Strategos Ascendant Institute Building / Landmark in Theras | World Anvil

Strategos Ascendant Institute

The Strategos Ascendant Institute, also known as the Dual War Institute, The Eldertree War College or The Brawling Academy of Rakion, is the largest Academy for Warriors, stategist and Tacticians.   The Institute itself is the eptimome of knowledge, having many divine war priests, war mages and Warriors from the famed Neo-Ordo Crusaders. This Institute holds many "War Ten-days" featuring high Arcana and Mirage spells for Armies to excercise on and for warriors to hone their skills.   The Institute is highly prestigious one and in turn, usually does return the investment of many armies, though it is mostly occupied in training by the Officers of the Elven Kingdoms, The Eryndorian Corps and the The Hosts of Amon-Thal, the many branches of the Arasilian armed forces and the Khazad-Ram's Armies - This academy does in fact holds itself neutral and above politics. Even the Neo-Ordo Crusaders, who are allied with others, do find joy in teaching the Art of War.   It should be noted that many other countries, both belovolent and benign, individuals, churches, organizations are all welcome here. It should be noted that there can be trials by Combat here, same as in all the Chancellery of Rhovasil, however, thoser battles are ordained by clerics and outsiders.  

Animae Divortium

The rite of passage at the end of a warrior's training in theĀ Strategos Ascendant Institute is calledĀ Animae Divortium. It is told that while taking the tests, the academy presents a choice for the would-be warrior. He can choose to remain free and embark upon the world to pursue his personal goals, or he can choose to become a member of the Neo-Ordo Crusaders and become part of the community, thus gaining even more power, prestige and strength through his commitment and assimilation in the band of brothers of the Neo-Ordo Crusaders.  

Religious Practices

The Institute has many small alters for many gods, while it is considered the largest Kordish Temple over Theras, numbering thousands of small structures all commenorating future or past battles. While it is also Distinguished with Lendys. It the Second most great temple as the largest one is situated in Grand Empire of Arkolion and the arguably second or third is in Kingdom of Arasil.

Purpose / Function

The High Institutde of Strategy is an institude for the war-loving Neo-Ordo Crusaders, while also other War-Deities Worshippers frequently visit here as a pilgrimage.   The Institude holds large battle-field that can span for many miles in many demi-planes, duels, small unit training, all maintened by the war-loving Neo-Ordo Crusaders. Even in times of War, the Neo-Ordo Crusaders accept their enemies to the temple, however there were many reports of their enemies breaking the trust, thus cutting their enemies from visiting or paying huge fines.   In 1,040 AB, the Academy also made pact with many war-liking outsiders and also employ great spells such as planar binding and training against Outsiders, however, many of the outsiders are unwilling to participate in battle to the death like the celestials, however, other outsiders such as Fiends are more than willing to participate in lethal combat. The Clerics of Kord, hold powerful spell that prohibit death and usually denies death and lethal damage to the participants.
Founding Date
927 AB
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)


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