Faenya-Dail Organization in Theras | World Anvil


The Confederation of Faenya Dail is a unique and majestic of Avariels.


Faenya-Dail operates under a cooperative and egalitarian system, where decisions are made collectively by representatives from each avariel clan. This system ensures that all voices are heard and considered, fostering harmony and unity among the avariels.   Leadership roles are often rotated or chosen based on merit and expertise, ensuring a fair and inclusive governance structure inside each clan.


Faenya Dail celebrates their connection to the skies and their winged heritage. They are deeply spiritual, revering the forces of wind and nature, and often engage in rituals and ceremonies that honor these elements. Art and music play a significant role in their society, with intricate tapestries, delicate sculptures, and enchanting melodies reflecting their appreciation for beauty and creativity.   The avariel, being a reclusive and isolated race, have established their realm, Faenya Dail, as a sanctuary far removed from other civilizations. They prefer to keep their distance from other races and maintain a secretive existence within their realm.


Following the devastation due to The Zephyrashan Sundering of their homeland, they sought refuge in Echor i Naurgon, fighting for many millenias against the Dragons.


Due to their natural affinity for flight, the avariel have developed specialized military tactics and strategies that leverage their aerial capabilities. They possess a well-trained and highly skilled aerial force, making them a formidable power in conflicts involving aerial combat. Their mastery of the skies can give them a significant advantage in battles.

Technological Level

The avariel have a unique affinity for the elemental plane of air. They have cultivated a deep connection with the swirling winds, vast skies, and ethereal currents of the plane. This connection grants them certain abilities and allows them to navigate the skies with grace and precision.


Their main deity is Aerdrie Faenya.

Foreign Relations

Faenya Dail strives for peaceful coexistence and diplomacy. They welcome visitors who approach their lands with respect and goodwill, fostering trade, cultural exchange, and alliances on few 'ground' encampments and even towns - however their cities in the floating land masses, are not available for entry. However, they remain vigilant in safeguarding their territories and the secrets of their aerial prowess, as they understand the importance of maintaining their independence and protecting their unique way of life. It   While the avariel generally keep their distance from other races, they maintain a strong sense of camaraderie and support toward their elven kin. They are known for coming to the aid of other elven communities when dire circumstances arise, utilizing their aerial prowess and knowledge to provide assistance.

Trade & Transport

The avariel are skilled artisans and craftsmen, creating intricate works of art and exquisite items related to flight and air. They produce finely crafted wings, wind chimes, and other objects that hold both aesthetic and functional value. These creations are sought after in trade with other races.
Founding Date
7,003 BB
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Related Species
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