Ameros Organization in Theras | World Anvil


The Merciless Vales of Ameros, or Vales of Ameros is a Heptarchy of devil worshiping Neomen.   The devils play a crucial role in orchestrating and guiding the activities of the Heptarchy. They are cunning strategists, manipulators, and masterminds, using their infernal powers and knowledge to further their own agendas and expand their influence. They exert control over their followers through a combination of fear, coercion, and promises of power and wealth.   Unsurprisingly, the largest concentration of devils on Theras resides in and around Ameros. This nation's government mirrors the rigid laws of Hell.


The Heptarchy refers to a ruling council or alliance consisting of seven powerful devil lords in the Vales of Ameros. Each member of the Heptarchy wields significant influence and holds dominion over a particular domain or aspect of the region.   The exact composition of the Heptarchy may vary, as devil lords may rise or fall in power over time. However, it typically consists of high-ranking devils and fiendish entities who have forged alliances to consolidate their authority and further their collective interests.   They act in such a way that each faction has its own sphere of influence and operates independently to some extent, with its own goals and objectives. However, they all ultimately serve the greater cause of spreading chaos, corruption, and evil throughout the Vales of Ameros.   The Heptarchy operates as a unified force, utilizing their combined resources, influence, and dark magic to maintain control over the Vales of Ameros and impose their will upon the inhabitants. Their ultimate goal is to spread corruption, sow chaos, and increase the power and dominion of evil forces in the region.   While the devil lords may have individual agendas and rivalries, they recognize the value of their alliance in maintaining their dominance over the realm. Together, they oversee the operation of the devil worshiping heptarchy, enforcing their authority, and ensuring the continuity of their wicked practices.


The Heptarchy's operations are shrouded in secrecy and conducted within hidden strongholds, dark rituals, and covert gatherings. They manipulate the political landscape, infiltrating key positions of power, and influencing decision-makers to further their own goals. Their nefarious activities are often masked behind a façade of legitimate organizations or religious institutions, allowing them to operate in plain sight while maintaining their sinister agenda.

Public Agenda

The devil worshipers within the Heptarchy often seek to corrupt the realms they inhabit, sowing discord, spreading vice, and undermining the forces of good. They exploit the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of the Vales, seeking to establish pockets of darkness where they can exert their influence and gradually expand their dominion.


Subterfuge and Spying
They excel in subterfuge, manipulation, and espionage. They employ skilled infiltrators, spies, and assassins who operate covertly to gather information, sow discord, and undermine their enemies. They are adept at concealing their true intentions and operating from the shadows, making it difficult for their adversaries to anticipate their actions. They work co-jointly mostly with Sofel.
Divine Influence
The Heptarchy's devotion to devil worship grants them access to dark divine powers. The devil overlords and high-ranking cultists possess infernal abilities, granting them enhanced strength, resilience, and supernatural abilities. They may also harness dark magic and perform rituals that channel the power of their infernal patrons, further amplifying their influence and capabilities.  
Arcane Knowledge
Ameros has access to arcane knowledge and magic. They employ sorcerers, warlocks, and other practitioners of the dark arts who wield destructive spells and curses. They may use their arcane abilities for offensive purposes, to manipulate minds, or to enhance their own capabilities in battle.  
Special and uncommon Mounts and Vehicles
The Vales of Ameros possess mounts and creatures from the Nine Hells of Baator, which greatly enhance their military capabilities. These special creatures are infernal in nature, bred and trained in the depths of Baator to serve as loyal and powerful steeds for the devil worshipers' forces, among them:  
  • Hellsteeds - Though uncommon, they serve elite troops and other captains
  • Nightmare Stallion - Rare among the kingdom, they are the mounts of many commanders.
  • Infernal Drakes - Only the most pretigious within the Vales, have access to those creatures.
  • Fiendish Chariots - A costly chariot, but well worth it on the battlefield.


1. The devil worshipers maintain a formidable military force comprised of their evil humanoids allies, Goblinkin, augmented by infernal powers and strategies. They employ well-trained soldiers, mercenaries, and monstrous creatures to bolster their ranks. The military forces of the Heptarchy are organized, disciplined, and driven by a shared goal of spreading chaos and subjugating their enemies.   The Heptarchy's power extends beyond the physical realm, as they command legions of devilish servants, cultists, and dark creatures who carry out their bidding. These minions aid in the subjugation of the populace, the collection of souls, and the perpetuation of the heptarchy's influence and control.


The Heptarchy worship mostly evil deities and devils.

Trade & Transport

The Heptarchy utilizes various economic means to support its activities. They may engage in illicit trades, smuggling, and black market dealings, controlling underground economies and exploiting vulnerabilities in trade routes. They may also exert control over legitimate businesses and institutions, using them as fronts to generate wealth and fund their operations.  


Slaves are seen as a valuable resource and are used for various purposes, including labor, entertainment, and as sacrifices for dark rituals.   The heptarchy, oversees the management and control of the enslaved population. Slavery is not only a means of exerting dominance and control over others but also serves as a method to gain favor with the devil masters.   The slaves in the Vales of Ameros come from various sources. Some are captured in raids and conquests, while others may be born into slavery or sold into servitude by desperate individuals. These slaves are typically forced to work under brutal conditions, subjected to physical and emotional abuse, and denied basic rights and freedoms.  
Granting freedom
It should be noted that there is a twisted concept of granting freedom to slaves. The devil masters may offer the possibility of liberation to slaves who prove their loyalty and dedication to their dark cause. Slaves who demonstrate unwavering obedience, engage in acts of violence on behalf of their devil masters, or participate in sinister rituals may be granted a form of freedom or elevated status within the hierarchy.   This system creates a cruel and manipulative environment where slaves are compelled to appease their devil masters and worship evil deities such as Bane, Ella'li, and others. Those who seek freedom must navigate a treacherous path, balancing their own survival with the demands and expectations of their devilish overlords.   The heptarchy's control over the slaves extends beyond physical chains, as they employ various methods of psychological manipulation and coercion. This includes indoctrination into their twisted beliefs, instilling fear through punishment and threats, and using magical means to enforce loyalty and obedience.
Founding Date
890 AB
Leader Title
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories


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