Battle of Fallen Angels Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

Battle of Fallen Angels

Angriff der Engel, which is short for Battle of Fallen Angels was a war that erupted in the first year of the Gods War, when the planes and gods began invading the plane, overwhelming the forces of Ervenius, his holy kingdom, Heiligstes König Reich Celtira.   The Battle went long for over many years, ranging all along the Vales of Ameros, Bayjan Bafigorn Empire, Dunklandervon Gontal and öLond Celtira, until the Celestial Hebdomad had decided to lure the forces of evil to öLond Celtira, where they unleashed a powerful magic, using high elven mages and the divine powers of the gods in order to trap Heiligstes König Reich Celtira and the invading armies in a demi-plane, where the angels could defeat the armies of evil.

The Conflict


This war had many prior skirmishes and battles over the whole of rakion. Events that went on the folklore that credited huge and devastating battles all over Rakion and sometimes the other continents.


The Destruction of öLond Celtira.


Heiligstes König Reich Celtira was destroyed entirely.

Historical Significance


The Sages speculate that the celestial powers were already losing and as such they trapped the creatures of evil in a plane where they can be defeated forever (Like their own plane) and where the celestial power regenate like the upper planes. However, things went wary and the battling forces never came back.   There are rumors about 100 celestials that emerged in the year 1,011 AB, where the Dark Lord of Gontal, emerged and took control of the raging 7 countries that had thought that Gontal was only a place in legends and as such resurrected this evil legacy of Gontal to life.
Start Date
899 AB
Ending Date
910 AB
Conflict Result
Devastating defeat of the lower planes and the lost of Heiligstes König Reich Celtira


Celestial Powers

Led by




Devil Powers

Led by




Demonic Forces

Led by





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