Chancellery of Rhovasil Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Chancellery of Rhovasil

The Chancellery of Rhovasil is a chancellery, ruled by the Neo-Ordo Crusaders, crusader that seek to improve themselves by honing their combat skills and prowess, thus achieving discipline.   The Chancellery is a body that is ruled by a class of warriors and are known for their steelwing steeds.


There is no formal structure of the formation as the chancellery is ruled by warriors, having ther Ordosi Swear of Fealty set their behavior.   Though they are not very much organized as most beurocracies, however this warrior-like society all take care of themselves as each one of them see their role in the society as pivotal to the 'War effort'.


The Chancellery is very militaristic country, forged into one by Andantilus in order to hold the ground of Ultok Rojag against all creatures as it became their ways of life.   The Chancellery is by far, very strange as the Neo-Ordo Crusaders is the main culture here, and as such very warlike in their ways, having all races joining in their creed.


The Rhovan people were originated after Andantilus had inducted the various people there, into the Ordosi way of life. It should be noted that the Rhovasilian people do not see themselves as Rhovasilian, but as Neo-Ordo Crusaders-.


They exclusivey worship the Narsilian Pantheon, including the Giant and Draconic.   However, even though Kord is not part of the Pantheon, they still pay homage to him.
Founding Date
873 AB
Leader Title
Major Imports
The Chancellery is relying heavily on the kingdom of Khazad-Ram with a supply of steady weapons and armors as befits their culture.
Official Languages
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