He got his ass beat real bad, but he tried! She found that she actually kind of respected that: he jumped headlong into danger in order to do the right thing, even though it cost him in the end.   When they met again, it was a few months later and Jenn was lost along Kanto Route 05. Ryan was on his way to the same town that she was, and he served as her guide along the way. They would also share in an adventure against poachers with Conner and Zoey.   Along the way, Ryan proved to be both extremely kind and eager to help. He got in the way and fucked up more than he didn't, but once more his heart was in the right place.   Despite the astronomical odds, Ryan would ALSO win tickets to the SS Anne and he was present at the party in Tim & Mi ge's room. She and Ryan danced together once she had a couple of drinks to calm her nerves, and she stepped in to try to get Djorn to stop being an asshole to Ryan.   Jenn is honestly amazed by how far he’s come, from that overeager kid on the edge of the Viridian Forest, to apparently earning Aiden Kobayashi’s respect, to becoming a Top 16 competitor, to venturing into a volcano just to save her, and even facing down impossible odds against the Horizon Institute without flinching because it was the right thing to do. Time and again, Ryan keeps proving that he is every bit the hero he so desperately wants to become   She genuinely doesn’t have anything bad to say about Ryan the Bugcatcher.

Tabitha Morgenstein

Like with Crystal, Jenn didn’t know Tabitha personally until recently. Jenn was aware of who she was, given that she’d made it to the Top 16, but couldn’t tell you much about her beside the fact that she had a Munna and was friends with Ryan the Bugcatcher.   But, Tabitha was one of the people who ventured into Reversal Mountain—an active, erupting volcano—to save her. Tabitha didn’t even know Jenn. Sure, she was mostly there to support Ryan and Aiden, but Jenn is still immensely grateful for everything Tabitha did. After the volcano, Jenn and Tabitha talked quite a bit, and Jenn found her to be witty, cool, and bold—all traits that Jenn wishes she had. Tabitha took Jenn under her wing a little bit during their time in Nacrene City.   After the group parted ways, Jenn kept in touch with Tabitha via text, even more regularly than she did some of the others. During the events of Pokemon: Pathways, the two were mutually happy to see each other again. Those events gave Jenn yet another new perspective on Tabitha, who played a fairly large role in the events that followed, being among those who traveled into the Dream World in the hopes of using it to sneak into the Facility undetected. Tabitha showed extreme tenacity, bravery, skill, and showed her true colors as a friend and person.   Tabitha is a one of a kind sort of person, and Jenn is kind of touched to know that Tabitha counts Jenn as a friend.

Tim Fisher

Jenn and Tim didn’t get along too well when they first met. Not they disliked each other, but Jenn often got on Tim’s nerves, and he made her incredibly frustrated. They mostly tolerated each other because of their mutual friendship with Zoey.   With time, though, a mutual respect was formed. Tim got stopped griping about Jenn’s “nagging”, even thanking her from time to time, and Jenn stopped seeing Tim as “obnoxious”, even finding his antics pretty amusing sometimes. By the end, Jenn would consider Tim one of her closest friends, and one of the people she trusts most. They may butt heads sometimes, but Tim means well and his heart is always in the right place.   He is a loyal friend, often recklessly throwing himself into danger for his friends. When Sonny and his cult were attempting to awaken Arceus in Pokemon: Godfall, it was Tim that crashed into the Hall of Destiny with everyone’s Pokemon, and fought beside Jenn in a double battle against Cyrus and Mars while Mige took on Sonny. He never hesitated to do what he had to do, regardless of the danger, because if he didn’t then the people he cared about would suffer.   Just as important to Jenn is that Tim is good to Zoey. He has a deceptively big heart, and the punk is anything but aggressive toward her: Tim is attentive, loving, kind, affectionate, and loyal boyfriend. He gave his whole heart to Zoey, even fighting the odds in the Pokemon League as a symbolic gesture of his love to Zoey’s father—one of the richest and most powerful men in the world. Tim did it for her, and she is extremely impressed and deeply admires his devotion. Jenn never had many good male role models growing up, in terms of what a healthy relationship looks like, but in a weird way she can see it in the way Tim and Zoey are and the level of trust they share.   Tim is kind to Jenn, as well. He’s stuck up for her, saved her neck, and gave her advice for how to approach a potential romance with Mige. Tim really seemed to be rooting for her, and he was compassionate and there for her when things went south. She’s grateful to have a friend like Tim watching her back. Considering how things went with Mige, she hopes he still thinks of her as a friend.

Tracey Sketchit

Tracey was among the first friends Jenn made after leaving home. In fact, Jenn would venture so far as to say that Tracey may have been the first person to genuinely make her smile after she left. As one of Professor Oak’s chief aides, Tracey showed her the ropes and taught her much of what she knows about Pokemon; it was largely working with Tracey that Jenn discovered not only her love for Pokemon, but how to observe, approach, and care for them. She still has the grooming set that Tracey gave her when she left for her own adventure.   She sees him like a big brother, and looks up to him as a sort of role model. Even now, with Jenn still looks up to Tracey and considers him an invaluable source of advice and encouragement. She’s extremely happy that they’re able to work together with the Atmosphere—not only is he someone she already knows and has an established rapport with, but he is also someone she trusts, admires, and knows she works well with. His chill demeanor, observation skills, broad knowledge base, experience in the field, and his skill with handling Pokemon—especially injured or scared wild Pokemon—are all traits that Jenn believes will prove extremely useful to the group moving forward.   Jenn also thinks Tracey has good taste in movies and music, and they tend to like many of the same things as far as those things go. Jenn and Tracey would often vibe with various music mixes Tracey made while they did work around Oak’s lab, and she treasures those memories.

