Wherever Her Feet Take Her


April left and May settled in, bringing with it warm winds off of the ocean from the south. As a result, Pallet Town just kept getting warmer as summer continued its relentless approach. Jenn often complained of the heat, and Sammy would just chuckle.   "If you think this is hot, you should wait until July." he'd tease her, and Jenn would always groan.   "I just don't get it, man. I'm from Viridian and it's nowhere near as hot there! Why's it so much hotter here? We're not even that far apart." Jenn would complain. Tracey once suggested that it had something to do with ocean currents maybe?   As the start of the 2019-2020 League Season came closer, the lab was abuzz as it readied to welcome the three new trainers for the Starter Program. The morning that they arrived, Jenn watched along with the other aides as the new trainers each chose their first partners. She felt a sudden twinge of longing as they all set out into the world, each to find adventure.   Later in the afternoon, on a lunch break outside, Jenn would confide to Sammy that she was considering giving becoming a real trainer shot. Sammy didn't seem terribly enthusiastic about the idea.   “Really? You think you’d be up for something like that?” Sammy asked. Jenn shrugged.   “I don’t know. Maybe. I love Pokemon...I could collect badges? Or…I don’t know. Maybe I could just travel; see what kinds of Pokemon are out there.”   “I don’t know about that, Jenn." Sammy said hesitantly, "I think I’d worry about you nonstop, being all by yourself out there.”   “It’s not like I couldn’t do it.” Jenn said a little defensively, “I’m not helpless.”   “No, no, I’m not saying that!” Sammy said with a good natured smile, “I just meant that…you know, I’d miss you like crazy.”   “Oh. Uh…well…thank you, I guess.” she said, before clearing her throat and excusing herself to finish cleaning up. It frustrated her when Sammy made things about himself.  

Oak's Offer

That night, after dinner, Jenn was headed outside to check on the Tauros once more before she turned in for the night. To her surprise, Professor Oak met her out at the Tauros paddock. He apologized for coming out of the blue, but he’d been thinking about something he’d heard her say earlier. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop but he happened to overhear her and Sammy talking earlier.   "Did you mean what you said about going out to travel and see new Pokemon? Or...was it a passing fancy?" he asked, and he seemed genuinely curious. Sheepishly, Jenn confirmed that she did.   “I don’t want you to think I not grateful for everything you’ve done for me, Professor. This job really saved me, and I love it! But…I’d be lying if I said that a part of me didn’t...you know, want to see what was out there.”   She expected him to remind her of her duties, or to otherwise be disappointed in her. To her surprise, the Professor just smiled.   “I think I understand: young people always yearn for the horizon.” Oak said wistfully, leaning against the paddock's entrance. He added, “You might be surprised to know that I, too, was a youth at one point, long ago: but not so long ago that I forgot the horizon's call.”   "You...really? I mean, I know you were young once, but--I mean, you're not mad at me?"   "Mad at you? Of course not! Why ever would I be mad at you for something like that? In fact, I was hoping to offer you an...opportunity. I'd like to help you, Jennifer."   "Help me? Help me how?"   "To start with, I can set you up with a partner Pokemon and a spare PokeDex. It's not one of the newer models, but it's perfectly functional. With those, you can set out into the wide world, meet new friends, and blaze a trail of your own choosing."   Jenn was stunned. At first she refused the offer; it was too generous. Oak simply dismissed the notion.   "I'm not being completely altruistic." he said, "Along the way, I might ask you to perform field research; investigate certain things, collect data to help with research, and send back any observations. You'll be compensated, of course."   Jenn was so happy that she could cry! And she did cry! She threw her arms around the Professor and thanked him profusely while happily sobbing into his shoulder. That night, she was so excited that she could barely sleep.   The next day, the Professor met her at the pen where they kept the Rescue Pokemon. He told her that she could bring any of the Pokemon she wished. While there were countless cute and friendly Pokemon there, Jenn already knew who she wanted to choose.   She went to Bulbasaur and crouched down, letting him sniff her hand as she asked if he wanted to come with her and be her Pokemon Partner. Bulbasaur seemed excited at the offer of adventure, so Jenn made it official. Bulbasaur was sweet, and playful, and stubborn; the perfect first friend for her Pokemon journey. The first of many, she thought to herself.   Over the next three days, Jenn spent her time preparing for the trip; getting to know Bulbasaur, having a practice spar with Tracey here and there, and getting together supplies for the trip ahead. When the day came, Jenn walked out to the edge of Route 1 with Professor Oak, Tracey, and Sammy. Oak gifted her some Poke Balls, and the three of them all wished her luck. Sammy promised he’d catch up to her sooner or later.   "The road awaits you now. All that waits is for you to step out and meet it." Oak said, "Your very own world of dreams and adventure await!"   With a final parting smile, Jenn and Bulbasaur hit the road together. Oak and the others watched them running off and before long, the two disappeared within the tall grass.