Eronia Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Eronia is the second layer of Elysium. A rugged and mountainous land of strong winds, it contains the divine realms of Thea, Soryna, Hiatea, Helios and Urogalan.   The layer is marked by a rising landscape, with steep hills and mountains that rose beyond brightly light clouds from deep valleys of white granite. At the bottom of the valleys, the River Oceanus flows in a winding pattern, cutting canyons and gorges and flowing in rapids and extremely tall cascades. Eronia is the most dangerous section of the Oceanus's course, and can only be successfully negotiated by experienced navigators, who call themselves "river rats".   Unlike Amoria, Eronia has a much larger variability in the seasons, with harsher winters and hotter summers than the typical temperate regions of Prime Material plane worlds. Windy snow and lightning storms were common.   The wind is so strong throughout the layer that flying creatures had their maneuverability in the air considerably impaired.  


Eronia's inhabitants live in small towns built atop plateaus or squeezed between the mountains and the Oceanus. The rugged geography and the inclement weather pose a constant challenge to whoever set up residence in the layer.
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