Will Tahjiri

Will is another person that Jenn didn’t really know very well until recently. He was more someone Mige knew at first. Their meeting at the Evolution Convention in Celadon City was the first time Jenn and Will ever talked, and he made a pretty good first impression when he bailed her out of having to see Sammy.   Beside that, she just saw Will as being chill and overall harmless. She didn’t hold it against him that he was Lara’s cousin. When he made it to the Top 32, along with Lara, Jenn was genuinely happy for them both. During Indigo League Victors, Jenn and Will often found themselves in the same place at the same time, considering how Lara seemed to follow Mige around. Benjamin and Will seemed to hit it off more than anything.   It wasn’t until Will gathered a ragtag crew to search Jirachi, in the wild hope that they could make a wish to save Lara, that Jenn actually got a handle on the type of person Will was. He was a pretty grounded person, but he was a person who had faith and believed in hope. He was willing to go to extreme lengths for his cousin, risking his life multiple times on finding something that may not even exist.   Jenn found Will’s devotion and determination, and his refusal to give in to despair, to be extremely admirable traits. That side of Will, someone who was willing to take huge chances and risk it all for his loved ones, is a person Jenn respects. She and Will seemed much friendlier by the end of the special, and Jenn has gone on to count Will as one of her “good friends” from Kanto.   If he ever called on her for help again, she’d answer—and she knows that he’d likely do the same.

Wynn Masuda

Wynn is...a unique individual. He is quiet and observant, and has a natural sort of mind for the strange. He's intelligent and seems to take everything in stride; very little seems to phase him. He seems to live in his own world, often disconnected from things and people around him—and, arguably, he’s cut off from what we call “reality” as we know it.   Wynn doesn’t just think outside the box, he’s never even seen the box. His though process is opaque, convoluted, but also somehow deceptively simple. As an artist, he is extremely observant, but it’s like he lacks the common sense to really utilize that in any real way—or rather, he lacks the restraint that doing so would require. Of course this doesn’t mean Wynn is dumb. Quite the opposite is true; Wynn is extremely intelligent. He’s just..well, he’s just Wynn. There really isn’t a better way to put it. His off-the-wall ideas actually prove to be extremely helpful just as often as they are rambling, off-kilter non-sequiturs.   Wynn isn't the best, socially speaking; he says what he thinks with little consideration taken for how it sounds, often just blurting out things that can seem rude, callous, or condescending. Jenn would be lying if she said that he hadn't hurt her feelings…multiple times…but at the end of the day, you know, she kind of has to respect it.   Like many of Aerik’s friends, Wynn has also shown himself to be extremely loyal and devoted to his friends. Despite having no athletic abilities, Wynn has insisted on traveling with Aerik across Unova, and even though Wynn lacks any real instinct or ability when it comes to battling Pokemon, Wynn traveled to Unova with the rest of them, faced the Institute in battle with the rest of them—and he even used a hand grenade to seemingly kill Ironhide, despite the fact that doing so would have likely meant sacrificing himself.   To be put it another way, Jenn knows that there’s a lot more to Wynn than what appears on the surface. He’s a complex and strange individual, and she can never really tell what to make of how he thinks or responds to things, but she does know that she can count on him and he generally tries to do the right thing—even if he can be sort of exhausting sometimes.

Zoey Silph

Beside Mige, Zoey is Jenn's best friend. The two met in the summer, having both volunteered to help repel a group of poachers, and decided to keep traveling together. Zoey knows more about Jenn than probably anybody, and Jenn trusts her more than anyone beside maybe Mige. Really, Zoey is pretty much Jenn's ride-or-die, and Jenn would do absolutely anything for her.   In a lot of ways, Zoey is the epitome of everything that Jenn wishes she were: effortlessly cool, confident, bold, sexy, impulsive, passionate, tough, and fearless. Jenn doesn't understand why someone like Zoey would like her so much, but she's beyond the point where she's going to question it.   Jenn also admires—and maybe even envies—the trust and mutual, open affection she shares with Tim. Jenn wishes she had been able to be as bold and courageous as Zoey had been, that she was able to communicate more honestly and openly with Mige the way Zoey could with Tim. Jenn would like to think she’s learned a lot from Zoey, even in ways even Zoey isn’t aware of.   More than anything, Jenn misses Zoey. They were so close for a while and then they weren’t. It was like a switch flipped. They still kept in touch for a while by phone, but they both got busy with life. It isn’t uncommon for Jenn to wish that Zoey were there sometimes. Not just to help her or give her advice, but just as someone Jenn loves and enjoys spending time with. She really does wish that she could have the same kind of friendship they used to, but has more or less come to terms with the fact that they probably won’t have that again.



