Io Character in Theras | World Anvil


Io never directly appears before his worshippers, yet his presence resonates powerfully within their minds, affirming his existence. Despite this, Io retains the ability to physically manifest if he chooses, assuming the guise of any dragon or even other draconic beings like pseudodragons. Ancient dragon myths recount a singular instance of Io's physical manifestation during the creation of the multiverse. According to these myths, Io's colossal form surpassed even the grandest mortal dragons in size, with scales rumored to dwarf entire creatures.  
Io's home plane was unknown. He was known to roam across the Outer Planes.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Io remains enigmatic to most dragons and exceedingly elusive to humans, shrouding his worship in profound mystery. Beings blessed with immortality or extraordinary lifespans, coupled with intellect and wisdom, often turn to Io in reverence. Dragons of all breeds hold him in high esteem, while some half-dragons, kobolds, lizardfolk, troglodytes, humans, and even a handful of Dragonborn also pay homage. Despite representing all alignments within dragonkind and maintaining a technically neutral stance, Io boasts the fewest active clerics among Draconic deities. Nevertheless, several clerics devoted to other draconic gods, regardless of alignment, as well as adherents of reptilian deities like kobolds and lizardfolk, have honored Io with their reverence.   Devotees of Io follow a path of inner enlightenment, striving for a neutral worldview akin to their deity. This journey is reflected in the asceticism of Half-Dragon priests and the impartiality of Kobold priests, who seek objectivity even towards enemies.   Io's clerics and shrines are scarce due to his broad perspective, with even followers of other dragon gods paying homage to him. Occasionally, reptilian races like lizardfolk and troglodytes also produce clerics devoted to Io. These clerics have no set dogma; each pays homage to Io in their own way, embarking on an introspective quest to purge themselves of biases and judgments. Despite the rarity of success in this endeavor, Io embraces all perspectives, recognizing the value of neutrality.   Io boasts fewer clerics compared to most draconic deities, yet even devout followers of other dragon gods, and many of Kurtulmak, pay homage to him. Clerics devoted to Io lack a hierarchy or fixed doctrine; each interprets the World Shaper differently, venerating him in various aspects. Red dragons view him as malevolent, while Gold dragons revere him as a paragon of goodness. Aspiring clerics of Io strive to shed all biases, although not all succeed.   Half-dragons who pursue the path of Io's clerics often adopt an ascetic lifestyle, while kobolds who worship Io aim to challenge their racial prejudices by judging members of other races, including their adversaries, with impartiality.   The Concordant Knights, a faction of warriors, uphold Io's prophetic teachings across the cosmos. They wield authority that extends beyond even the council of mighty dragons, ensuring balance among them and curbing any excessive power, including that of the gods.   Furthermore, a religious order called the Singers of Concordance propagates Io's divine will. Almost all members of this order are descendants of dragons or possess dragon blood. Once, they directly served Io before his role as the creator of all things began. Now, they oversee and maintain the balance of influence among dragonkind. However, they are more than mere preachers and healers. Entrusted with safeguarding the spheres of concordance created by Io, they protect demiplanes accessible only to those favored by Io's lineage or direct bloodline. Among their duties is the protection of the legendary Shrine of Io, a cathedral containing the mortal remains of Io before his ascension, along with the remnants of his godly form after his battle with an ancient primordial. Each member of the priesthood wears a medallion of Io, which carries a fragment of his divine power. Only 13 such devices are known to exist in the world.  
Io has few temples. Instead, shrines erected in his honor typically adopted an open-air design, encircled by pillars and capped with domes. These sacred sites were strategically positioned in expansive landscapes, whether in the heart of deserts, at the crest of mountains, or amidst vast, treeless plains.  
Io's rituals reflect his multifaceted nature, often incorporating a fusion of elements. One prevalent ritual entails the consumption of wine infused with a drop of blood from each participant.   Prayers to Io evoke a profound sense of well-being in the supplicant, imbuing them with strength. A common entreaty takes the form of a request, such as "Io, Swallower of Shades, illuminate your servant's path". Half-Dragon prayers to Io often pose questions, pondering mysteries like "Why, though I walk in your presence, do shadows shroud my steps?"   Rites dedicated to Io frequently emphasize the concept of blending. A customary practice involves combining wine with a drop of blood contributed by each participant, the mixture then shared amongst all present.

