The League of Gnomir Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The League of Gnomir

The League of Gnomir is kind of a mystery for the world. Engimatic, except maybe for the drug cartel they had over developed over the last millenia.   The League of Gnomir is protected by large natural mountains-range, but is ever increasingly smaller due to raids of Confederacy of Siril for drugs.


It is was meticulously recorded the banishment of gnomes from the feywild in the last millenias so they are the newest civilized humanoid creatures to come from other planes to Theras in approximately. The Gnomes recite that they had each had 49 portals, that each was opened for 1 day for a vanguard and explorers to explore while the rest of gnomes had to wait a year again for the portals to open again for 1 day. Each of the gnomes had to divulge which portals they have to choose – some of the gnomes used the year for arguing with the feywild creatures to let them stay, while their arguments came to no fruition.   Some of the gnomes tried to divine whether by magical means or trading with outsiders the information of the outside world, even reaching to the elves there. Out of 49 portals, only out of 30 came gnomes back to the feywild to convince the gnomes to come with them. It should be noted that the 6 last portals out of the 49 had no survivors to come – so the feys had allowed the gnomes to play a game of humor or a game of chance to convince them to choose again out of the 30.   Some of the gnomes tried to divine whether by magical means or trading with outsiders the information of the outside world, even reaching to the elves there. Out of 49 portals, only out of 30 came gnomes back to the feywild to convince the gnomes to come with them. It should be noted that the 6 last portals out of the 49 had no survivors to come – so the feys had allowed the gnomes to play a game of humor or a game of chance to convince them to choose again out of the 30.   If a family of gnome failed the test, the feys had in their mischievous nature thrown them into the skies, seas for their amusements of Rakion.   The more fortunate and luckiest one, had chosen wisely in areas where gnomes had established settlements into control, the less fortunate ones came into the underdark. The Gnomes then begun wandering the world.   As the Gnomes came into Rakion, they had an interesting relationships with the Old Ansko Empire – a relationship they keep to this day with both Grand Empire of Arkolion and Kingdom of Anska. The Dragonborn had loved the sense of humour of the gnomes and their creativity, often creating marvels of mechanical and magical nature. As a gift for their expertise and craftmanship in their land and help of stabilizing portals, the dragonborn gifted the gnomes with numerous lands both in Rakion and other continents where the gnomes had settled.  
Delving into the chemical expertise
By the year 2,533 BB the gnomes had come ninto a new hobby of developing drugs and chemicals, whether for creational use, healing, magical properties and other effects and the Gnomes are most infamous for being drug dealers or pharma products that some are illegal and some are necessary.

Foreign Relations

The Gnomes have trades with their neighbors and especially with The Rich Shore of Abaisgar which hold many distribution rights for the drugs.   The Most raging and illegal drugs, are drugs that allow the user to channel primal magic, divine or arcane magic. Those drug usually allow for the users to awaken their bloodline, having their drugs most wanted in the The Leylands of Graile.   There is a drug in the Bafigron Empire that is highly sought as catalyst for divine prophecy and epiphany, allowing the user to divine into the planes.
Founding Date
7,544 BB
Major Exports
The League is most reknown for exporting drug and mind influencing products. Most governments do find the necessity of the herbs and medicinal products essential to their population and military capabilities. This export is most definately held by Flandal Steelskin and Segojan Earthcaller clergy.
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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