Hermit is one of those people who is absolutely irredeemable in Jenn’s mind, and might be the closest thing Jenn can imagine to pure evil. Hermit has committed numerous atrocities—against the world at large and against Jenn and her friends in particular—in the name of her flawed ideology. She is arrogant, duplicitous, conniving, ruthless, and cruel beyond Jenn’s ability to comprehend.   Hermit’s involvement with Mige began, surprisingly, with Jenn and Aerik. Hermit would end up kidnapping Jenn and torturing her within the depths of a volcano laboratory for about a week. She did awful things to Jenn—cutting into her, removing an eye or a finger, and then rewinding time. But she made sure Jenn remembered the pain. Jenn was rescued numerous times, or otherwise escaped, and went on to live a long and happy life—only to one day see Hermit and be pulled back to her imprisonment in the volcano. While Jenn initially believed these to be hallucinations, she has come to realize that they probably happened—Jenn was allowed to live her life until she was happy, and then Hermit would pull the rug out and send her back in time. But Jenn remembers all of it. The pain and the scars run deep, even if they aren’t visible.   Hermit is a monster, one that plagues her dreams and warped her senses to such as extent that even now, Jenn isn’t entirely sure she isn’t still trapped in the volcano; she can’t ever really be certain that this isn’t another one of Hermit’s tricks.   Jenn wants to take Hermit down more than almost anything, not just for torture that she subjected Jenn to—torture that likely lasted months or even years thanks to Hermit’s powers—but for everything she has done to her friends, the lives she has ruined for really no reason, and for the innocent people sacrificed in the name of “saving the world”.   She wants Hermit to burn, and Jenn wants to be there to watch when it happens.

Ryu Nakamura

Ryu the Swimmer is the closest thing Jenn to what could be called the "bane of her existence". The strange, unpleasant man was immediately taken with Jenn from the first moment they met, and he devoted much of time during her travels in Kanto to winning her heart and proving his love for her.   The swimmer had a habit of showing up at odd times, usually by leaping out of the water, and attacking whatever guy was with her with his Goldeen. Ryu claimed Mige to be his greatest rival, and when she and Benjamin started dating, he declared Benjamin to be his greatest rival. Ryu even went so far as to earn eight badges and fight in the fucking Pokemon League in an effort to prove his devotion. And he made it to the Top 32. The Top 32!   She mostly sees Ryu as weird, unpleasant, and kind of sad. She hasn't seen him since the end of the 2020 Indigo Conference. However, even though she's traveling with the Atmosphere and traveling the world in an airship, she still half-expects him to leap out of the nearest body of water and throw a Goldeen at her.

Vincent Elsher

Next to maybe Hermit, Jenn finds Vincent utterly reprehensible. While he hasn’t done anything too egregious yet, he is the cause and root of so much evil in the future—and more often than not, he’s the one who kills her, among her other friends. While she was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, just like Mige, she is furious to know that Vincent had been playing them all along.   She is curious about his intentions, especially why he’s poking around Paldea and Area Zero. It’s caused her to do some research into Area Zero and Paldean mythology, even going so far as to reach out to Naranja Academy’s history and anthropology departments under an alias and under false pretenses. Knowing that this mission goes bad for her in nearly every timeline, Jenn is determined to be as prepared as possible, to keep both herself and her team safe.   Jenn is very aware of how dangerous Vincent is, and on the same token is fairly convinced she’d all but expendable. She promised Beat she’d do her best to survive all of this, and while she does not intend to break that promise, she will not pass up a chance to stop Vincent if it arises—no matter what it might cost her. But even then she has to be careful, as she’s pretty sure other versions of herself had the same idea and Vincent ended up surviving. So really, it’s a lose/lose unless she’s very smart, very lucky, or both.


Jenn has had many influences in her life; people who have inspired her, motivated her, taught her, and helped her to grow into a better person. Some of the following people feel like family to her, others more like friends, and others professional acquaintances. Regardless, they are all doubtless influential in Jenn’s life, and all have played a part in helping her to become the person she is today.

Augustine Sycamore

Kalos’ National Professor, Augustine Sycamore strikes Jenn as a very eccentric man. He seems flighty, distractable, and a bit unprofessional; his lab is a cluttered mess, most of the rooms are retrofitted apartments, kitchens, and bedrooms, he slides down the banisters, and speaks with gravitas and enthusiasm. But that’s kind of what she likes about him. Far from the stodgy stereotype one might have of a professor, Sycamore approaches everything with a sense of wonder, curiosity, and unabashed enthusiasm. He doesn’t seem to care what others think about him, and his willingness to help those in need and his desire to use his research to change the world is admirable.   She sees him as the sort of person a professor ought to be: someone who encourages the pursuit of knowledge and the embracing of one’s true self above all else.

Aurea Juniper

Jenn holds a deep respect for Professor Juniper. The woman saw potential in Jenn when she was at her lowest, and provided Jenn with opportunities and training to help her on her way to becoming a real Pokemon researcher—something Jenn decidedly wants to pursue once this is all over. Juniper had faith in Jenn, entrusting her with the new trainers and sending her on small research trips until things turned upside-down at the volcano.   Juniper is a respected member of the scientific community, and unlike many National professors, she is a historian and anthropologist, rather than a biologist. Juniper’s sharp mind, resourcefulness, and no-nonsense attitude all inspired Jenn in a way that’s hard to verbalize. Juniper is basically who Jenn wants to be when she’s older, and even now she wants to make Juniper proud through her work.   Jenn is extremely grateful to Professor Juniper, and feels immensely guilty about leaving so abruptly. Juniper did not approve of Jenn’s decision, but said that Jenn had to make her own mistakes. A part of Jenn does feel that leaving Unova was a mistake, but at the very least it all led her to the Atmosphere.

