Yesugei Character in Theras | World Anvil


Yesugei is the Hantzuistic god of might. Also known as "Battle Father" and "Lord of the Great Warclan", Yesugei is associated with physical strength, martial prowess, and courage. Though historically Yesugei was a minor god, his status and importance increased significantly in recent years, together with the annoitment of God King Biylhosten Ashnokovy.   Yesugei is seen as a powerful and somewhat unpredictable figure. His followers revere him for his strength and prowess, but also fear his potential wrath if he is offended or angered. He is seen as a god aggression rather than protection, embodying the idea that the best defense is a strong offense.

Tenets of Faith

Strength above all: Yesugei demands that his followers prioritize physical strength and combat skill above all else. He sees weakness as a flaw and values only those who are strong and able to hold their own in battle.   Courage in battle: Yesugei prizes courage and valor in battle, and demands that his followers fight fearlessly even in the face of overwhelming odds. He sees cowardice as a grave offense. Soldiers of the Yokun Empire that worship Yesugei are known to be impossible to capture, as they relentlessly attack their subduers even when they are unarmed and surrounded. One such example was Mojigin Khanboroldi, who kept attacking Dara the Deathless even as he overwhelmed by his undead army.   Respect for one's opponents: Yesugei demands that his followers respect their opponents in battle. He sees dishonorable behavior, such as mutilating the bodies of fallen foes or attacking the defenseless, as blasphemy.    

Ikh Taşıma

The Ikh Taşıma is a ritual performed in Yesugei's honor, most commonly by porters, but also by devout worshippers. During this ritual, the porters gather at a designated spot and begin to lift heavy weights, such as large rocks or bags of sand, onto their shoulders; some wear a special robe made of lead called Tugalkusun. They then carry the weights across a predetermined course that spans 39 kilometers, often through rough terrain or over steep hills, over a period of three days.   The Ikh Taşıma concludes with the offering the weights they carried as a sacrifice to the Lord of the Tegrandt, throwing them into a bonfire. Those found worthy by Yesugei will find their offering gone, consumed by the divine flames; those he deemed worthy yet lacking will find their offerings melted; if their offering is untouched as the flames subside, they have been rejected. Those rejected must go through the Ikh Taşıma up to two days later, and repeat it until they are found completely worthy; they might choose not to do so, though if they do they may never make another attempt.
Battle Father;
Lord of the Tegrandt;
Divine Classification
True Neutral
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Physical Strength, Resolve, Self Improvement, Bellicosity, Anger, Sportsmanship
Chaos (Riot), Community (Cooperation), Destruction (Rage), Glory, Law (Loyalty), Strength, War
Three muscular arms grasping each other by the Wrist.
Barbarians, Warriors, Wrestlers, Porters, Athletes, Hantzu Pantheists
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
"Diplomatic Means", (Greatclub)
Holy Days


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