Grumbar Character in Theras | World Anvil

Grumbar (grum-bar)

Grumbar embodies the element of earth. Among the four elemental deities venerated in Theras, his following is meager, much like the others except Kossuth. He displays minimal concern for his devotees, receiving offerings of sardonyx, jasper, and other stones without much acknowledgment. Grumbar's blessings typically entail protective spells or insights into subterranean realms and mineral deposits, though the criteria for their bestowal appear arbitrary.   He is also considered the god of fortifications, for many who seek and pay in tribute, he is known to give some kind of fortification.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Grumbar's church lacks structure, leading to a collection of cults with their own ethics and teachings. These cults, organized into small sects called Holds, exhibit minimal dissent and interaction.   Grumbarryn resist change, especially radical shifts, advocating against exploration beyond Theras. They oppose societal, governmental, and religious changes, preferring stability.   Grumbarryn prioritize the sanctity of oaths, never breaking them under threat of expulsion. The Oath of Landwalking prohibits air or sea travel, permitted only in dire circumstances or when benefiting the church.          
Priestly Vestments
Grumbanyn, typically large and sturdy men, wear ceremonial attire designed to enhance their perceived size and stability. This includes a brown cassock belted at the waist, a leather hood or hat, and a massive cloak with extended shoulder pads. They also wear platform clogs over soft leather boots, always adorned with Grumbar's symbol, typically a large ruby or sardonyx.   When adventuring, Grumbarryn dress in earth-tone or gray attire, prioritizing protection over appearance. They opt for protective armor and wield bludgeoning weapons and picks.  
Grumbar's shrines and temples are exclusively constructed from stone, featuring vaulted ceilings and walls to evoke a sense of being within living rock. Due to the church's preference for stone, wood is seldom used. However, precious gems and minerals decorate the surfaces generously.  
Novice followers of Grumbar are called the Unspoken. Upon swearing the Oath of Landwalking, they become full priests known as the Oathbound. The titles for the Oathbound, in ascending order of rank, include Faithful Bedrock, Granite Flagstone, Righteous Rock, and others. Specialty priests are Earthwalkers, while monks are referred to as Cornerstones.  
The faithful pay homage to Grumbar daily, expressing gratitude for the earth's stability, and partake in two personal ceremonies and an annual festival.   Upon initiation into the priesthood, members vow to abstain from air or sea travel unless absolutely necessary, risking a loss of spells. Water travel is permitted only if it benefits the church, such as establishing new temples or discovering resources.   The Brotherhood of Earth ceremony empowers Grumbarryn specialty priests to summon elemental allies from the Elemental Plane of Earth after a day of fasting and prayer, presenting them with gifts of gems and gold as a gesture of goodwill.   During the Midwinter festival, church leaders convene to plan the year ahead, with decisions binding until the next festival.

Tenets of Faith

Grumbar, eternal and immutable, serves as the epitome of constancy. Aspire to emulate this steadfastness, resisting change and upholding your word as the cornerstone of societal stability. To violate an oath is to undermine the very foundation of civilization. Promote Grumbar's message of security and reliability through your actions.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

He appears as an enormous earth elemental with red eyes that glimmered like rubies.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grumbar stands as one of the four elemental lords, seemingly unaffected by the flow of time throughout history. While he shares connections with other earth-related deities like Garl Glittergold, Dumathoin, Laduguer, and Urogalan, his associations are not particularly strong. He consistently opposes the unpredictable nature of Akadi whenever possible.

Personality Characteristics


Grumbar exudes a calm and unwavering demeanor, displaying a greater aversion to change than most other deities. He guards the hidden wisdom and vast treasures concealed within the depths of the earth.
Earth Dao;
King of the Land Below the Roots;
The Fort of All;
Boss of the Earth Elementals;
Lord of Terra Firma;
Divine Classification
Home Plane
Elemental Plane of Earth
Subservient Deities
Earth, Elemental Earth
Solidity, Changelessness, Oaths, Fortifications
Earth, Knowledge (Memory), Protection, Rune
Mountains on purple
Elemental archons (earth), fighters, monks, rangers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
A stony fist (warhammer)
Holy Days

Worshipper Relations



Disciples of the Changeless Face, stoic monks who protected Grumbarryn knowledge. Sardonyx Knights, stalwart crusaders who protected Grumbar's temples.  


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