Bill Fjord

Jenn admired Bill long before she found out he was Mige’s adoptive father. He’s the hero of most kids her age—an amazing trainer, the winner of one of the greatest Conferences of all time, a respected scientist, and the inventor of the Pokemon Storage System. The fact that he has worked tirelessly to ensure that it remains free is just another testament to the type of person Bill is.   They say you should never meet your heroes, but that doesn’t hold true with Bill. He’s just as down to earth, kind, and funny as you’d think he is. Jenn looks up to Bill, who has served as a source of advice and encouragement for her even before she and Mige started traveling together.   More than that, Bill really did start to feel like family. He took her in to celebrate Christmas with his family, he was there for her throughout the drama with Mige, brought her along with Mige and the others to visit Sinnoh, encouraged her to pursue the job with Juniper, and was the one who trusted her enough to bring her in to lead the field team for the Atmosphere. Just knowing that Bill thinks so highly of her makes her extremely happy and she is determined to ensure his faith in her pays off.

Erika Flowers

There isn’t a little girl in Kanto, Johto, or Rota that doesn’t idolize Erika. She’s the picture of the perfect lady; independent, brilliant, beautiful, graceful, refined, and talented. Erika has accomplished a lot in her relatively short tenure as Celadon City’s gym leader, leading and serving city with dignity and passion. Jenn even bought a bottle of her perfume with her first paycheck from Professor Oak.   Erika is definitely a role model for Jenn, who has aspired to become a successful and respected woman like her for ages. Even Jenn’s mother loved Erika, who made her name as a famous Coordinator. Being able to meet Erika through Bill was a dream come true, and Erika is honored that Erika actually remembers Jenn’s name.

Samuel Oak

To say that Jenn admires Professor Oak is a massive understatement. She owes him everything. He took her in when she was just a runaway looking for work. He taught her, was patient with her, gave her a home and a job, and he helped her find not only purpose but a pursuit to be passionate about. He helped her to fall in love with learning and with Pokemon, and it was Professor Oak who gave Jenn her first Pokemon, and the push she needed to step outside and begin her own Pokemon journey.   She regularly write the Professor, who she has come to see almost as a fatherly figure. Many young trainers feel that way, she’s sure, but Oak is a special kind of person who seems to have time for everyone, and works to make sure everyone feels seen and appreciated.   More than anyone else on this list, if it weren’t for Professor Oak, Jenn wouldn’t be who she is now.


Jenn’s never been lucky in the field of romance. In part due to her anxiety and cripplingly low self-esteem, Jenn has trouble with these sorts of relationships. They’ve really never ended well, and the one good relationship she’d had ended after she was rescued from being tortured in a volcano. Not a great track record.   While a part of Jenn still yearns to be loved, she has decided that she’s just not cut out for it. Romance and Jenn Greene don’t really mix, she supposes, and is focusing instead of doing the work for the Atmosphere and make sure the world is saved.

Aerik Hargraves

Things with Aerik were certainly a whirlwind, starting suddenly and ending just as abruptly. They didn’t know each other long before they got together, but it was evident early on that there was something between them. Aerik was the unofficial “fourth” Unova starter for 2020, who was given an Emolga by Professor Juniper as some sort of favor for his father.   Aerik showed promise early on, and he was the one who seemed the most receptive of her teaching and advice from the beginning. She hadn’t planned on ever really seeing him again once they arrived in Accumula Town, but somehow Jenn agreed to let Aerik join her to at least Striaton City to investigate the Dreamyard. Her feelings for Aerik came quick, and she struggled with them for awhile and tried to ignore them, but in the end he was there for her, cared for her, and picked her up when she was feeling at her absolute worst. When he confessed his feelings, Jenn just couldn’t say no. For a very brief window of time, Jenn was happy.   He was a great boyfriend; fun, the right mix of silly and sincere, and he was attentive to her needs and emotions. While they seemed very different at first glance, given that Aerik was extremely popular and extroverted, they both possessed a wanderer’s heart and they agreed on the sort of values that matter. Aerik brought out a different side of Jenn. He made her feel extremely comfortable and seen, even before they started dating. She was silly with Aerik, arguably more playful than she’d been with Mige; she playfully teased him, acted a bit bashful and girlish, and pushed him to be as confident as he deserved to be. He made her laugh a lot, and his smile always seemed to make her stomach do somersaults.   Most surprisingly, Aerik seemed to be able to get through to Jenn in ways nobody else seems to be able to. He’d always be quick to catch her when she made self-depreciating comments, but he was always quick to spot when she was beginning to spiral or have an anxiety attack. He never made her feel embarrassed about it, he never teased her, and he never made her feel guilty. Aerik was just there, and he always made her feel better. Aerik grounded Jenn, provided something solid to lean against, and made her smile when she was down.   Honest and straightforward, Aerik proved to be Jenn’s type: selfless and heroic. He’s never too busy if someone needs him, and he always does his best to help however he can, even if he’s out of his depths. The fact that he was always there for her when she needed him meant more to her than she’d even expressed to him.   He was always there, and then he wasn’t. After Reversal Mountain, Aerik and Felicity got together. She appreciates that he didn’t do anything with Felicity until after they’d officially broken up, but it hurt more than she let on. She feels like maybe she wasn’t as important to him as he was to her—and she wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case. Nobody really sticks around, and in the end Aerik was no different. When she left, he didn’t ask her to stay. A part of her wonders if she would have, if he’d asked.   She tries not to think about it. To an extent, she tries not to think about him. It just makes her sad. One day, she’s sure she’ll be able to look back on their time together fondly, without experiencing a sense of loss, or that she was just dropped so easily. Maybe one day.

