Aeon Species in Theras | World Anvil


Aeons are enigmatic beings dedicated to maintaining order and balance throughout Theras. They oversee a vast web of opposing forces beyond mortal comprehension, ensuring their constant equilibrium.

Basic Information


Appearance is irrelevant to aeons. They often materialize as swirling masses of pure energy, dense enough to interact with the world but rarely harmful. Some vaguely resemble humanoids, but even these forms are fleeting and indistinct.

Genetics and Reproduction

Aeons are born on the Astral Plane from a clash of powerful ideas. When two opposing thoughts emanating from different planes collide, they create an "aeonic nebula". This nebula pulsates with raw emotion and metaphysical debate. As it expands, a new aeon emerges, embodying the very dichotomy it sprang from. Most aeons disperse across the Theras after birth, using the Astral Plane only for travel.


First Theory

All aeons are connected to a consciousness called Primus. This force has existed since the dawn of the multiverse and represents the unity that binds all aeons and the cosmos itself. Aeons view themselves as extensions of the multiverse, similar to organs in a living creature. They serve the Words' purpose, not as worshippers to a deity, but as integral parts of a greater whole. When an aeon completes its task or is destroyed, its essence returns to the fabric of existence, where the Word's recycles its energies.   The Aeons primiarly worship gods of Lawful Neutral, primarily Primus and Ioun, as such they believe they were created with the knowledge necessary to fulfill their designated role. They are constantly connected to the Words', receiving directives. However, this connection is imperfect, allowing them some degree of independent thought in completing their tasks.   Aeons are not malicious, but they are indifferent to individual beings, their struggles, and emotions. They lack self-preservation instincts. To them, creation or destruction, calamity or prevention, are all part of the grand equation they manipulate. All life is the same, to be protected or eradicated based on the bigger picture.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Aeons don't have a single home plane. They are born on the Astral Plane, but immediately manifest wherever the balance needs them. They can seemingly tear themselves from the very fabric of reality, appearing in specific locations tailored to their task. However, this predictability allows their enemies to prepare for their arrival. Unlike other outsiders, aeons have no permanent home; their entire existence revolves around maintaining balance across Theras.   While aeons lack a true home, they do utilize certain locations for strategic purposes. The City of Judgement serves as a convenient staging point for interplanar travel. With permission from The Raven Queen and the Psychopomps, they can utilize portals within for quick access to different planes. In addition, the Aeon has a permanent outpost in Everwatch as they utilize the portals there aswell and their alliance with Heimdall.   During 1,051AB , on Mechanus, aeons revealed a startling truth: Axiomites and Inevitables are also aeons, embodying specific aspects of inevitable creation and destruction.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Aeons have no culture, society, personality, or memory beyond the present task. Aeons embodying more significant universal principles are considered more powerful. They pursue their goals relentlessly, even if it jeopardizes lesser aeons. They collaborate only on matters of ultimate importance, even then only temporarily under the Monad's direction. Each task is treated as independent. An aeon might readily support someone it violently opposed in the past. The very concept of organization or alliance is alien to them. They recognize only two states of existence: those connected to the Monad, and those separate from it.   Followers of Imon, Heimdall and other Order-inclined deities, rely on aeons for guidance and validation. They have developed a unique skillset, allowing them to ask precise questions of the aeons and interpret their cryptic answers.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Aeons are willing to engage in conversation as long as it doesn't interfere with their work. Yet, communication with them often leads to frustration and misunderstanding. Shifting an aeon's focus, seeking its help, or dissuading it from a task is a near-impossible feat.   Outsiders often struggle to grasp the aeons' duality, even more so than mortals. Few view them as messengers and have an exceptional talent for interpreting their cryptic communication, almost always following their directives. Psychopomps, while respecting the aeons' role as guardians, also hold a mysterious sense of rivalry towards them  
Enemies of Mezzofiends
Aeons travel across the Material Plane as they deem; correcting imbalances and enforcing the natural order and as such, are the natural enemies of the Mezzofiends Their actions can be perceived in vastly different ways depending on how they align with local cultures. While their interventions often lead to chaos and destruction in the short term, these actions ultimately benefit the multiverse on a grander scale. This enigmatic approach often leads mortals to view aeons as monstrous entities.  
Protectors of Rifts and Magic
Riftwardens, dedicated to mending breaches between planes, often find themselves working alongside aeons drawn to these same unstable realities. Similarly, the Ervenian who view the Aeons as the perfect architects of fixing dead magic zone and the Weave, rely on them as well. These mages serve aeons and summon them as mentors, seeking their wisdom and guidance.
Geographic Distribution


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