Animae Divortium Tradition / Ritual in Theras | World Anvil

Animae Divortium

Animae Divortium, otherwise known as Divorced Souls in Bafigronish, is the rite of passage at the end of a warrior's trainning in the Strategos Ascendant Institute.   The Animae is usually conducted at age 17 for males that were born to Neo-Ordosi, while for female it is conducted at age 15, as their bodies mature faster.   However, most Neo-Ordosi pass the full test at age 20, even though they consider themselves Neo-Ordosi before and so does the community as long as there is a responsible parent that has taken them into their care.  
It should be noted that many species such as orcs mature faster and it is taken into account when conducting the rite of passage.


It is told that while taking the tests, the academy presents a choice for the would-be warrior. He can choose to remain free and embark upon the world to pursue his personal goals, or he can choose to become a Neo-Ordosi and become part of the community, thus gaining even more power, prestige and strength through his commitment and assimilation in the band of brothers of the Neo-Ordo Crusaders.   It should be noted that there are seldom tests that involve simple tasks such as killing a goblin, as it is an insult and affront to the Neo-Ordosi. The actual test is actually hunting a terrible monster, or perhaps a small challenge as conquering the hazards of the wild. This feat doesn't have to be material in essence as the candidate can use magic, critical-thinking to overcome an obstacle, magic or even create a great instrument of armory and in the more rarer cases, weapons worthy of the Ordosi.   It should be noted that, the trial itself could be passed retroactively, as the person encountered a challenge that was very warranting, such as fighting 5 bandits at once and saving a family.
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