Benjamin de Wolfe

Benjamin was Jenn’s longest relationship to date. She couldn't stand Benjamin at first, finding him to be insufferable, arrogant, and kind of a jerk. However, this would change over time, albeit a little slowly. Their bonding period didn't truly begin until Mige left for the Sevii Islands, while Jenn and Benjamin stayed behind. During the week that Mige was gone, Jenn and Benjamin more or less spent every day together and by the time Mige came back, their relationship was much friendlier. While some playful antagonism still existed, it was all in fun.   She doesn’t think she ever really liked him romantically, despite the fact that she dated him for months, lost her virginity to him, and was planning to move to Unova and share an apartment with him. When he confessed, she was feeling extremely lonely and ignored, and was in the middle of her despairing feelings about Mige. In the end, she dated Benjamin because she was tired of being alone and overlooked. It was an awful thing for her to do, and she regrets it immensely.   Benjamin isn’t a perfect person, but he wasn’t a bad boyfriend and he didn’t deserve to be treated the way that he was. In the end, he did care about her and she just couldn’t return those feelings because her heart was elsewhere.   She’s grateful that they were able to talk in Galar after the events of Pokemon: Pathways, and is grateful that he accepted their apologies. They aren’t friends anymore, and probably never will be again, but at the very least she found some closure.

Mige Fjord

There was a time that Jenn thought that she and Mige would be friends forever, and where he went, she’d follow. He was her best friend, the first friend she made on the road, and he was her first love—and she loved him with all of her heart, so much that it hurt sometimes. She was able to be there, watching him and supporting him as he overcame the challenges life threw at him, and Jenn got to see him grow into a real hero. Really, Mige was Jenn’s hero.   She’d never met someone quite like him: selfless, humble, intelligent, deeply compassionate, brave, and just so damn good, plain and simple. He changed the world for the better wherever he went, and Jenn considered herself lucky just to be in his orbit. With time, her respect for him turned into something more, which really only got stronger when it was just the two of them on the road together for a time.   He treated Jenn like an equal. He valued her opinions, trained with her, and helped her just as much as she helped him. They made a good team, and if she were being honest, the days she spent traveling Kanto with Mige were some of the happiest memories she has.   Jenn didn’t think she really had a chance with Mige, but was eventually convinced to confess to him by Zoey and Duplica. So, on Christmas night, Jenn gathered up the courage to kiss him. That was probably the single thing she regrets the most in the whole world, because after that night, things were never the same between them. They never really stopped being kind of awkward or uncomfortable. She tried a few more times to get his attention, but he made it clear that he wasn’t interested without saying anything at all.   She felt humiliated and heartbroken and mad. She even dated Benjamin just to make Mige jealous, but he never said anything. He never did anything but wish her the best, and when she left for Unova, he didn’t ask her to stay—he just wished her luck.   Even when she left Unova and came back to Kalos to help him, there was still distance there. They never bonded or hung out; they barely talked outside of “official group business”. When he went to Cyllage City to fight Team Relic and save Crystal, he sent her to Gloire City with Kia. Jenn felt left out, forgotten, and honestly, she wasn’t sure Mige even wanted her there to begin with. Leaving him a second time was a much easier decision to make, but it still hurt just as much.   So, things are complicated and Mige continues to be a touchy subject for her. On the one hand, a part of her still loves him, and she’d be lying if she said that she never wondered what it would have been like if he’d seen her as someone worth loving. She could have made him happy, she thinks. Maybe. She’d try, at least. Despite the fact that a part of her will always love Mige, she has largely come to terms with the fact that they aren’t going to happen. He doesn’t love her, not that way, and so she has to let him go.   It's painful and it isn’t fair, but she doesn’t have a choice. She does genuinely wish Mige nothing but the best. He’s still one of the best, most genuine, and kind people she knows. But her time in his story is over.

Roark Byronsson

Jenn met the handsome, nerdy geologist in Sinnoh, during the events of the Godfall special. Roark was among the scientists assisting the Galactic Corporation in investigating the Rock Peak Ruins. The two seemed to hit it off almost right away, and they exhibited really good chemistry together. Roark is kind, polite, and he makes Jenn laugh. She would be lying if she said she wasn't at least a little attracted to his intellect and his big heart.   He expressed interest in Jenn, and that made her feel kind of special. A part of her wanted to hold on to that; Roark actually seemed to like her, and she liked how that felt. But she also thought it would be extremely unfair to him if she accepted his feelings just because of that. Roark deserved better than that, so she let him down gently. Roark, being the kind person he is, understood—but told her that if she ever changed her mind, she knew how to get a hold of him.   A part of her has always been curious about what would happen if she accepted his feelings. After everything with Mige and Aerik she was tempted to reach out, but ultimately couldn’t do so without feeling like a horrible person.   She values Roark’s friendship and respects him as a fellow scientist. Jenn sees Roark as someone who is capable, dependable, and good in a fight. Given everything he has done so far—helping with Sonny’s cult in Pokemon: Godfall, coming to help investigate the volcano in Pokemon: Seasons, and then coming again to help with the Institute in Pokemon: Pathways, Jenn feels a deep sense of gratitude for him, and if he ever needed her help she’d be there in a flash.


