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Castle Darkgrave

The crown jewel of the Grand Duchy's military might, Castle Darkgrave stands as both a powerful stronghold and symbol of their power. Built primarily out of Nightstone, Castle Darkgrave is incredibly difficult to spot as it is as black as a starless sky.

Purpose / Function

Castle Blackstone was built by the Kharn family as a symbol of their power and to protect their power. It is said that their defenses are strong enough to survive an attack from a Titan. If ever a Titan were to show up within the Grand Duchy's borders the ruling family and other officials crucial to the Grand Duchy would retreat to the Castle and wait for it to pass.   In addition to serving as a safe place for the Kharn family, the castle is also the treasury and the catacombs for the Kharn family.


To help the castle remain difficult to distinguish, instead of torches and fires to provide light for the guards all windows and openings are covered in enchanted glass. While on the outside the glass is opaque, from within the castle looking through the glass provides the person with superior darkvision. The halls with outward-facing windows also don't use torches. Instead, crystals enchanted to give off a very faint light are embedded in the floor along both walls so that the guards can see where they are going but no light goes out. It is not unheard of for guards to go mad in the pitch-black darkness and have to spend time in the well-lit interior to calm down once more.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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