Anya Goldhammer Character in Theras | World Anvil

Anya Goldhammer (An-YA Gold-Ham-mer)

Anya Goldhammer, a name that evokes both the unexpected clash of steel and the joyous clinking of coin, is the dwarven goddess of a surprisingly whimsical take.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Anya's clergy, known as the Kaxanr, are as unpredictable as their goddess. They don't adhere to a rigid hierarchy or strict code of conduct. Instead, they embrace a life of adventure, seeking to experience the full spectrum of fortune's whims.   Her worshippers are usually one of these:
  • Debt Collectors
    Dwarves who collect debts owed may use elaborate challenges, witty taunts, and unexpected methods to recoup their losses, all under the watchful eye of Anya.
  • Monster Slayers
    Dwarven adventurers who slay monstrous foes do so with a flourish, using rhythmic chants and choreographed attacks to turn battles into epic performances.
  • Dueling Champions
    Dwarves who find honor and amusement in non-lethal combat, settling disputes or testing their skills in friendly duels, revere Anya.


  • Creative Debt Repayment
    Dwarves who resolve a debt creatively, perhaps with a witty song or a hilarious public shaming, please Anya more than simply returning coin.
  • Gifts of Unexpected Value
    Finding a rare gemstone hidden in a dusty corner, winning a seemingly impossible bet, or stumbling upon a forgotten family heirloom – these unexpected windfalls are seen as gifts from Anya. A portion of such finds is often offered back to her in gratitude.
  • Performances of Skill
    Dwarves may engage in mock battles or public displays of strength and wit, offering their skills and the amusement they generate to Anya.

Day-to-Day Activities

The Kaxanr don't just fight, they entertain! They weave rhythmic chants and choreographed attacks into the chaos of battle, turning every clash into a glorious performance.
Their primary objective is to secure victory for dwarven kind, and along the way, they relish the opportunity to gather spoils and witness impressive feats of dwarven combat. Unlike traditional healers, these priests wade into battle heavily armed and armored, skilled in both weapon-wielding and battlefield medicine. Always carrying a collection of beautifully crafted, gleaming weapons, they relish the chance to loan them to dwarves in need, ensuring a touch of style alongside raw power. However, they always keep a favorite weapon for themselves, sometimes adorned with bells and trinkets that jingle merrily in combat. In battle, the Kaxanr are known for their playful and often surprising use of thrown weapons. They might launch them onto ledges with a wink and a jest, sever ropes with a flourish, or even land them point-down beside an ally with a witty quip.   Mentorship
Senior Kaxanr don't just teach tactics – they weave them into entertaining stories and boisterous challenges. They share monster-fighting secrets with a chuckle and exploit weaknesses with a well-timed jest. Their knowledge encompasses everything from monster habits to lair locations and vulnerabilities, all delivered with a twinkle in their eye. Those who receive aid from a Kaxanr are expected to offer something in return, but the focus is less on practicality and more on the spectacle. A particularly beautiful weapon, a rare and gleaming trinket, or a song composed in their honor are all acceptable forms of payment. This allows the priest to continue their tradition of sharing the shine.  

Priestly Vestments

Anya's clergy favor practical armor or plain steel-gray robes for everyday wear. However, during ceremonies, they add a splash of theatricality. Crimson footwear and a scarlet overcloak transform them into vibrant performers ready to celebrate the joy of battle. Open-faced helms allow their booming laughter and mischievous winks to resonate with the crowd. When venturing out, Anya's champions prioritize practicality. They seek the best available armor. Only the finest weapons are deemed worthy of their battlefield performances. They delight in wielding beautifully crafted blades and polished axes, each weapon a potential source of pride and a testament to their skill. In keeping with their playful nature, Anya's champions often carry hefty bags filled with caltrops. While some see this as an outdated custom, the priests view it as an opportunity for a well-timed prank and a bit of unexpected battlefield chaos. Perhaps a strategically placed caltrop could trip an enemy, leading to a glorious and unexpected victory!  


