Thomas Kurtzman

Thomas Kurtzman is a character in Pokemon: Seasons and a aide for the regional professor Aurea Juniper, working for her as a chemical engineer.  


  Thomas is a relatively quiet person, usually keeping to himself. He tends focus more on his tasks than, say, socializing. He is highly organized and task-oriented. He has a highly curious mind and an eidetic memory, and all of these traits have helped him to excel in his job at the Juniper Lab in the relatively short time he's been there.   His responsibilities and specialty means that he spends much of his time in the chemical lab with Andrew Finkle. The two are collectively called "the Morlocks" by Lindt.  


  Thomas is of relatively average height and build. He has black hair that he just combs flat, and blue eyes. He needs glasses to see at all; he's legally blind without them.   Outside of work, Thomas dresses simply, preferring polo shirts and slacks; he is function over form. He wears a newsy hat when it's cold out and has leather driving gloves, and a plaid, green scarf that his aunt knit him when he was 15.  


  Thomas had a relatively quiet and stable childhood. He was a bit sickly, and his lack of physicality mixed with his immense intellect often caused him to be bullied in grade school.   He was able to go to a boarding school in Aspertia City for high school, where he eventually opted to live year-round. He was drawn to science from an early age, but in high school discovered an extreme fascination with--and a talent for--chemistry and chemical sciences.   He would eventually attend Castelia University, where he majored in Chemical Engineering, with a minor in Robotics. He was recruited right away by Professor Juniper and he knew that he'd be stupid to turn such an offer down.  


  While he is often serious and lacks a certain toleration for nonsense, he is still friendly and will go out of his way to be polite to his co-workers; he is not cold, aloof, or rude. He doesn't have a lot of friends, though unlike his colleague Andrew Finkle, this is more by Thomas' choice than anything else.  


  Thomas isn't a trainer and he has no Pokemon in his possession.  


  • Graduated Valedictorian in high school. 
  • Graduated Suma Cum Laude from Castelia University, with highest honors. 


  Thomas has appeared in only a single episode of Pokemon: Seasons.  


  • Thomas brings in a box of donuts to the lab every morning for people to share. 
  • He doesn't like going to the cinema. 
  • He aims to one day take over as the Regional Professor of Unova, after Juniper retires. 
Full Name: Thomas Theodore Kurtzman
Nicknames: Teddy (Lindt)
Birthday: March 19, 1999 (aged 21)
Hometown: Nacrene City, Unova
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'08"
Relatives: Ted Kurtzman (father), Thomasin Kurtzman (mother)
Blood Type: AB-
Occupation: Aide (Professor Sycamore)
First Appearance: The Start of Something Big (SS001)
Status: Alive