Jenn hasn’t been a “professional” anything for very long, but since working with the Atmosphere, there are a number of people that Jenn has a mostly-professional relationship with. While she likes a lot of those listed as people, their primary relationship is a professional one. Not every professional contact she has is listed here, but the major ones are.

Amoosa Taalitu

Amoosa, or Barry to his friends, is the vehicle expert for the Atmosphere. With as much travel as she and the team have been doing lately, she’s been seeing a lot of him these days. She thinks Amoosa is kind and very funny; she always seems to laugh when Amoosa is around. He’s laid back and cool at all times, it seems; Jenn can’t think of anything that’d made Amoosa sweat, even during their time in Galar.   All in all, Jenn appreciates Amoosa’s good vibes, and values his insight and skill quite highly.

Celosia Aveline

Calling Celosia a “friend” is a bit of a stretch. Okay, it’s a complete stretch—but they’re still allies. It’s one of those “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” sort of things. She and Celosia have never really gotten along, and a large part of that was Celosia’s immediate hostility upon meeting. It was clear that Celosia disliked her—and it was clear why—but it took Jenn a little bit to notice how much Celosia actually disliked her.   Much of the animosity came from Celosia having prior knowledge of what happened between Jenn and Mige in Kanto (which was more embarrassing than anything), and she viewed Jenn as a romantic rival for Mige. Despite Jenn having at least a little hope she and Mige could work out, she was also relatively sure that chance had passed for her. She still loved Mige, of course, but pursuing him was not her intention in going to Kalos. None of that really mattered to Celosia, though.   Throughout all of Jenn’s time in Kalos, and even after she left, her only experiences with Celosia have been incredibly awkward, strained, or hostile. The insults, the bratty attitude, the jealousy, giving Jenn and some of the other girls nightmares—there were few things Jenn would miss when she left Kalos to join the crew of the Atmosphere, but Celosia sure as shit wasn’t one of them.   That’s not to say that Jenn hates Celosia, or wants anything bad to happen to her. Jenn was often shown to try being patient with Celosia, and actively recognized the psychic girl’s talent with Pokemon or her intelligence with computers. Jenn and Celosia also work well together, as shown in Pokemon: Pathways, when they teamed up to take down one of The Horizon Institute’s more powerful agents. Of course, during that same special, Jenn pushed Celosia out of the way of Cecil’s “Finger of Death” spell, and died as a result. While Jenn was saved thanks to Beat and his Magic Water, it doesn’t appear that she knew it would work out that way.   Since then, things haven’t exactly “improved”, per se, but at the very least, Celosia seems to be at least trying to be civil toward her, which is a step in the right direction as far as Jenn is concerned. Maybe one day they can actually become friends.

Conner McKenzie

Jenn has worked with Conner more than once during her time in Kanto, and she finds that she genuinely likes Conner. Not just as a Ranger, but like, as a dude. He’s chill and passionate about his work, and he harbors a deep love for Pokemon. The two were able to get along and even bond a little thanks to their shared love of nature and of Pokemon, and they earned one another’s respect from working together.   When Conner suggested that Jenn could become a Ranger, it surprised her. She’d never seen that in herself, but Conner had and he mentioned it so casually. That comment stayed with her ever since, and in that way, Conner played a roll in Jenn eventually gathering the courage to go to Unova to work for Professor Juniper.   She keeps in touch with Conner via social media, where they will occasionally react to one another’s posts. Jenn hopes he’s doing alright. It’d be nice to see him again sometime. If he’s ever in Vermillion City, she hopes they can chat a bit. He wouldn’t believe what she’d been up to since they talked last.

Diego Coen

Diego was one of the first people that Jenn met when she got to the Globe, and he was the one who showed her around first. He was casual and polite, but down to earth. She appreciates that aspect of Diego; he focuses on the work and doesn’t seem to go overboard or get carried away. He’s grounded, tough, and professional.   He’s also the only “adult” in the group—or rather, he’s really the only one who acts like it. He’s an invaluable help keeping Stephanie and the rest of the field team in-line. Even Devil Bike would listen to Diego most of the time (when he was still around). However, Jenn sees a bit more in Diego than many, including Diego himself.   It isn’t easy to turn away from the kind of life that Diego used to live. Not only that, but he’s now using the skills he acquired working for Team Rocket to help people. He cares more than he lets on, and he refuses to quit even in the face of adversity. During their battle with the Horizon Institute in Galar, she made Diego temporary field leader while she and Beat were away. It’s a choice she didn’t second-guess then and doesn’t regret now.   Jenn might be the leader, but she is well aware of the important role than Diego plays: he isn’t just the demolitions expert, but someone everyone in the team respects, and who has the kind of moral compass to risk his life for the sake of keeping others safe.

