Viola Rousseau

Viola Rousseau is an character in Pokemon: New Horizons and Pokemon: Seasons. Viola is an ambitious and well-traveled photographer who travels the breadth of Kalos, getting involved in dangerous and unusual situations in the hopes of getting the picture that “makes her career”.


Viola is driven by her passion, a free-spirited vagabond in search of the “perfect shot”. Cheerful and easy-going, Viola tends to make friends easily wherever she goes. She is a creature of impulse, doign what she wants to do and going where she wants to go whenever she wants, because it feels like a good idea at the time. She is propelled forward by a combination of wanderlust, ambition, and curiosity. That curiosity often gets her into trouble; she is far too curious for her own good, often poking her nose where it doesn’t belong. Viola is also (perhaps infamously) reckless, taking risks and going to absurd, often dangerous lengths to get her shot.   Viola has no problem endangering herself for a shot but she won’t put others into danger for it. She is a compassionate person with a strong sense of right and wrong. She has a naturally protective and caring nature, to the point that even if she’d be putting herself in harm’s way, or if she’s injured, she will still do her best to protect others.   She is the definition of a free-spirit, living her life the way she wants with nothing to hold her down anywhere; she goes where the wind and her whims take her. She’s always eager to have a good time, try something new, or make a fool of herself if it means having a good time. She has surprisingly little shame.   Materialism and money don’t matter to Viola; she doesn’t care about things. To Viola, stuff is just stuff, and she doesn’t form sentimental attachments to “stuff”. However, the exception to this is her single, prized possession: her camera. Given to her on her 13th birthday by Alexa, Viola very rarely, if ever, goes anywhere without it. She is extremely protective of it, spending time every day cleaning and maintaining it. It’s an old-school, film fed camera.   It is through the viewfinder of that camera that Viola came to see the world the way that she does. It’s easy to see the world as a mass of faceless people and boring routine day in and day out. Even Pokemon look almost identical between individuals. But through her camera, Viola came to see the unique differences between Pokemon, the smiling faces of individual people, the quiet beauty in the way the sun falls or the wind blows every day. Every single day is a gift, the way she sees it; there is always something beautiful to see in even the mundane.   She strives to share that beauty with the world. Viola wants to be remembered, but her overarching goal is to capture one picture that really has that feeling. Something that might make people look at the world around them in a different way.   She is friendly and causal, her personality a little aloof in a way that tends to draw people in. Extreoverted and friendly, Viola tends to be pretty chill and low-energy in social settings, and is unafraid deep conversation or physical touch (touching someone’s arm, giving them a hug and a kiss on the cheek in greeting or parting, a playful jab with the elbow, etc). Paired with her tendency to talk people up, with compliments and supportive comments, many accuse her of being flirty. It’s just how she is, though.   When it comes to romantic entanglements, Viola seems largely uninterested; she is aloof and flighty and hard to read. Her dedication to her dreams has more or less taken priority in her life and she just doesn’t have the time or inclination to devote to stuff like that. She’s also surprisingly clueless and oblivious when such feelings are directed at her.   With Pokemon, Viola has an easygoing attitude. She’s not a trainer in the traditional sense; she doesn’t give a flip about badges and doesn’t want to compete or do coordinating or anything like that. Instead, she catches Pokemon that are her friends. They travel with her, they help her somtimes, and they share in the struggles and the victories. She is extremely close with her Pokemon, and their bonds of mutual love and trust are strong.   Combat isn’t something she pursues, but when you travel as much as she does, you have to be able to defend yourself. As a result, Viola has become a good battler, unwavering and resourceful. Given that she specializes in bug types, Viola’s fighting style tends to emphasize speed and unorthodox strategies, focusing on moves that hamper or inflict status effects on her enemies, or on altering her environment to give herself an edge.   Her constant need to travel and surprisingly aloof nature means that while she knows a lot of people, she has few close friends. Grant, the new gym leader is Cyllage City, is one of the few people Viola would call a friend. They have known each other for a long time and even traveled together for a time. Viola sees Grant as an annoying brother, often dryly teasing “the climbing master” and giving him a hard time whenever she can.   The person Viola is closest to is, perhaps surprisingly to some, her sister Alexa. The two constantly bicker but there is nobody that Viola loves or respects more than her big sister. She has always looked up to Alexa, and has always strived not to do anything that would make Alexa (too) disappointed in her.   Her relationship with her parents is strained. Her father was always largely absent, especially due to the circumstances of his marriage to their mother. He was more of a family benefactor who occasionally took them on vacation. Their mother was always sad and while she wasn’t a bad mother, she was a bit too doting and protective for Viola, who was always naturally rebellious. Even now, the two tend to always fall into a pattern of butting heads. Viola hasn’t gone to visit her parents for more than a year now, and isn’t in a hurry to.


