Neo-Ordosi Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


Neo-Ordo Crusaders is the name of the people that follow the way of Neo-Ordo Crusaders.   They are sometimes referred to as Rhovan by the Sirilians who mock their way of life, claiming they had interpreted the Ordosi Swear of Fealty.   Like the Sirilians they live as a society of nomadic warriors, the Neo-Ordo Crusaders have an aversion to bureaucracy, and instead, rely on a natural division of labor. Each warrior is expected to be self-reliant and skilled in their respective field, responsible for their own provisions and sustenance. Communication between Crusaders is carried out primarily through sound and visual cues, and they keep a watchful eye on their fellow warriors, ready to adapt to changing battle situations. In the absence of any official ranks or hierarchy, the Crusaders typically follow the lead of the most experienced veteran on the battlefield. Despite the lack of formal units, the Crusaders often create ad-hoc formations, naming them as needed.


Shared customary codes and values

In order to become a Neo-Ordosi, an applicant is required to pass the Animae Divortium at Strategos Ascendant Institute, however it is not conducted there at all times as there are many necessities.

Coming of Age Rites

The Animae for Ordiskin is usually conducted at age 17 for males that were born to Neo-Ordosi, while for female it is conducted at age 15, as their bodies mature faster.   However, most Neo-Ordosi pass the full test at age 20, even though they consider themselves Neo-Ordosi before and so does the community as long as there is a responsible parent that has taken them into their care.
Parent ethnicities
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