Wynn Masuda

Wyn Masuda is a character in Pokemon: Seasons. He is a friend of Aerik Hargraves and part of the Accumula Team.   He was going to be a third year at the Accumula School of Arts before finding himself wrapped up in the events unfolding that affect his friends. Determined to help Aerik, he chose a Trubbish to be his first Pokemon Partner at the Striaton City Humane Society and joined in the efforts to investigate The Dream World.   Ever since, Wynn has voiced his hesitancy at returning to Accumula Town. Despite being deemed a prized painter, he has started to question whether true inspiration and art can be found beyond the borders of his hometown.


Wynn is unorthodox. Just, like, as a person. He's strange and aloof, with a keen eye for detail and a way of thinking that nobody around him can quite fully grasp; "speaking Wynn" is a bit of a talent that only Aerik and Kia seem completely fluent in...and even then. His way of seeing the world is unique to him, which is part of what has allowed him to become such an accomplished and talented artist in multiple mediums. But it also often sets him apart from most others, leading to a somewhat solitary existence.   For his entire life, Wynn has been an artist. From his earliest drawings with crayons to his most recent series of abstract works that hang in the gallery in Accumula Town, he has pursued his craft with dogged determination and near-obsessive levels of meticulousness. He has always been passionate, and is one of the rare artists who not only excels in multiple mediums, but also different genres and styles within the same medium. He has been labeled a prodigy, a wunderkind, and a genius. For some time, art was really the only thing in his life and was one of the only major facet of his personality.   That has changed quite a bit since he became friends with Aerik. Wynn is still an obsessive weirdo and a passionate and talented artist, but his friendship with Aerik, and the friendships he's made through him, have humanized Wynn considerably. He has developed other interests and hobbies, learned to talk to people (for the most part), and found the wonderful world of alcohol and partying. He never had many friends growing up, and he only realized how lonely he really was after experiencing what he'd been missing. His social circle is still small, but he is very loyal to them and has exhibited the lengths that he'd go to for them.   Even beyond venturing to other dimensions for his friends, Wynn also shows that he cares in his own "Wynn way". He tries to be helpful and often offers advice. Sure, sometimes it's strange, cryptid, or just plain bad advice, but he's there offering it anyway because he cares.   His soft-spoken demeanor belies someone who is surprisingly rebellious and prone to breaking rules. He has a disdain for police (he likes Aerik's father, even if he doesn't really like the man's job) and other positions of authority. He follows the rules that make sense to him, not going out of way to raise trouble. But, there are also times when he completely disregards the rules entirely, or advocates and encourages for Aerik and his friends to make bad decisions. This can be seen when Wynn encouraged Aerik to get Shigeo to buy beer for them.   Wynn is not a physical person; he is a thinker and not a fighter. He is quite weak and out of shape, and he is shown to become winded easily. He doesn't like swimming (though he likes to sit in water), and climbing is pretty much a no-go.   While Wynn excels in his fields of expertise, he can be a bit clueless beyond that, sometimes lacking basic self-awareness or common sense. One of the most commonly seen examples is his seeming inability to understand technology; Wynn is nearly tech-illiterate. A common story cited as an example of this was his adding the same song to a shared group Playlist no fewer than three times. According to Kia, "it's a miracle he even knows how to text".   He is also stubborn; it is difficult to convince Wynn that he is wrong about anything. He can be pretentious and even arrogant, especially about art. He doesn't really have a filter, often saying whatever it is that's on his mind regardless of the context. He is blunt in his opinions, and can hurt people's feelings with his observations. He doesn't mean to do so, but it happens more than he probably realizes.   Wynn is a thoughtful person, often philosophizing and waxing poetic or slipping into diatribes about the nature of existence. As a result he can be a bit aloof and distractible, sometimes responding to someone's questions or statements with a complete non sequitur about whatever esoteric thing he happened to be thinking about at the time. When faced with any idea or problem, his first question is "Why?"; he seeks to understand everything he can about something and why it is and why it operates the way it does before seeking to find a solution.


Wynn has wavy black hair that he keeps parted at the side along with grey eyes. Wynn is among one of the taller characters of the Accumula Team being slightly over average and has near perfect posture that makes him seem somewhat taller than he actually is. Wynn wears lots of black and brown clothing and notably always wears sleeves even on the hotter days of the year. Sometimes he will wear a sweater that still has some paint on it or some small holes.   Wynn's main outfit in Seasons is one of his favored lite weight black sweaters that is slightly too large making the sleeves fall below the wrist. He wears straight legged navy pants and his "old trusty" oxford shoes that he's had for years. Despite people buying him a newer pair of the same type of shoes he still prefers his old ones. Wynn has a long white coat that he mainly uses in winter but does have on person incase it become cold.


