Angradd Character in Theras | World Anvil

Angradd (An-Gradd)

Angradd stands as a fierce protector among the dwarven pantheon. Unlike his elder brother Moradin, who emphasizes defensive tactics and strategic planning, Angradd is a warrior god who actively seeks out threats and eliminates them with relentless fervor. Alongside his older brother Magrim, who observes battles and guides dwarven spirits in the afterlife, Angradd ensures the safety of his people in life and beyond.   Despite being classified as an Intermediate Power, Angradd boasts the second-greatest raw power within the Morndinsamman. His martial prowess makes him a crucial figure in the dwarven pantheon, a champion who safeguards his kin from all who dare threaten their way of life.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Angradd's disciples are renowned within dwarven communities for their martial prowess, though their zealous fervor can sometimes border on belligerence. While other races often dismiss them as bloodthirsty berserkers (and some followers certainly bolster this perception), the majority are highly trained in troop movements, tactics, and military strategy. Their expertise makes them invaluable wartime advisors, sought after by dwarven leaders seeking an edge on the battlefield.   The alaghor, are undergo rigorous training overseen by the Angradd priesthood. Their days are filled with the clang of hammer on anvil as they forge the finest weapons and armor, followed by relentless drills that hone their martial skills to a razor's edge. The Alaghor are the embodiment of Angradd's teachings, a living testament to the unwavering defense and relentless pursuit of victory that the Father of Battle champions.  
These radiant beings excel at leading and coordinating dwarven troops, their tactical prowess rivaled only by the deities themselves. In Angradd's absence, the Bright Lady of Strategy, the mightiest of the archons, takes command, ensuring the dwarven forces remain unstoppable.   Angradd also employs the services of azers, the industrious elemental beings of fire. Aazer smiths forge weapons of unparalleled quality, imbuing them with potent enchantments that make them especially effective against fiendish foes. These armaments serve as a testament to the unwavering defense against evil that Angradd champions.  


The Alaghor usually pray at sunrise, preparing for the day ahead.  
The Trial by Fury
The Trial is a test of courage and resilience. Young dwarves who wish to become warriors or protectors undergo a series of rigorous physical and mental challenges. These trials are designed to push them to their limits and demonstrate their commitment to Angradd's teachings. There are many obstacles courses designed to test agility, strength, and endurance are built within dwarven strongholds. Mock battles against veteran warriors assess combat skills and tactical thinking. Finally, young dwarves face their deepest fears in tests of mental fortitude. Those who persevere are deemed worthy and officially enter the ranks of Angradd's defenders.


The Clergy itself has three holidays:  
The Hammerfast is a celebration of martial prowess and defensive readiness. This holiday coincides with the peak of dwarven weapon and armor production, a time when forges burn hottest and hammers ring out incessantly. The Activities include competitions in weaponry and combat techniques are held, with dwarven warriors showcasing their skills and vying for the title of "Forge Champion". Religious ceremonies honor Angradd, with offerings of freshly forged weapons and symbolic sacrifices of enemy armaments. A grand feast follows, filled with tales of past victories and songs praising Angradd's unwavering defense.  
A solemn day dedicated to remembering dwarven heroes who fell in battle. This introspective holiday honors their sacrifice and strengthens the resolve of the living to defend their people. In this holiday, families visit ancestral tombs and war memorials, leaving offerings and reciting prayers for the fallen. Angradd's clergy lead somber ceremonies, recounting the heroes' deeds and the importance of carrying on their legacy. Silent marches through city streets and military encampments commemorate those who died defending dwarven lands.  
The Everguard is a night of vigilance dedicated to maintaining dwarven defenses. This somber holiday coincides with the longest night of the year, a time when the world feels most vulnerable to attack. Throughout the night, watchtowers are fully manned, and patrols are doubled. Fires are lit atop every mountain peak and fortress, creating a chain of beacons that illuminate the dwarven lands. Citizens gather in temples dedicated to Angradd, offering prayers and songs to maintain their vigilance against any potential threats.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Angradd, the Father of Battle, radiates an aura of unyielding power. His golden beard, ablaze in the light of a nearby forge, mirrors the flames that dance upon his mighty greataxe. Clad in crimson and gold armor, a testament to dwarven craftsmanship, he stands as a beacon of defense against all who threaten his people.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Angradd is a known name throughout all pantheons that dared challenge the dwarven kin. He has a greater count-kill of deities than Gruumsh, which has earned him the title of God-Slayer throughout many pantheons... Fearing his battledrums.


Family Ties

Magrim, the stoic lawmaker, and Angradd, the fiery warrior, don't always see eye-to-eye. Magrim believes in the power of tradition and law, while Angradd prioritizes immediate action. Yet, despite their philosophical differences, both gods share a deep respect for each other and a fierce devotion to protecting the dwarven race.
The Commander of the Mountainhome;
The Warden of War;
Ther Adamantine Wall;
The Iron Marshall;
The Giantkiller;
The Goblinbane;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Battle, war, valor, bravery, honor in battle, Fire, Tradition, Strength
Artifice (Trap), Dwarf, Good (Angel, Archon), Fire (Litha, Smoke), Law (Angel, Archon), Protection (Defense, Fortifications) Strength, War
Smoking Battleaxe
Barbarians, dwarven defenders, dwarves, fighters, monks, paladins, strategists, tacticians, warriors,
  Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Giantbane (Battleaxe or Dwarven Urgosh)
Holy Days
Hammerfast, Shieldmeet, Everguard


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