The Silver Chalice Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Silver Chalice

This order was founded way before the founding of the Kingdom of Arasil, though it held only one branch back then.   These order is divided into two sections, one is the material and the spiritual, both are governed by the Viceroy of Arasil:  

The Knightly Order

  1. The Order of the Silver Crown
    The Lowest ranking of the knighthood. Those knights are mainly the officers of the army and the regular army.
  2. The Order of the Golden Swan
    This is the middle ranking of the knighthood, they are mostly diplomats and judges and incharge of maintaining the order in the civil meaning.
  3. The Order of the Platinum Lion
    This is the highest ranking of the knighthood, they are the champions of the gods and incharge of whole areas

The Monastic, Arcane and Priestly Order

  1. Silver Robes of the Circlet
    The lowest ranking of the order. These order combine all the spiritual and knowledge of the arcane into one section of the Order of the chalice, as the teaching of Edrahil say that all should be one. The silver robes, in contrast to the knighthood, accept all without any oaths into the order and they treat them all as students.
  2. Seekers of the Golden Dragon
    The Seekers of the Golden Dragon, are taking some of the vows of the knights voluntarily, however they are not required.
  3. Robes of the Platinum Conclave
    Those Robes, are the most important and most skilled spell users in the kingdom, accumulating knowledge from Sophia-Hold and the other races among them. They have worked hard to achieve this and holding the duchies and kingdoms together.


The Order is divided by three branches

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