Amoria Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Amoria is the first, or topmost, layer of Elysium. It is one of the most welcoming places of the Outer Planes and the marshaling center for the forces of the guardinals.   The layer has an extremely mild climate, with only modest differences between seasons. Its rolling meadows and woodlands host an enormous variety of wildlife and birds. All colors and sounds appear deeper and more intense.   Most of the layer's towns are located along the banks of the Oceanus, which is intensively used as a route of transportation and trade. Amoria is the last layer visited by the river before it continues on to the Beastlands.  


The layer is inhabited by the leaders of the guardinals, who use the layer as a base from which to direct their forces against evil, including sending rescue missions to the Lower planes to recover captives of evil beings.
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