Theodora Fine

Theodora Fine is a character in Pokemon: Seasons and a aide for the regional professor Aurea Juniper. She specializes in the study of Pokemon Biology and medicine. 


Theodora is a stern and serious woman. She doesn't have much in the way of a sense of humor, taking everything very seriously. She seems irritable more often than not, and has little patience for her less serious co-workers.    She is a woman driven by results and she must live according to a rigid schedule. She does meal prep a week at a time, schedules how much she sleeps to the minute, and becomes extremely frustrated and stressed when that schedule goes haywire.    She was the youngest of the lab aides until Jennifer Greene joined up. Theodora hated being seen as "the kid" and is just grateful that now somebody else has to deal with that. 


Theodora is tall with an average build. She has short black hair and violet eyes, with a pale complexion and soft features. She has never presented herself as overly feminine, finding things like fashion a waste of time, so she prefers to dress comfortably and pragmatically. 


Theodora is adopted, so where she was born and the identities of her birth parents are currently not known.    She grew up in Lumiose City. Her parents were honest, hard working folks who had trouble understanding their overly serious, brilliant daughter. She excelled in school, graduating a year early and attending college in Santalune City.    After earning her degree, Theodora worked for a few months as a small clinic in Lumiose City before she was approached for a position by Professor Sycamore. However, their personalities did not mesh at all; Sycamore was too laid-back and eccentric, and she felt that he lacked the "decorum" necessary for a man in his position.    However, Sycamore then referred her to Professor Juniper. Theodora found that she liked Juniper much more, and after studying Juniper's work developed a deep respect for the woman. When Juniper ultimately offered Theodora a position at her lab, Theodora accepted without hesitation.    The 2020 season marks Theodora's second year working for Professor Juniper.  


Theodora has little time for relationships of any kind--platonic or romantic. Hell, she even eschews most professional relationships. She has a single-minded drive toward her work, and finds that "making friends" is an objective waste of time.    Lindt has asked her out more than once, and every time Theodora has soundly rejected him.


Theodora does not own any Pokemon, and does not even have a Trainer's License. She found the idea of getting her license to be pointless since she doesn't want to train.    She does have a Provisional Permit, however, from her training as a Pokemon medical expert and has experience working with Chansey, Wigglytuff, and Audino in professional settings.  


Theodora has been in a single episode of Pokemon: Seasons


  • Theodora hates cartoons. 
  • Her favorite food is pineapple. 
  • While she claims having a favorite color is a waste of time, she owns a lot of dark purple clothing. 
Full Name: Theodora Beatrice Fine
Nicknames: Unknown
Birthday: February 03, 2000 (aged 20)
Hometown: Lumiose City, Kalos 
Eye Color: Violet
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'11"
Relatives: Louis Fine (adoptive father), Juliet Fine (adoptive mother)
Blood Type: AB-
Occupation: Aide (Professor Sycamore)
First Appearance: The Start of Something Big (SS001)
Status: Alive