
Timeline-001 is the first timeline Mige visited during the opening of A Glimpse at What May Be (NH 019). This is the timeline we know the most about, mostly due to the presence of Theron, who has shared a few anecdotes about that time, and Future Celosia's Letter, which acted as a sort of chronicle of Mige & Celosia's life up to 2044, when the letter was written.   As it stands, this timeline seems to be the "best case scenario" for Celosia in specific, given that this timeline is only one of two where Celosia has not gone crazy or turned evil, and where she is the most well-adjusted.  


  In this timeline, Team Relic was stopped but not before they committed an act of destruction that caused immense ecological damage to not just Kalos, but across Eurastos. The Routes, once used by trainers to travel from place to place, are too dangerous to traverse anymore. Pokemon are more hostile and wild than normal, and the ecosystem suffered considerable damage--in some places it is irreparable.   The Organization is still a nuisance, and one that persists at least through 2036, but likely even longer than that. Of particular note, Hermit is an ever-present threat, enough that that nickname originated here. Another threat is a group known as Team Flare, which Celosia evidently considered good guys at first. Vincent Elsher, Candidate #01, is also extremely dangerous. Celosia seemed to be trying to track him, specifically, in 2024 and in the letter, insisted that he was extremely dangerous and caused a lot of suffering and death.   Sometime before 2030, a meteor appeared just past the moon. It's like it literally just "popped" into existence with no warning. Nobody had time to react, and in less than an hour it impacted into Hoenn. It caused massive devastation, as well as a terrible plague. This plague was related in some way to slugs that were a sickly green, red, and black color. The plague would spread, thriving in hot and tropical environments but had trouble surviving in cold climates. For unknown reasons, Alola was not affected as badly by the plague, despite its climate. This incident is referred to as "The Calamity".   Mige would become a "professional hero", as both Celosia and Clem put it; Mige used his natural skill at sniffing out and stopping bad guys to help people around the world. He became well known for this, developing a reputation for heroics across the world. He inspired many to follow in his footsteps, including all three of his children.   Professor Sycamore announces his retirement from his position as Kalos National Professor in 2034, with the 2035-2036 season being his last. He appoints Mige as the new National Professor, also giving Mige his laboratory and home.   Mige and Celosia are married in this timeline, with two biological children in addition to Clem.   After Mige dies in 2041 due to complications from the Calamity Plague, Celosia and Clem decide that they must avert this future. They hatch a "desperate and absurd" plan to save the future by sending Clem to the past. Celosia cracks time travel and creates an "apparatus" that would allow Clem to physically travel to 2020--but it's a one-way ticket.   Celosia writes Mige a letter and in 2044 readies the machine's use. They are attacked at the last second by Will Darrow, who seems intent on stopping them from "damaging time beyond repair". He takes out Clem's eye but Celosia intervenes, sacrificing herself so that Clem can escape to 2020--and she succeeds.   What happens in this timeline after this point is unknown, though Celosia calculated the world would be uninhabitable by (approximately) 2051.  

