Aasternian Character in Theras | World Anvil

Aasternian (Ah-eh-ste-rin-ian)

Aasterinian the dragon deity of Knowledge, Innovation, and Delight, acts as Io's Messenger. Known for her sharp wit and playful nature, she delights in disrupting established norms, often teasing lawful entities throughout the universe. Aasterinian values the transformative power of learning, favoring experimentation, invention, and enjoyment as her preferred avenues of enlightenment.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The Aasteriniani clergy is very small and rare. Aasterinian’s clerics are typically wanderers who travel in disguise or secrecy. Temples to the goddess are rare in the extreme, though simple shrines dot the landscape—quiet, hidden places where worshipers can rest peacefully on their travels. Her followers enjoy friendly relations with those of Garl Glittergold and similar deities.  


Prayers to Aasterinian revolve around the longing for transformation and the pursuit of novel encounters. A common daily invocation among her worshippers is: "May today diverge from both yesterday and tomorrow."  


A follower venerates Aasterinian each time they acquire new knowledge or bring forth innovation. For her devotees, the simple acts of laughter, cheerful smiles, or contented sighs serve as constant reminders of their goddess.  


Assignments bestowed upon Aasterinian's adherents are inherently unpredictable, typically revolving around travel or the acquisition of fresh experiences. Aasterinian tailors these endeavors to emphasize the significance of the journey rather than the ultimate destination.  


Aasterinian's emissary on the Material Plane manifests as an aged Brass Dragon adorned with a turquoise-hued crest embellished with a golden star. Allies of her envoy include dragons of chaotic or neutral disposition, as well as half-dragons and assorted draconic beings.

Tenets of Faith

Aasterinian fosters a culture of independent thinking among her adherents, urging them to disregard the constraints imposed by others' perspectives. According to Aasterinian, the gravest transgression one can make is failing to have confidence in oneself or one's capabilities.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The avatar of Aasterinian manifests as a colossal Brass Dragon adorned with a turquoise-tinged forehead, which bears a golden star at its center. Alternatively, she may assume the form of a Red Dragon, as depicted in her alternate holy symbol.

Special abilities

The avatar of Aasterinian possesses breath weapon abilities akin to those of a Great Brass Wyrm, but significantly augmented. Once daily, she can unleash a spiral of degeneration. Her aura of fear extends to a range of 100 yards. Additionally, she has mastery over all spells across spheres and schools, except those of law. She exhibits resistance to fire and cold attacks, as well as to magic, being completely immune to spell effects of 5th level or lower. Moreover, she is immune to poison, paralysis, death-related magic, and spells that affect the mind.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aasterinian was profoundly affected when Tiamat betrayed Io long ago, as the Giant Pantheon was on the brink of collapse tens of thousands of years ago. This division between metallic and chromatic dragons led Aasterinian to become the final representation of Io, the creator, tasked with mediating between the factions of Bahamut and Tiamat.   Since Aasterinian's death, the two deities are at each other throat.
Messanger of Io;
The Messenger;
The Wanderer of Worlds;
The Laughing Scholar;
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Learning, Invention, Pleasure
Chaos (Revelry, Whimsy), Luck (Gambling, Imagination), Scalykind (Dragon), Travel (Exploration), Trickery (Deception)
Grinning dragon's head
Chaotic dragons, Free thinkers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Holy Days


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