Gontal Organization in Theras | World Anvil


The Dark lands of Gontal is a belligerent country in Rakion.   The people of Gontal live in constant fear of Dark Lord and his army of twisted creatures, known as the Shadow Legion. These beings were once human, but had been twisted and corrupted by Dark Lord's dark magic, making them nearly unstoppable in battle.


Gontal places great emphasis on intelligence gathering and espionage. The nation maintains a robust network of spies, informants, and covert operatives who gather information from both domestic and foreign sources. Gontal's intelligence agencies are adept at infiltrating enemy ranks, intercepting communications, and uncovering plots against the nation. They employ skilled interrogators, code-breakers, and analysts to extract valuable information and provide strategic advantage.


Gontal was a kingdom of evil warlords and chieftains, long defeated by the knights of Arasil in the year 250 AB, however many countries that were left there to reside, had always had to fight incursions and uprising from this evil land.   In the year 1,011 AB, Ailéno the terrible had emerged from the destroyed demi-plane and convinced many people in his silver tongue to join him, overthrowing 7 kingdoms and uniting them under his rule as the undisputed leader of the world.   It should be noted that the Arasilians had a kingdom there aswell, however due to to a feud between them and The Silver Chalice - no reinforncement has come to help the fledging kingdom, who thought it could win with their superior might.


Gontal boasts a formidable military force that is well-trained, disciplined, and highly organized. The nation maintains a standing army comprising skilled soldiers, elite warriors, and specialized units. Gontal's military strength lies in its combined arms approach, with a balanced mix of infantry, cavalry, archers, and siege engines. However, each province also has an army of its own, but the standing army of the Dark Lord of Gontal is far more superior.

Trade & Transport

Gontal enjoys a thriving trade network that spans across regions as it is the center of the continent. The nation is strategically located near major trade routes, which allows it to engage in extensive commerce. The nation exports a variety of goods, including high-quality textiles, iron and steel products, fine craftsmanship and slaves.   The main routes of trade of Gontal, are with their neighbors of Lindar Tribes, Holy State of Aluda'ar (Though tension are very high there) - The Vales of Ameros and the neighboring Dead Lands of Esha are the main route of trades with Abaisgar and the sea.   While the Kingdom of Arasil, Chancellery of Rhovasil Dwarf kingdom of Khazad-Ram, and the Elven Kingdoms of Amon-Thal and Eryndor are trying to block all trade there - The Dark Lord of Gontal has made sure that trade would not be blocked. Even The Bafigron Empire is reluctant, but still letting many of their vassals and private enterprises trade with Gontal - Fearing that the Gontalians would join the Vales of Ameros in open war with them.     Not known to many except the highest subterfuge since 1,050 and maybe before, it is rumored that higher ranking officals are commencing trade across many unknown places, rumored to be other continents. A document from the Howlers, did indeed confirm that since 1,050 - Gontal have renewed again their trade with Lond Ebon. It was done so, subsequent to calibrating their portals after the network of the spies of Gontal, had indeed confirmed in Octoland that Lond Ebon, survived and had relocated to Epeoris.
Founding Date
250 AB
Geopolitical, Country
Ruling Organization
Major Exports
Gontal is blessed with abundant natural resources, which contribute to its economic strength. The nation has vast mineral deposits, including iron ore, coal, and precious metals, which fuel its metalworking and manufacturing industries. Gontal's conquered fertile lands support extensive agriculture, producing grains, fruits, vegetables, and livestock. Additionally, the nation possesses rich timber reserves, enabling a thriving woodworking industry. These resources provide Gontal with self-sufficiency and the ability to export surplus goods.
Official Languages
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Notable Members
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