Stephanie Barber

Stephanie is mischievous, aggressive, sarcastic, and tends to use her psychic abilities to cause trouble more often than not. While she may be a little rough around the edges, Jenn sees the good in her. Of course, Stephanie got the benefit of the doubt due to her involvement with the Atmosphere to begin with, but Jenn can recognize another lonely spirit like herself. Stephanie has never had a lot of people, it’s just the way she reacts and compensates for that fact is in stark contrast to Jenn’s.   Stephanie has a good heart deep down. She is loyal, cunning, and determined; that stubborn side of Stephanie means that she won’t turn and run when things get hard. She is protective of the friends that she has, and Jenn has noted that Stephanie seems to be just as protective of Jenn when things get rough as she is anybody else. During the battle with the Institute at the Facility in Galar, Stephanie never stopped fighting until the fight was over. It would have been easy to just run, but she didn’t. Jenn appreciates the courage that takes.   Of course, Stepanie also tends to be one the main instigators around the Globe, and it’s usually her that causes Jenn the biggest headaches, especially since Devil Bike left.  

Other Relationships

Not every relationship is a major one. Jenn’s met a lot of people, and spent time with a lot of people, but not all of them would be considered friends. She likes a lot of people, and wants to be friends, but a part of her doesn’t think that they would consider her a friend.   This section is for those relationships that don’t fit anywhere else.

Ace Barnett

Ace and Jenn aren't paricularly close; they have only met in-story a few times. However, Jenn has heard a lot about Ace from both Mige and Tim, and since Ace is important to them both she wants Ace to like her. Their most significant interaction came during the Christmas arc of Indigo Chronicles, where the two woke up before everyone else and walked to a nearby cafe to get breakfast, where they laughed and talked shit about Rodney the entire time.   Jenn and Ace are also both Viridian City kids, and even went to the same schools. Jenn recognized Ace from their time there, though Ace did not seem to recognize her. They may not be the best of friends, but they seem to get along and neither seems to have anything bad to say about the other.

Aiden Kobayashi

Jenn had never heard of Aiden before the Indigo Conference. He quickly proved to be a competitor to watch out for, before his surprise elimination in the Top 16 against Corrin Grey. She saw him around, especially after Mige and Aiden both made Top 32, and she found him to be confrontational, rude, and arrogant. The fact that Ryan the Bugcatcher was his friend, of all people, was bewildering to her.   Her opinion of him improved after he came with Ryan and Tabitha to save her and the other hostages from Hermit in the volcano. From what she was told, Aiden was dauntless and proved to be crucial to their overall success as a group. She came to understand that Aiden was mean, yeah, but he was also a good person deep down. Tabitha was deeply in love with him and Ryan looked up to him as a sort of big brother/mentor figure, and Jenn can genuinely see why.   During Pokemon: Pathways, Jenn felt better knowing that Aiden would be helping them, and when he decided to go after the Stranger in Almia she almost felt sorry for the Outsider. Along with Mige, Aerik, and Beat, Aiden is one of the few that she views as being on “another level”; the people that, by their presence alone, make Jenn confident that things will be okay.

Armand Palm

Jenn isn’t too familiar with Armand as a person beyond the obvious and surface level. He’s a friend of a friend; Jenn and Armand share mutual friends in Tim and Zoey. Armand never seemed to have a problem with her, but they never really interacted much, even during the Christmas they all shared together. However, Armand did help her decorate the penthouse for Christmas and helped Tim replace the Christmas Tree they had accidentally destroyed, which were both gestures she was quite appreciative of.

Clem & Lyn

Jenn wishes that Clem and Lyn liked her. The two young girls are basically Mige’s daughters, and both seem to dislike her. Or rather, Clem openly dislikes Jenn and Lyn seems to be uncomfortable around her. Even though Jenn doesn’t really see her and Mige as ever working out romantically, she’d still like people important to Mige to like her. Plus, you know, she does like kids (even if she’d never seen herself as a mother). It feels super bad when a kid doesn’t like you, you know?   Jenn has tried her best to get them to warm up to her, but it just didn’t happen.

Colton Springsteen

From the start, Colton seemed to have a problem with her. Jenn never really had a problem with him in return; Colton was a loyal friend with a big heart, but Colton never seemed to warm up to her, especially after she and Aerik started dating.   Colton was upfront about his misgivings, blaming Jenn for the trouble that Aerik found himself in. Honestly, she can’t blame him for thinking that way. He’s not right, but he’s not entirely wrong, either, and she can respect his willingness to call her out to protect his friend.   Despite all of that, Jenn does admire him a bit. Colton’s a good friend to Aerik and the rest of Accumula Team. Colton put himself in danger by association, and willingly remains there for them. Colton also put himself in charge of their research operation, when that was a thing, despite his normally lazy personality. Colton is loyal, protective, and can actually be kind of funny when he wants to be, even if his humor can be a bit juvenile at times.   A part of her hoped that Colton would warm up to her one day. While she was dating Aerik, that was partly because a part of her wanted to be accepted by Aerik’s friends. After they broke up, she was a bit offended that he simply wrote her off, treating her with apathy rather than antagonism. While a part of her wrote any friendship with Colton off, he seemed to be much more friendly with her during the events of Pokemon: Pathways. He was still the same old Colton, but his feelings toward Jenn had significantly cooled off.

Duplica Imite

Duplica is more of a friend of a friend; Jenn only knows Duplica through Zoey. Jenn likes Duplica, of course, but they don’t really know each other. Duplica had…questionable advice regarding what Jenn should do with Mige. Unfortunately, that advice was “just kiss him” and Jenn did that, which was sort of the start of everything falling apart with him.   She doesn’t hold that against Duplica, though. Jenn thinks that the girl is very smart and creative, and extremely capable to own a successful café as someone so young.

