Dan Linnet

Occupation: Farmer / shepherd
Player: Rachel Hebert (and sometimes others)
Location: Digital Island and everywhere
Character type: The Locals
Reputation: Most residents would know, or know of, Dan as a good person
  Dan Linnet is the oldest child of Margaret and Ronald Linnet. A shepherd by trade, Dan runs the family farm with their father and the help of their siblings.   Dan is very community oriented, serving on the council and generally helping out wherever anyone needs help. This includes transporting visitors who arrive and leave on the ferry, as well as distributing supplies around the island and helping out in emergencies.   An absolute believer in The Ancients and the magic of the island, Dan is very active in island festivities and rituals but sees spirituality as a very personal journey.  
"The kind of person to quietly take care of business, everyone knows Dan... but not many people really know Dan."
— Rachel
Dan is a 'local', which means a character who may be played by others, including participants. See Linnet Family for more info.


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