The temples of the clergy are like open-air theaters These open-air arenas carved into mountain sides serve as both training grounds and performance venues. Dwarves hone their combat skills while incorporating theatrical flourishes, with the clanging of steel and booming laughter echoing through the canyons. Offerings of trinkets and witty poems are left at the base of a central stage dedicated to Anya. In the underdark or mountains where open-air isn't available, they are usually carved or stationed where acoustics are perfect. In addition, for dwarven champions venturing far from home, mobile taverns are considered the traveling temple of Anya Goldhammer.    


Kaxanar pray for spells in the morning in a semi-ritual. This ceremony is accompanied by the tracing of intricate scars etched onto their forearms during their initiation into the order. These ritual scars typically follow established geometric patterns. However, some unorthodox members, known as iconoclasts, use this initiation as an opportunity to scar themselves with profanity or vulgar sayings.  
Echoes of the Fallen
This ceremony involves chanting and the symbolic shattering of captured enemy weapons. The shattering of weapons serves as a symbolic act of releasing the trapped spirits of fallen dwarven warriors, who then empower the Kaxanar for the upcoming battle.

Tenets of Faith

  • Every debt, big or small, deserves a satisfying resolution. Pursue your due with wit, not just with wrath. Let the chase be a thrilling game, and the repayment a joyous chorus!
  • Combat is a dance, a test of skill and a canvas for your bravery. Fight with gusto, let your laughter echo in the halls of battle, and turn every clash into a glorious performance.
  • Don't cling too tightly to plans, for Anya delights in the unexpected. Embrace the thrill of the unknown, and find joy in the twists of fate.
  • Wealth is a tool for merriment and adventure. Share your bounty with those in need, and use your coin to fuel new challenges and playful pursuits.
  • Great victories deserve to be celebrated! Compose epic ballads and choreographed dances to recount your triumphs, ensuring your deeds of valor are etched in memory.
  • Seek vengeance, but temper it with humor. A witty prank or a humiliating challenge can be as satisfying as spilled blood. Remember, laughter is the sweetest revenge.
  • Don't shy away from a worthy opponent! Test your mettle in friendly duels and public displays of skill. Challenge others to hone their craft, and learn from every exchange.
  • Life is full of contradictions – joy and sorrow, victory and defeat. Embrace them all! Find humor in misfortune, and celebrate the unexpected turns of fate.
  • Gatherings with friends and family are sacred. Share stories of your adventures, both hilarious and harrowing, and let your laughter fill the halls.
  • Life is a glorious gamble! Embrace the unknown, take calculated risks, and seize every opportunity to create your own legend. Let your life be a song of daring exploits and joyous revelry.