Viola prefers simple styles over a ton of layers or patterns. She always goes for comfortable and utility over anything else, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t know how to be fashionable. Growing up in a relatively wealthy family, Viola has a good sense of what’s stylish or trendy. She doesn’t like a lot of jewelry, but she tends to wear a lot of stuff on the wrists and forearms.   When she’s just in town or in an otherwise more casual environment, she tends to dress a little more trendy. Nothing ostentatious, but she’s a Kalosian girl and knows what looks good on her. Even when traveling around, she keeps a stylish dress in her bag just in case. When she’s hiking or traveling through the outdoors, she dressed for the environment; a simple white shirt, durable trousers, and heavy hiking boots. She has a heavier, black jacket for when it’s cold and a few hoodies for when it’s only a bit chilly or wet out.


Main Article: Detailed History(Viola Rosseau)


Viola was born in Unova, but she doesn’t remember it at all. Her mother, a war widow, married an artist from Kalos in an effort to leave her wartorn country and give her daughters a chance at something better. Viola and her sister grew up in an upper-class neighborhood in Lumiose City.   Always a rebel and a troublemaker from a young age, Viola never quite took to the society life. She and her mother butted heads constantly, and Viola had a tendency to sneak out at night to visit the more bohemian parts of town.   She has always been interested in pictures, taking countless pictures with her phone’s built-in camera, and uploading her favorites to her PokeGram page. While these early pictures were clearly the work of a child, they quickly improved in quality as Viola better understood concepts like composition, lighting, and temperature. When she was thirteen, Viola was gifted a professional-qualitry camera.   That pretty much altered the trajectory of Viola’s life. When she turned 15, she got a trainer’s license and left home to travel. She didn’t really have a goal in mind, and ended up taking tons of pictures to document her travels.   Almost five years later, Viola has made a modest living traveling across Kalos, getting into mischief and dangerous situations in an efforet to capture the “perfect picture” that will make her reputation as a professional photog. Along the way, she’s made a lot of friends and she’s seen a lot of incredible things.

New Horizons/Seasons

She met Mige while in the Santalune Forest, where she saved him from a thief and helped him to recover his stolen goods. Finding Mige to be an interesting fellow, she invited him on an expedition into the forest to investigate sightings of a Kleavor—a long-thought extinct Scyther evolution.   That expedition would quickly turn dangerous, as the Kleavor was only a single part of a larger plan by Team Relic. The group would survive their experience, and Mige would earn her respect through the experience.


Main article: Relationships (Viola Rosseau)


On Hand



Other Accomplishments

  • Competed in the Accumulea Team Limbo Contest - Winner (Tied with Aerik)



Full Name: Viola Danielle Rousseau
Nicknames: Shutterbug (Alexa)
Birthday: August 1, 2000 (aged 20)
Hometown: Lumiose City, Kalos
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'05"
Boris Rosseau (adoptive father)
Luanne Rousseau (mother)
Alexa Rousseau (sister, older)
Joshua Romero (father, deceased)
Blood Type: O+
Occupation: Freelance Photographer
First Appearance: Santalune, O' Santalune
Status: Alive