Neo-Ordo Crusaders Tradition / Ritual in Theras | World Anvil

Neo-Ordo Crusaders

Neo-Ordo Crusaders is the tradition of all Rhovasil   The Neo-Ordo Crusaders, were inducted into this way by Andantilus, who sought to create a culture like that of the Ordo Crusaders, only without the requirement of being a giant or part giant, thus creating a powerful Creed between those, who consider themselves the True Crusaders.


The Neo-Ordo Crusaders, are close to the Ordo Crusaders way of life, only that they believe that everyone, no matter of race, can become Ordo, and can take the Ordosi Swear of Fealty.


Those who follow the ways of the Ordosi, are those who take great care not to show their face, taking the words of the Ordosi seriously and making their armor special.  
The Words of the Creed
The key to our tribe's survival lies in our commitment to education and armor---- The Neo-Ordo see these words as a commitment of teaching the ways to Ordiskin and also commenorating the armor of the Neo-Ordo.   as well as our proficiency in self-defense---- The Neo-Ordo see these words as their way of life, as their whole culture is based on warfare, honor and victory in battle.   We cultivate self-discipline and a reverence for the natural world---- The Neo-Ordo see these words as the most important part, Observing the tradition. The Neo-Ordo never do remove their helmet in the presence of others, except while having sex with their spouse.   and our common language and leader bind us together.---- The Neo-Ordo Ordiskin are taught both Arasilian and Ordos as their main way of life.
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