Major Events

  The following is a list of major events that occur within Timeline-001 in roughly chronological order:  
  • August 20, 2020: Crystal Lear and Diantha Ruston both die in Team Relic's attack on the Hotel du Palais. Crystal is noted to have "died heroically", saving innocents from the fire and protecting them from Relic grunts. This event results in the Kalos Pokemon League becoming unstable, with no central leader.
  • Unknown dates 2020-May or June 2021: Mige and his friends struggle against both Team Relic and the Organization for months, who always seem one step ahead. Jenn, Lara, and Tim all die during this time (among others). Alexa goes missing during this time. Clem is captured by the Organization in summer of 2020, and is rescued by Mige and Celosia around Halloween.
  • May 2021: Something Celosia called "The Blackout" occurs, which is implied to be connected to whatever Team Relic is working toward. Ecological disaster ensues, but Team Relic is stopped at the last minute, which results in the death of a "close friend".
  • June 2021: Mige asks Celosia to move in with him and Clem. They get an apartment on 16 Rue Helene, in the south Lumiose area.
  • Late 2022: Bill dies, sending Mige into a horrible depression. Mige becomes withdrawn and confrontational.
  • May 2023: After a few months, Mige and Celosia eventually have a huge fight. The next morning, Celosia tries to apologize but Mige begins to cry. This leads to Mige kissing Celosia, and later, the two sleep together.
  • July 2023: Celosia finds out that she is pregnant. She eventually tells Mige, blurting it out while they are driving and Mige nearly hits a parked flower van. They decide to raise the baby together.
  • November 2023: Mige tells Celosia that he loves her for the first time. Around this time, Celosia stops dying her hair in an attempt to "start over" and become someone better for her new family.
  • January 11, 2024: Celosia gives birth to a son, who they name William Timothy Fjord, in the Sycamore Labs; a blizzard makes it impossible to travel to the hospital. The baby is delivered by Sycamore and Sophie.
  • September 14 2024: Mige-Prime visits, during his first-ever Traveling experience. During this time, Celosia and baby Bill are in Laverre City visiting Aunt Valerie. A 16 year old Clem makes Mige a stack of pancakes and tries to convince him to go with her to catch a Pokemon on a nearby Route.
  • Thanksgiving 2024: Mige, Celosia, and the kids go to Santalune City and Mige proposes to Celosia in front of the Bug Gym--where they first met. Celosia accepts. On the way back to Lumiose City, the two crush a pair of ace trainers in a double battle on the train's battle car.
  • February 03, 2025: Mige and Celosia get married in Cape Cerulean, at the cottage. Their family moves in, with Mige and Celosia sleep in Mige's old room.
  • October 31, 2026: Persephone Jennifer Fjord is born in Cerulean City.
  • Sometime between 2025 and 2030: The Calamity occurs; a meteor appears out of nowhere and impacts Hoenn, causing devastation and bringing some kind of plague.
  • Early 2036: Mige accepts the position of Kalos National Professor and moves to Lumiose City with Celosia, Bill, and Percy. He leaves the cottage in Cerulean City to Clem. Sometime not long after they moved here, Mige-Prime visits a second time.
  • Spring 2039: Bill leaves home to become a Pokemon Trainer, becoming a hero in his own right.
  • Unknown Date 2041: Mige passes away. Celosia and Clem secretly begin their plans to send Clem back in time.
  • Spring of 2042: Percy becomes Kalos Queen.
  • Late 2043: Celosia travels to Cape Cerulean to begin constructing the "apparatus" that will transport Clem to 2020.
  • Late 2044: Celosia writes her letter, giving it to Clem. Will Darrow gets wind of what the two are planning and attacks Celosia and Clem in an attempt to stop them from "destroying time", taking out Clem's eye in the process. Celosia sacrifices herself to buy Clem enough time to use the machine in order to go back.

Mige's Family

  The following are the family that Mige makes in this timeline.  

Celosia Belle Fjord

  Status: Deceased as of 2044 (aged 41)
  • Age during Mige's first visit in 2024: 21
  • Age during Mige's second visit in 2036: 33
  The Celosia of Timeline-001 is much more stable and responsible than her Present-day counterpart. She is a strong woman, enduring many hardships and tragedies throughout her life. She is a loyal wife, dedicated mother, and a brilliant scientist. She has some friends, having "calmed down" considerably and learned to "play nice" with Mige's friends. She is known to be close to Kai, Valerie, Aliana, and Zoey.   It isn't known what Celosia did for a living, but it's implied she did some kind of freelance work related to technology. She also helped her husband, usually from home, through research, hacking, and other gadgets. She remains a brilliant engineer, and is the person who "cracked" time travel, according to Theron.   She is a selfless and nurturing person, unlike Celosia-Prime, and was willing to play nice with people she hated--including Mige's first girlfriend--because seeing Mige happy was more important to her. She was also willing to sacrifice her own life in order to save Clem and ensure that she travels to 2020 to save the timeline. She is even willing to sacrifice her potential happiness by changing the timeline if it means saving the world.   Celosia-001 is noble, loving, devoted, brave, and selfless.   Known Pokemon   It's not known exactly what Pokemon Celosia-001 carried on her. It can be assumed that she likely had at least Manectric and Aegislash, but that hasn't been confirmed anywhere.   The only Pokemon she is known to have carried on her was Mige's Espeon, after Mige's death.  