Wynn Masuda is the older of two children, and the son of Goro and Rinko Masuda. His family immigrated to Unova when Wynn was three years old, settling in Accumula Town. While Wynn was always considered a strange child, it wasn't until he was four years old when that strangeness began to express itself as a unique creativity.   Labeled a prodigy, his parents always pushed him very hard to excel, and Wynn never let them down. For many years, Wynn's artistic pursuits drove his entire life and his father served as his unofficial manager or agent in a way. He entered and won competitions against older and more experienced students from a young age, and his work has been displayed in the university's galleries since he was ten years old.   His life would change when he was 12 years old. Attending the Annual Autumn Festival, Wynn found himself drawn to the Haunted House; it was gaudy and tacky, sure, but it seemed weird and fun and different. He couldn't explain it, but something about the macabre-but-wacky aesthetic sparked his interest. The problem was that nobody would go with him: Kia was too afraid and his parents thought it was a waste of time. His mother took Kia on a little kid ride afterward, leaving Wynn to sulk on a nearby bench. That's when another boy his age--a total stranger mind you--approached him and asked if he wanted to go into the Haunted House with him. Wynn smiled and accepted. He introduced himself rather formally, and the other boy introduced himself as Aerik.   The two became fast friends, and it wouldn't be long after that Aerik would introduce him to his other friends, Darcie and Colton, and eventually to Zyran and Tessa. Even though Wynn went to a different school, and would continue on to a different Secondary School, he was still a part of the "Accumula Team".   In 2019, Zyran caused some disruption when he announced that he'd be attending the Silverthorne Trainer's Academy in Kanto. Wynn did extensive research on the place in an effort to find a reason for Zyran not to go, but the school was actually extremely well regarded as one of the best of its kind in the world. Things changed a little after Zyran left, but they would change even more after he came back.   After Zyran visited for Winter Break, Wynn noticed a small but noticeable change in Aerik. When Aerik told the Accumula Team that he was going to leave for his Pokemon journey instead of finishing school with them, it caused even more of an uproar--except for Wynn: he had actually seen the announcement coming quite a while before it did. He was extremely upset about it, of course, but he was still among the among the most supportive of Aerik's friends since he'd had more time to process it. He confessed to Aerik that while he felt conflicted about Aerik's "upcoming extended leave of absence", he was proud of him.   "You are not longer a flightless Pidove begging for worms. Now you can spread your wings and leave your nest, to find whatever it is that awaits you at the horizon."   Secretly, Wynn felt a bit envious of his friend. Leaving the comfort and familiarity was not something that he felt he could ever do.   When the time came for Aerik to finally leave in late May of 2020, Wynn attended his going-away party and gave his friend the gift of a Victini, which he hand-carved from a piece of alder wood. He gave it to Aerik with the hopes that it would bring him good fortune, as well as courage and victory in battle. When Aerik left the next morning, Wynn had to make peace that he may not see his best friend for some time.   But of course, things don't always go as planned. Aerik would pass through Accumula Town about a week later, and when he did things would change for everyone on Accumula Team forever.


Main Article: Relationships (Wynn Masuda)
Wynn is a strange guy who has never had many friends. His aloof and esoteric nature paired with his often-blunt way of talking to others make him a bit off-putting to others. He's friendly and polite most of the time, but he's not going to lie if he doesn't like you. He has an extremely strange view of the world, often posing strange questions to others. His closest friends have learned to simply humor him, but this is another thing that seems to make others see him as a little off-putting.   However, that belies an extremely loyal and ultimately kind soul. He tries to be thoughtful of his friends, and will go to great lengths to help them or to keep them safe, as demonstrated when Wynn volunteered to go into the Dreamyard even after being told the risks because he felt Aerik needed him. This was also demonstrated when Wynn fought in the tournament against the rest of Accumula Team to accompany Aerik to Reversal Mountain. While he lost to Darcie, Wynn seemingly gave it his all and was quite saddened by the result.   Despite apparently being quite perceptive of who has a crush on who in the friend group, Wynn does not have any romantic entanglements. This is the result of being so focused on his work, in part, but also from "not finding anybody worth having my eye on", as he put it to Aerik.


Wynn is new to Pokemon training. He's not great at battling yet, though he has a lot of heart. His strategies are often convoluted and unorthodox. As a trainer, he cares for his Pokemon. He has a very close relationship with Trubbish, seeing him as a "kindred soul". Wynn seems to ascribe many qualities and philosophical bends that few but him can see.   He doesn't seem too interested in catching many Pokemon, instead capturing only those that "speak to him".  

On Hand


Given Away



Other Accomplishments

  • Winner of the Accumula Academy of Arts Student body Showcase 2018.
  • Winner of the Accumula Academy of Arts Student body Showcase 2019.


Wynn has appeared in all six episodes of Pokemon: Seasons.


  • Wynn's first name is likely a reference to winter and the namesake of the series.
  • Wynn's surname, Masuda, comes from the Junichi Masuda of the Pokemon company
  • Wynn's favorite types of music are hyper-pop, trance, glitch and phonk.
  • Wynn has been shown to be a big fan of sausages, given his fondness for the plate of sausage he somehow procured during A Midsummer Miracle! (SS005).
  • Wynn is often the most vocal and enthusiastic member of the group about drinking. Guy loves to drink.
  • In Changing Channels (SS007), Wynn was one of the three leads in Three Cool Dudes; the sitcom-based setting of The Apartments within the Dream World. He shares this distinction with Aerik and Zyran.
Full Name: Wynn Masuda
Nicknames: Weirdo-Wynn (Rex)
Birthday: January 28th, 2002 (18)
Hometown: Accumula Town
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'11"
Relatives: Kia Masuda (sister)
Blood Type: O+
Occupation: Student
First Appearance: The Start of Something Big
Status: Alive