Tenets of Faith

Io, as the progenitor of the supreme beasts, bestowed upon the world the gift of magic. He holds little interest in the affairs of mortal beings, intervening in human matters only when they serve the greater good of Dragon Society.   Io's primary concern is the preservation of dragonkind, his cherished creations. He maintains impartiality among his offspring, ready to assist in the neutralization of any dragon posing a threat to others. Generally, Io refrains from direct involvement in dragon conflicts unless circumstances demand it, preferring to delegate representation through his emissaries.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

There isn't any true history and most of the History is based on Myths and Rumors, some of these are presented here:  
The Two Voids
Priests of Io make the distinction between the Shadow Void, which is the known multiverse, and the First Void, the Hidden domain of pre-creation. In the First Void, Io existed alone. There was nothing else, and until Io willed it there could be nothing else. Io voluntarily shed some of his blood in the Shadow Void, which created the potential for other things to come into being. Only then could there be other gods and other creations. Most races know only of the Shadow Void, which is why they have no myths of Io. This Theory correspond well with the theory that Io was the first creation or concocted the being known as "Words of Creation" or AO.  
Tiamat and Bahamut
According to a myth in Dance of Dragons, a book that many hold dear in Theras; Io's first child was a small, simple-minded dragon called Vorel. Vorel's name means "beautiful" in Draconic, for beautiful it was, perfect of scale and form. Next Io created a pair of children, male and female he created them: Bahamut and Tiamat were their names. Io intended them to grow up and mate, producing children that combined the best traits of each. Instead, the two were immediate rivals, yet Io would not choose a favorite between them. After many failed schemes to make herself look better and Bahamut worse, Tiamat hatched a diabolical plan: she slew her sibling Vorel and framed Bahamut for the awful deed. Io, however, carefully sought out the truth, and sorrowfully banished his daughter Tiamat from his presence. Tiamat turned utterly to hatred and Evil, while her brother Bahamut, ever her rival, turned to Good in order to oppose her. So it was that Io lost three of his children: the first to death, the second to Evil, and the last to Good. This Theory corresponds well with the absence of Io and the theory that followers of Bahamut claims that Tiamat killed Their father, Io. A theory that Tiamat sometimes mentions herself to her followers.   This theory is very much popular with the Dragonborn as is considered the most accurate depiction.   Kurtulmak
According to a myth in Dance of Dragons, Io gave the secrets of creation to a green dragon called Caesinjach, who used the secrets to create the race of kobolds. The greatest of Caesinjach's creations, a Kobold called Kurtulmak, was left dying when his fortress-mine was collapsed by the Gnomish deity Garl Glittergold. Io offered Kurtulmak a choice: he would restore the mine or transform Kurtulmak into an immortal hero who could avenge his people and make sure the mine was never forgotten. Kurtulmak chose the latter path, eventually becoming the deity he is today.  
The Io's Blood Chain
Some time after the creation of dragonkind, Io looked down to see what had become of his children. Seeing them at war, he cried, "If blood need be shed, let that which is shed be mine!" Cutting his belly with one claw, divine blood fell upon the waters, creating an island chain known today as the Io's Blood Isles – Some speculate that blood isles are a part of Eldalor. He urged his followers in visions to go there and form a harmonious society. Some of the dragons did go to these isles, but their war continued. Io sent his avatar to a group of humans and inspired them with a hatred of all dragons, teaching them the making of armor and the forging of weapons. The humans traveled to the isles and began slaughtering dragons of every faction and breed. The dragons were forced to unite in order to survive, and Io had his peace at last. Lately, The Arkolion empire speculate that the real blood isles are located actually in Epeoris.  
The Elemental Chaos Theory
According to one version of the Falazure's beliver, it is believed that Io had arisen from the Elemental Chaos and had created dragonkind as the first mortal creatures, the dragons being composed of the primal elements themselves. After creation, an event known as the Great Rift would take place where the primordials and deities would engage in a great war. During the war, a primordial would kill Io and several of his descendants. According to legend, the two halves of Io would then form into his two children, Bahamut and Tiamat (either this, or Tiamat and Bahuamat were Io's eldest children and received Io's divine spark upon his death, according to a different legend).   This theory also goes well with the believers of both Tiamat and Bahamut.  
The Theory of Creations
According to a folktale described by Draconic descendants, Io emerged from inside the shell of nothingness that held everything within it between the inside of the shell and the yolk. Foreseeing the creation of all living creatures from nothingness, Io blended with and became one with the nothingness, and then began to enlarge until he encompassed the night sky outside of the shell. When everything within the shell subsequently expanded, Io became one with everything as well. The dragon god then started to spin, the worlds, sky, and stars coming from the spinning as well as various colors and "gleaming streaks of metal" that separated into two rings. These two rings became Tiamat and Bahamut respectively as well as all other dragons, the dragons being the first creatures to exist. Io still spins to this day, although at a much slower rate, and when he stops the nothingness will encase him and form an egg that will contain all of the worlds and futures to follow.
The Ninefold Dragon;
The Concordant Dragon;
The Great Eternal Wheel;
Swallower of Shades;
Lord of The Gods;
Creator of Dragonkind;
Divine Classification
Dead Power (Presumed)
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Bahamut, Falazure and Tiamat
Knowledge, Magic, Scalykind, Strength, Travel
A multicolored metallic disk.
Dragons, Draconic humanoids, some members of the reptilian races
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Claw (Scimitar)
Holy Days

Worshipper Relations

Io does not answer prayers, however he does listen to them. Prayers to Io were deep and resonating, taking the form of supplication or (for half-dragons) plaintive questions. Although Io never answered prayers, he always listened to them.


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