Akadi Character in Theras | World Anvil

Akadi (ah-KAH-dee)

The Queen of Air embodies the gentle breeze and the fierce tempest, her shape shifting with the shifting seasons. Sometimes her touch is soft and refreshing, while other times it is harsh and chilling. Indifferent to those she encounters, she carries echoes and fragrances in her wake, without stopping to emphasize the significance of her passage to any traveler.
  The deity Akadi reigns over the winds and air elementals. Depicted in religious art as a towering, ethereal figure cloaked in translucent blue, with immense feathered wings dissipating into clouds. Like her elemental counterparts, Akadi shows little concern for her followers in Theras. Her responses and actions appear enigmatic and alien to most mortals not native to the Elemental Plane of Air.   Akadi embodies more than just elemental air; she symbolizes the swiftness that propels all flying creatures. As an immortal champion of freedom and travel, she exhorts her followers, known as the Akadians, to eschew settling in one place or dwelling on a single matter. Instead, she inspires them to embrace exploration, knowledge, and perpetual wandering.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Akadi, like other elemental gods except Kossuth, has a small following. As a Greater Power, she demands sacrifices, such as burning incense carried by the winds. Appeals to Akadi can influence winds but not summon severe storms. Her followers engage in diverse activities, from spreading her glory to pursuing personal experiments, like breeding faster hawks or studying orc adaptations to windstorms.  
Before dawn, clerics of Akadi prayed for their divine spells so they were able to chant their incantations on the morning winds.   The Akadians are divided into the "Whisper" and the "Roar" reflecting differing approaches to action rather than serving as ranks or factions. Whispers prefer subtle manipulation behind the scenes, while Roars are more direct in their dealings.   The church operates as a collection of small cliques, each led by a charismatic airwalker. The fluidity and frequent changes within these cliques can be bewildering to outsiders.   Novices, known as fledglings, attain full priestly status after participating in a ritual witnessed by at least two other priests, involving flight. Within the church hierarchy, titles range from Winged One to Whirlwind, with priests who defeat agents of Grumbar awarded the additional title of "High".  

Priestly Vestments

Akadian priests don robes of white, light gray, and light blue, symbolizing the diverse aspects of their goddess. They favor silk for its flowing quality, often dyed in blue or white patterns. Jewelry, crafted from stones like milky opal or crystal quartz, bears Akadi's symbol, inscribed by air elementals blowing fine grit over the gemstone.  

Base of Operations

Few permanent structures stand in Akadi's honor. Instead, her clergy wander the realms, with the First Shrine of the Queen of Air in the Mountains of Faenya-Dail as the holiest temple.  

Day-to-Day Activities

Priests spend their days listening to the wind, traveling under Theras' stars, and pursuing momentary interests while spreading Akadi's glory. Spelljamming is esteemed, as it extends Akadi's influence. Some delve into "life experiments", breeding faster hawks or studying orc adaptations to windstorms. They abandon projects once they lose interest, regardless of prior investment.

Tenets of Faith

The teachings of Akadi emphasize the pursuit of personal enlightenment and the exploration of individual interests and aspirations. Followers are encouraged to embrace freedom and respect the autonomy of each person's journey. Imposing limitations or constraints upon a devotee of Akadi is considered a grave offense, potentially invoking the ire of the deity herself.


Each day holds significance for Akadian followers who rise before sunrise for prayers on the morning breeze and offer evening prayers under the moon's ascent. The Fellowship of Flight celebrates specialty priests' ability to summon air elementals, marked by solemn prayer and rituals. The annual Midsummer festival draws devotees to Faenya-Dail, once home to Akadi's shrine, to honor the departed and commemorate new names on the roll of heroes.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Akadi embodies both the gentle breeze and the fierce storm, her demeanor shifting from soothing to harsh as the seasons changed. Depicted in religious art as a colossal, translucent figure cloaked in blue, with immense feathery wings extending into the clouds, she is venerated in various forms across different regions. Whether depicted as male or female, her devotees remain steadfast in their reverence for the Lady of the Winds.   The avatar of the Queen of Air often manifests as a towering column of swirling winds, stretching approximately 160 feet (49 meters) high, resembling a colossal tornado reaching skyward. Her voice varies in intensity, from a gentle whisper to a forceful squall audible for miles in all directions.

Special abilities

It is believed that Akadi's wings bore the winds across the surface of Rakion. Along her journey, she carries numerous sights and sounds, yet she never pauses to elucidate the significance of her travels to others. Although beseeched to modify or cease the wind's course, or to grant favorable flying currents and gentle rain, she refrains from halting or instigating genuine storms, as such matters fell within the jurisdiction of other deities.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

The distinction between female and male form of the Lady of the Winds makes no difference to the faith.


Contacts & Relations

Akadi boasts numerous allies, particularly the titular deities of airborne species. She is renowned for her enduring enmity with Grumbar. An elemental prince, Hage-Caioji, attempted to seize her domain and ruled over it for centuries. In reality, however, she deceived him into believing his success while she herself traversed the planes. Upon her return, she made an example of the prince, scattering him to the six winds of the Elemental Plane of Air. This display of supremacy dissuaded most, if not all, aerial beings from entertaining the idea of challenging Akadi.   Considered one of the four elemental deities, Akadi remains immutable amidst the currents of history and the passage of time.
Queen of Air;
Lady of Winds;
Whisperer of the Azurer Expanse;
Monarch of the Atmosphere;
Queen of Air Elementals;
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations
Aerdrie Faenya is an Aspect of Akadi as is Syranita.
Home Plane
Elemental Plane of Air
Subservient Deities
Air, Elemental Air
Flying creatures, Movement, Speed
Air, Liberation, Travel, Trickery, Weather (Storms)
A white cloud on a blue background
Animal breeders, air elemental archons, rangers, rogues, sailors
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Whirlwind (heavy flail)
Holy Days

Worshipper Relations

While Akadi does seem to hold some measure of affection for her followers, but more often than not said affection is displayed following special offerings. Offerings include burning precious incenses, ringing golden and mithral wind chimes, and letting the wind carry the scents and sounds to her. In return, her devotion to her followers takes the shape of favorable winds or stilling gales; varying temperature gradients to facilitate gliding; bringing gentle rains; clouding sun scorched lands.  


There are several orders of Akadian mystics; most of whom are psionic warriors, notably the psionic warriors of Waleapia and Octoland.


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