Vince Lindt

Vince Lindt is a character in Pokemon: Seasons and a aide for the regional professor Aurea Juniper, working as a mechanical engineer.


Vince Lindt is relatively laid back; he often browses the interest at work in his downtime, shows his co-workers cute Pokemon videos, and overall isn't the kind of guy who has a "work work work" attitude. His attitude is sometimes mistaken for apathy, and those who don't really know him can sometimes be surprised that Professor Juniper would hire such a slacker to her lab staff.   However, Lindt isn't just a slacker; he's one of the most brilliant mechanical minds in Unova. He is immensely intelligent, though much of that potential is wasted through trivial things like pranking Andrew Finkle or finding ways around new ways around the lab's firewall so he can binge some new show on WebFlix.   When he puts his mind to a project for the professor, however, Lindt shows single-minded dedication to the task until he finishes it. Engineering is like a puzzle for him, and he rarely rests until he can finish it.   He tends to be a bit of a prankster and is seen as the "clown" of the lab space. He's got a casual demeanor, often giving people nicknames and light teasing. The easier it is to push your buttons, the more likely it is that Lindt will try to do just that at every opportunity.


Lindt is tall; at 6'01" he's the tallest person working at Juniper's lab. He has a sort lean build, with brown hair that's messy in a "stylish bedhead" sort of way. He usually has a little facial stubble. He started wearing glasses after a recent eye exam in March of 2020, but they're basically glorified reading glasses.   He dresses the same at work as he does at home--that is to say, he usually wears bowling shirts or tiki shirts and jeans, but with a lab coat and a clip-on tie when he's at work.


Vince Lindt comes from Castelia City. He grew up in a poor neighborhood but his early life wasn't awful. Money was tight, but his parents did their best to provide for their kids. A few times, they even saved up enough to get them something special for Christmas. That was the case for Vince, who was given a personal computer when he turned 11.   He'd wanted it mostly for the games, but he picked up on how it worked pretty fast and spent time trying to find ways to improve its performance, memory, and the like. When his friends found out, he did the same for them.   Vince wasn't even going to go to college, but his Science Fair project earned him a scholarship. He went to school in the city, and drifted through his first year. It wasn't until his second year that he started to actually apply himself to Robotics Club.   The next five years led him to earning a degree in Engineering. The GSync Foundation made an early attempt to recruit him, but he had no interest working for a corporate giant like them. Instead, he applied to a few smaller positions and was eventually contacted by Professor Juniper.


Lindt is personable and outgoing, though his slacker attitude and sometimes juvenile sense of humor can be a bit off-putting to some. His co-workers view him as someone where "a little goes a long way". Despite that he's not disliked; he's just a lot.   He has a habit of teasing and giving nicknames to his co-workers, a habit that is not universally beloved. He's not a bully by any means, but he does sometimes have a hard time recognizing when he's crossed a line and should stop.


Lindt has a single Pokemon pal; a Rattata named Gizmo. He met Gizmo when he was 16, when it came up from the sewers and picked a lock to get to a meatball sub.
  Gizmo works as Lindt's "lab assistant"---Lindt even managed to get the Rattata a lab coat.


  • Lindt won the 2013 Castelia High School Science Fair.


Lindt has only appeared in one episode of Pokemon: Seasons.


  • Lindt is lactose intolerant and allergic to nuts.
  • His favorite snack is black licorice.
  • His favorite band are The Strikes.
Full Name: Vincent Horace Lindt
Nicknames: Vince, Vinny
Birthday: November 02, 1995 (aged 25)
Hometown: Castelia City, Unova
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Light Brown
Height: 6'01"
Relatives: Ross Lindt (father), Yolanda Lindt (mother), Kevin Lindt (older brother)
Blood Type: A+
Occupation: Aide (Professor Sycamore)
First Appearance: The Start of Something Big (SS001)
Status: Alive