The ikani who dwell in Alba's Great Lake are collectively referred to as Takawa'i. In reality, this consists of some half-dozen distinct communities. Only the fisherfolk of Aracas have names for these individual groups: Necanya, Teoxia, Mazaco, Eheli, Ohpilli, Yoltzin, and Pama.
Necanya is a group of itini. They have good trade relations with Pama.
Teoxia is a group of ta'ewa. They are known to be quite playful with the fisherpeople of Aracas.
Mazaco is an elusive group of panga who reside in the deepest parts of the Great Lake. Beyond rare (often disbelieved) sightings, it is only known they exist because of their communication with Yoltzin.
Eheli is a group of maiha. They often skirmish with the much larger Ohpilli, sometimes over territory and sometimes seemingly for no reason at all.
Ohpilli is a group of te'unya. They frequently bully the cichlidfolk of Pama.
Yoltzin is a group of wele. They are curious and friendly.
Pama is a group of itini. They have forged an alliance with Yoltzin to protect them from the Ohpilli.
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