The Wager's Eve
During Spring, the clergy celebrates a boisterous celebration of new beginnings and the thrill of the chase, marking the start of the adventuring season, the fesitivities include:
  • Elaborate games of chance with fantastical wagers, like challenging a renowned chef to a cook-off or betting on the first sign of spring appearing.
  • Mock raids on training grounds, where adventurers test their skills and strategize for upcoming expeditions.
  • Public displays of daring feats by seasoned adventurers, inspiring new recruits and raising coin for charity.
  • Storytelling competitions with bards weaving tales of legendary heroes who embraced unexpected challenges and defied the odds with wit and skill.
  • Coin showers blessed by Anya's clergy, showering the crowd with a chance at starting their adventuring careers with a lucky windfall.
The Mirthful Mayhem
In contrast to the Wager's Eve, this is a chaotic festival celebrating the unpredictable twists of fate and the joy found in unexpected victory in the ten days before midsummer. The activities include:
  • Impromptu challenges and pranks erupt throughout the day, with adventurers and townsfolk alike testing their wits and agility in good-natured mayhem.
  • Elaborate obstacle courses incorporating elements of surprise and humor, rewarding quick thinking and improvisation.
  • Theatrical performances reenacting past adventures with a healthy dose of exaggeration and comedic embellishment.
  • Costume contests celebrating legendary figures known for their cunning and playful tactics.
  • Raffles with unusual prizes, like a cursed potion guaranteed to create laughter for a day or a map leading to a "legendary" (but ultimately hilarious) treasure hoard.
The Ficlue Fortune
Ten days after the apex of Autumn, the clergy celebrates a festival honoring the fleeting nature of wealth and the importance of resourcefulness. The acitivites include:
  • Skill-based challenges and competitions that test resourcefulness and adaptability, like bartering contests or races where unconventional methods are encouraged.
  • Charity auctions where adventurers donate a portion of their loot to worthy causes, embodying Anya's playful spirit of sharing.
  • Public displays of clever problem-solving, with adventurers showcasing their ability to overcome challenges with limited resources.
  • Feasts featuring dishes made with unusual or unexpected ingredients, celebrating the ingenuity of making the most of what's available.
  • Storytelling competitions where adventurers share tales of overcoming adversity through wit, resourcefulness, and a touch of luck.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Anya is a dwarven woman with a mischievous glint in her eye and a booming laugh. She's clad in brightly polished, golden armor adorned with bells and charms that jingle with every move as a warchanter of war.   Her braids are woven with golden coins and shimmering trinkets, trophies from unexpected windfalls and playful debt collections and in addition, she carries a beautifully crafted lute, its music inspiring both the thrill of battle and the joy of a clever prank.

Personality Characteristics


Anya reportedly prefers a simple life, residing in a hidden cave called Findar Endar. This grotto is located within the ever-shifting mists of a mysterious region known as The Beastlands. Findar Endar is fiercely protected by her loyal Guardians, although Anya herself is not always present.   While Anya respects a good fight, she values the joy and theatricality of combat even more. She encourages dwarves to find humor and spectacle in their battles, turning them into glorious performances.
  She celebrates the accomplishments of dwarven champions, but her rewards are as unexpected as they are generous. A surge of sudden luck in a card game, a hidden vein of gold discovered mid-battle, or a perfectly-timed rockslide that buries a fleeing foe – these are all signs of Anya's whimsical favor.
  Her favors are A well-timed dodge in battle, a perfectly aimed insult that disarms an opponent, or a lucky find in the midst of danger, or when a fight erupts into a joyous display of skill and showmanship, it's seen as a sign of Anya's approval.
  In addition, Dwarves seeking guidance in settling a score may receive dreams filled with elaborate pranks and playful challenges, believed to be messages from Anya.


Contacts & Relations

Unlike her stoic dwarven kin in the pantheon, Anya respects Moradin's authority but dances to her own tune. She avoids contradicting her kin, ensuring their paths remain intertwined. A kinship exists between Anya and Marthammor Duin, both drawn to the surface world's challenges. Similarly, she finds camaraderie with Angradd in their love for battle. Anya's rejection of Abbathor's interest in luck has resulted in him sending greater threats, which she faces with amusement.
The Coinbearer of Chaos;
Lady of Luck and Laughter;
The Gleeful Warchanter;
Goddess of Debt and Duels;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Subservient Deities
Debt, Pursuit, Vengeance and Grudges, Luck in battle, patron of dwarves who love to fight and who battle monsters, love of/joy of battle, dwarven monster kills, dwarven fighter adventurers
Chaos (Revelry, Riot, Whimsy), Dwarf, Good (Agathion, Azata, Friendship), Knowledge (Memory), Liberation (Freedom), Luck (Gambling, Imagination), Strength, Travel (Exploration, Trade), War (Duels)
Unsheathed sword wrapped in two spirals of flame
Debt Collectors, Monster Slayers, Duelers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“Flamebolt” (great hammer) or golden hammer
Holy Days
The Wager's Eve, The Mirthful Mayhem, The Ficlue Fortune


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