Elijah Vail

Elijah is one of the 2020 Unova starters, who chose Oshawott as his starter. Elijah is enthusiastic, bold, and eager to prove himself and overcome obstacles. He’s not the brightest crayon in the box, but he’s got a big heart and is quick to volunteer his help. Jenn’s a bit worried that he’ll end up biting off more than he can chew one day, but ultimately has faith that he’s a good enough trainer that, when that day comes, he’ll come through just fine.   She was pleasantly surprised when Elijah showed up to help with the Institute during Pokemon” Pathways, and wasn’t surprised to hear about Elijah’s bravery. He seemed to work well with Ali Palm, and apparently was quite heroic, dragging the injured to safety and defending them.

Korrina Gurrkin

Jenn really doesn’t know Korrina well. She only met Korrina once before leaving Kalos altogether, when they went into Terminus Cave together with Mige and Arthur. Jenn felt Korrina was a bit intense and brash, but ultimately meant well. Jenn doesn’t really know her beyond that one expedition, though, and as such doesn’t have much of an opinion about her.

Kristoff Zellerbach

Kristoff is the second Unovan starter for 2020, who chose Snivy as his starter. Kristoff is aloof, distant, a bit cold, and quite arrogant. He had a rough start in terms of battling; he was very intelligent, and had clearly prepared and researched ahead of time, but when it came to an actual battle he just couldn’t catch a break.   His major strength turned out to be in capturing Pokemon. Kristoff seemed to be quite capable in flushing out wild Pokemon and seemed to be extremely lucky when it came to capturing them. Jenn tried to be a mentor and guide for him like she was for everyone else, but he flatly rejected the notion, insisting he was better off on her own. To be truthful he sort of rubbed her the wrong way from day one, but she can’t hold it against him. From his perspective, she was about their age and hadn’t really proven herself any kind of authority.   With time, Kristoff has improved as a trainer, with a diverse team that he is constantly shifting around. It’s different to what she’s used to, but it seems to be working for him. By the evens of Pokemon: Pathways, Kristoff has seemed to have been humbled somewhat. He sought Jenn out and apologized for the way he’d behaved when they first met, and acknowledged that she was only trying her best.   Jenn greatly appreciated the gesture, forgiving him and offering to start over. Kristoff seemed grateful for the opportunity and while they aren’t close, there’s no enmity between them.

Phoebe Banner

Phoebe is the third Unovan starter for 2020, who chose Tepig as her starter. Phoebe is a sweet and polite girl, with a generally caring personality. While Phoebe isn’t the best capturer, she’s an amazing battler. Jenn has always been impressed with Phoebe, and sees the potential in her to go far as a Poekmon trainer.   They never got particularly close, but they’re friendly enough. Jenn was pleasantly surprised when the three starters showed up to help with the Institute, even going all the way to Galar. She wasn’t surprised at all, however, when she learned how much ass Phoebe kicked during the battle, or the lives she saved by standing with Pignite and refusing to let any Institute members past her.

Sammy Albright

Jenn doesn’t particularly like Sammy and, in retrospect, she never really did. He was among the first friends she made at Oak’s lab, and in part was the reason she got to talk to Oak in the first place. She never liked the way he looked at her, or how flirty he was or how possessive he could get, but she didn’t have the self-esteem to recognize that she deserved better.   He’d eventually become her first boyfriend, a relationship Jenn would rather not think about. She was pretty miserable the whole time they were together, and breaking up with him was the best she’d felt in a long time by that point. They would run into each other a few times after that, and each time Jenn would clam up and try to hide. However, she would eventually beat Sammy during the Grass Tournament in Pallet Town not long before the Indigo Conference, a victory that would grant her a sense of closure about their relationship in general.   She hasn’t seen Sammy since the Indigo Conference, and she’d be just fine if it stayed that way.

Sophie Adalson

Jenn and Sophie get along, at least on a surface level. They’re both introverts with a special love for Pokemon, though Jenn is more of a field researcher while Sophie is a biologist. They have fairly similar senses of humor, favoring dorky humor and puns, and both love music. Jenn is impressed by Sophie’s vast knowledge of music, especially classical music.   Their friendship may not be deep, but Jenn does genuinely like Sophie and values her opinions, especially in matters related to P)okemon science.

Tessa LeBlanc

Out of everyone in Accumula Team, Tessa is probably the person that Jenn knows the least, and she is definitely the person Jenn has had the fewest interactions with. She seems nice enough, though Jenn gets the feeling that Tessa never really “accepted” her.   Still, Tessa has shown to be a good friend and displays an exceptional talent with Pokemon. Before Kia started training with Mige, Tessa would have been the one among Aerik’s friends that Jenn would peg as being the best battler. Tessa’s progress in Kanto shows that Jenn wasn’t far off. In contrast to Kia’s more “Mige-like” style of training, Tessa seems to be going the Ace route. Jenn’s confident that Tessa will go far in the Conference.

Viola Rousseau

Jenn can’t help but like Viola. She’s wild, she’s reckless, she’s brave, and she’s got a heart of gold. It’s easy to tell that Alexa and Viola are sisters, despite their different temperaments, because they both share a strong desire to find the truth and do the right thing, and the stubbornness to see that mission through despite the danger.