Shigeo Onaga

Shgeo Onaga is a character in Pokemon: Seasons. He is a friendly and enthusiastic former salary man from Ransei who has come to Unova for a new start and a chance to follow his dreams.  


Shigeo is friendly and outgoing, with an easy-going personality and a booming, infectious laugh. He is supportive and enthusiastic, often inspiring people to keep trying and to never give up with dramatic, passionate speeches--even when such inspirational and emotional words aren't really necessary.    A former salary man, Shigeo was miserable in his old life until he chose to risk it all to follow his dream of becoming a Pokemon Trainer. He doesn't seem to be particularly competitive, and while he is collecting badges he doesn't seem to really care about becoming Champion. Instead, Shigeo seems to be more about living in the moment; Shigeo is here for the journey with not much care being given to the destination. He tries to spread that mindset and lifestyle to others, encouraging them to take advantage of this moment in their lives and to not let setbacks or difficulties dampen their spirits.    He is full of motivational, inspirational words. While many of these speeches and sayings sound a little like the kind of platitudes one might find on posters hanging up in a waiting room (perhaps where he learned them in the first place), he is so genuine and passionate and emotional that it doesn't really matter. He clearly has a big heart and a lot of compassion for others--even complete strangers. 


Shigeo is a middle-aged Ransanese man, standing 5'06" with a slim but fit physique. He has dark eyes, very short black hair with specks of grey, and a goatee. Despite being a trainer and traveling across Unova, Shigeo has only been seen wearing a navy suit with a red tie with hiking boots. He has a bright smile, and when he laughs his cheeks get a little rosy.  


Little is actually known about Shigeo, other than he was a salary man for many years in Ransei. He left his home under unknown circumstances in order to travel across Unova and become a Pokemon Trainer, which was a dream of his. He came over only with his longtime Pokemon Partner Fletchling, who has been his friend for many years. 


Shigeo loves everybody, man, and is shown to be very courteous and trusting. As an example, when he bought alcohol for Accumula Team in Striaton City he simply took them at their word that they were all of legal age to drink. He is is quick to make connections with others, and referred to the other fishermen during the Accumula Fishing Spectacular as his friends, and commented that they'd all been through "so much".    He seems to especially like Aerik and Jenn, calling them both his "good friends". He greets Aerik like they've known each other for years, and is always quick to offer the young trainer advice.


Shigeo is seen to be a fairly competent trainer. He came to Unova with only his Fletchling, but has made a number of captures since then. He is a good battler, having earned his Trio Badge his first try (though he referred to the battle as being quite difficult). He works hard, putting in a lot of hard work and genuine effort into raising his "Poke Pals", as he calls them. 

On Hand

Shigeo mentioned in Triple Trouble (SS004) that he had a full team of six when going to the Striaton gym. However, only three of his Pokemon are currently known; he told Aerik the three he used in the battle against the Dent brothers, with the other three being currently unknown.    




  • Black Belt in Aikido (1994)
  • 1995 Apex Club Dance Champion
  • 1997 Apex Club Dance Champion
  • Employee of the Month - Akbar Corporation (January 2009)
  • Saki Club Member Spotlight Interview (October 2012)

Pokemon Competitions

  • 2020 Second Annual Accumula Fishing Spectacular (Third Place)


Shigeo has appeared twice out of eight episodes of Pokemon: Seasons to date. 
  • The Accumula Fishing Spectacular! (SS002)
  • Triple Trouble (SS004)


  • Shigeo is the most powerful being.
  • His trademark is striking a "Karate Pose" with a big grin (see picture). 
  • He is a huge fan of saki, and bought Aerik and his friends a bottle of the "good stuff".  
  • Shigeo has a granddaughter who uses TikTok. He has a TikTok account, although he doesn't know how to use it. This has resulted in him accidently posting several videos of the ground and the inside of his pocket. He still has 7 followers. 
  • Shigeo is the Anti-Ryu. They exist on different ends of the same spectrum. It is unknown what would happen should the two ever meet. 
Full Name: Shigeo Onaga
Nicknames: Unknown
Birthday: September 28 (age unknown) 
Hometown: Unknown City in Ransei
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'05"
Relatives: Unknown | Unnamed Granddaughter 
Blood Type: A+
Occupation: Pokemon Trainer | Businessman (formerly) 
First Appearance: The Accumular Fishing Spectacular! (SS002)
Status: Alive