Aarakocra Species in Theras | World Anvil


Aarakocra are avian humanoids known for their majestic and bird-like appearance. With sleek bodies covered in feathers of various colors ranging from vibrant blues and greens to earthy browns and grays, they possess the graceful wings of birds, allowing them to soar effortlessly through the skies.   There are many Aarakocra in northern Buqmat, in the mountains there (sometimes flying islands as people describe).

Basic Information


They have avian features which include sharp beaks, keen eyesight, and taloned feet suited for grasping and perching. Aarakocra have a slender build and stand upright, often with a regal posture that reflects their proud and noble nature.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Aarakocra are deeply connected to the sky and the winds, often dwelling in lofty aeries nestled high in mountain peaks or atop sheer cliffs. They are skilled flyers and expert hunters, using their aerial prowess to hunt for prey and patrol their territories.   They are typically communal, with strong bonds formed among family members and fellow members of their flock. They have a deep respect for nature and often live in harmony with the natural world around them, seeking to maintain the balance of the skies and the land below.   Additionally, Aarakocra are often depicted as wise and stoic beings, possessing a keen intellect and a sense of honor. They value knowledge and wisdom, and are known for their unwavering commitment to justice and protection.


There are scrolls in Sophia-Hold, which entails the treaty between mages of the Menedynn Empire, which describes their close ties to Akadi, and mostly refered to as Syranita, which tell how they tried to manipulate and create humans who could fly. Following this scrolls, many believe the Aarakocra to be some kind of experiment done by the Menedynn.


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