Clementine Mikko Fjord | Theron

  Status: Alive (currently aged 36)
  • Age during Mige's first visit in 2024: 16
  • Age during Mige's second visit in 2036: 28
  The Clem of Timeline-001 went through quite a bit before being taken in by Mige. She was captured by the Organization, who experimented on her and "altered her body". She was deeply traumatized by this experience, which resulted in her not trusting Mige or Celosia for some time.   By June of 2021, Clem moved in with Mige and Celosia. They lived in an apartment on 16 Rue Helene for several years, during which time Clem began to heal. By 2024, she was more lively and eager to become a trainer like Mige.   Not much is known of Clem's life in this timeline, other than she became a trainer and began traveling with Mige and assisting him during his many adventures. She acted in this capacity for a long time, until Mige accepted his role as Kalos National Professor in 2036. At this point, he left her the cottage in Cape Cerulean and moved the rest of the family back to Lumiose City, though she tagged along to help with the move.   After Mige and the others left, Clem continued to carry on her dad's work, helping people and stopping bad guys. When Mige died in 2041, Clem was heartbroken and depressed. When Celosia approached Clem with her wild idea to save the future, Clem accepted without hesitation.   In 2044, the apparatus was ready but before Clem could leave, she and Celosia were attacked by Will Darrow. During the ensuing fight, Will took out Clem's eye. Celosia intervened and ultimately sacrificed herself to allow Clem to travel back to 2020. This is where she currently is, the details of which can be found on her character page.   Known Pokemon   As Theron, Clem has six Pokemon but only four have been seen or references so far:  
  1. Eiscue
  2. Gourgeist
  3. Umbreon
  4. Tyrantrum

William Timothy Fjord

  Status: Alive as of 2044 (aged 20)
  • Age during Mige's first visit in 2024: 9 months
  • Age during Mige's second visit in 2036: 12
  Bill is the first child Mige and Celosia had. According to future Celosia, Bill is an aura user like Mige. He is extremely smart and good with technology, and while he can be a bit detached sometimes due to his aura, Mige and Clem were able to help him acclimate and cope with these powers in a healthy way.   Bill was raised around all of Mige and Celosia's Pokemon. He grew up in Cape Cerulean, and he quickly showed an affinity for Pokemon care. When he turned 15, Mige gifted him an Eevee and Bill left to train Pokemon and do the Kanto Gym Circuit.   According to Celosia, Bill made a lot of friends, with his best friend Jack being someone neither Mige nor Celosia likes; Mige makes Jack sleep on the floor whenever they visit. Bill is said to be brave, compassionate, and good, helping others along the way much like Mige did.   It's not known exactly what Bill did with his life, but Celosia said that Bill was a hero that inspired a lot of people, as Mige had, and used his talent and aura to do a lot of good.   Known Pokemon   It's not known what Pokemon Bill carried with him, though Celosia mentioned he caught "quite a few". The only confirmed Pokemon that Bill had was an Eevee gifted to him by Mige when he turned 15. What it evolved into, if it evolved at all, is unknown.  

Persephone Jennifer Fjord

  Status: Alive as of 2044 (aged 17)
  • Age during Mige's first visit in 2024: N/A; not yet born
  • Age during Mige's second visit in 2036: 10
  Persephone, nicknamed "Percy" by Mige and Clem, is the youngest of Mige and Celosia's children. She was a shy but artistic child, excelling in music. Growing up in Cape Cerulean, she was raised alongside many different Pokemon. As she grew older, it was obvious to most people that she would be a coordinator.   When she turned 15, she was gifted an Archen that she named "Bones". Bones liked to follow Mige around and stare at him. She left to do the Contest Circuit in Sinnoh. Mige died during this time. In 2042, Percy competed in the Kalos Queen Showcase Circuit, ultimately winning the title.   Percy is said to be extremely charismatic and outgoing, with many friends and admirers. Like her siblings, Percy helps others as she travels and is considered to have been heroic by both her mother and Clem.   Known Pokemon   It isn't known exactly what Pokemon Percy carried on her, with the exception of her starter, an Archen she nicknamed Bones.  

Featured Characters

Celosia Fjord (001)
Clem "Theron" Fjord (001)
William Fjord (001)
Persephone "Percy" Fjord (001)

Mentioned Characters

  • Alexa Rousseau (001) - Missing/Unknown
  • Augustine Sycamore (001) - Alive (as of 2036)
  • Bill Fjord (001) - Deceased
  • Cossette Dahl (001) - Alive (as of 2036)
  • Crystal Lear (001) - Deceased
  • Diantha Ruston (001) - Deceased
  • Flordelis Lysandre (001) - Missing/Unknown
  • Jenn Green (001) - Deceased
  • Kai Yamamoto (001) - Alive (as of 2036)
  • Kia Matsuda (001) - Alive (as of 2036)
  • Valerie Fjord (001) - Alive (as of 2036)
  • Vincent Elsher (001) - Unknown
  • Viola Rousseau (001) - Alive (as of 2036)
  • Will Darrow (001) - Alive (as of 2044)